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Old Nov 26th, 2002, 03:22 PM   #10
Dark Angel
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Joined: Feb 2002
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Dark Angel is on a distinguished road
I tend to find it was only the fans who have the patience and intelligence of a 5 yr old that didn't like MGS2 cos of the codec skipped them to actually play, therefore completely missing the whole point of the story

Anyway here's number 4....

Chapter 4

Snake exited the room slipping through the SEAL attack team that had entered the floor. He slowly made his way down a long stairwell, it seem endless, but led Snake to believe he was heading towards where the sub since he was going deeper into the structure.

Finally, after making his way down the stairs at what seem like forever, he could smell an aquatic smell. Also, faintly he could hear water splashing against a large obstacle. The sound of voices, and traffic could also be heard. Snake slowed down his paced, in could see in view his current objective, as he made his way down to it's level.

Before him sitting in a few feet of water sat the sub, it was dark black sub. On the side there was numbering that read "S-19." There were many lights above making hiding place a minimum where it was stationed. Snake could see a huge shutter door that looked as if it would move through. Suddenly a voice on the intercom in the dock spoke a voice.

"All personnel get to your stations, S-19 we be departing in two minutes, bow doors close a minute before departure."

Snake knew he would have to enter through the bow hatch, because the lid hatch would leave him to open to being spotted. He would have to move quickly as well, because time defiantly wasn't his friend as always.

Snake got out of his hiding position and with ease, he silently crept by patrolling sentries around the bow hatch. Once inside he could see little, and he find the darkest corner to hide in. He laid against it breathing in a sigh of relief, and once again the intercom speaker spoke.

"Bow hatch closing....S-19 will be departing in approximately one minute."

Snake could see the bow hatch closing, the air tight hatch closed adding more darkness to that area of the sub.

Snake: "Otacon, I'm on the sub."

Otacon: "Good, Snake but we don't know where that things headed"

Snake: "I know....I'll find out I guess."

Otacon: "I just hope what you find isn't bad"

Snake: "Whatever happens don't worry, I'll find a way."

Otacon: "Heh as always Snake..ok good luck."

Snake rested his head against the cool metallic surface of the sub wall. He pulled out a cigarette and rested in the side of his mouth, then he struck a match lighting it. He puffed in a deep long puff, before releasing the smoke through his nose. The feeling relaxed his nerves a bit. He closed his eyes and continued to puff the cigarette as the sub prepared to leave.

"S-19 ready for departure, open Gate 1A in section 112."

The releasing of the locks from the gate could be heard throughout the cargo bay. It made an old creaking noise as it open. The sub begin to power up it's motors as the gate slowly begin to open. The gate finally reached it's optimum point of opening. S-19 sluggishly went through the opening. Entering into the sea, a raging storm that had just begun not to long ago. The heavens crack of thunder and the lightning impaired the vision of those who look at it. On the bridge of the sub stood Ocelot in a naval officers uniform, he was using his codec at the moment.

Ocelot: "It seems Snake may have boarded the sub"

"How do you know for sure?"

Ocelot: "I know, it was the only way off that Island, I'm a betting man, and I put my money on that Snake got on this sub."

"That's perfect, everything is going as plan then"

Ocelot: "That's right, as always."

"Excellent, now head to the location with the disc."

Ocelot: "I'm on my way boss. We will arrive soon"

Ocelot sat down in his commanding chair and smirk as the sub began to submerge into deeper water.

Snake got up from his resting place and begin to make his way through the sub to find clues on where this sub was headed. As he made his way deeper into the sub, he struck gold when he saw two sentries conversing.

"So, the big guns are actually going down there" The first sentry said.

"Yeah they are, and they will go through with the plan I heard." The second sentry responded.

"What plan?"

"You mean you don't know?" The second sentry said surprised


"Listen the deep underwater facility we are headed to, is the place where the plan is going to take place."

"I figured that, but what's the plan about?"

"I dunno but it's important, I heard there are a large stockpile of nuclear weapons down there, as well a level 5 top secret mercenary group"

"You mean!" The first sentry eyes widen.

"Yes them, well we better get to our patrols"

"Yeah ok."

They both walked off and Snake stood there wondering what exactly could they be talking about.

Snake immediately called Otacon on the codec

Snake: "Otacon, it seems this sub is headed to an underwater know anything?"

Otacon: "An underwater facility hmm I dunno."

Snake: "I also heard there is nuclear weapon stockpile there and some mercenary group as well."

Otacon: "That's odd."

Snake: "Very----I also wonder if any Metal Gear model is there, that wouldn't make things easier."

Otacon: "Yes, I know. This wasn't suppose to happen, everything is screwed up."

Snake: "I know, but we are use to these kind of things now..."

Otacon: "You're right, you'll just have improvise."

Snake: "Whatever is truly going on, I'll find out at the facility."

Otacon: "Ok Snake, be well."

As the sub made it's way across the deep depths of water, Snake wondered what would be waiting for him at the facility he was headed. One thing was for sure, he was a tiny spec in a deep plan that was to unfold.
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