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Old Nov 3rd, 2002, 11:49 AM   #5
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Andi is on a distinguished road
81. From the donut shop in #76 head west and make the first left. Follow
this road and make the first left. Make a right at the T intersection
(should be facing the water's edge before you make this turn). Hold R2
and you should be able to see as you pass a grassy area, then a parking
lot, then a grassy area, and so forth. This package is in the 3rd parking
lot you come to.

82. From the donut shop in #76 head west and make the first left. Follow
this road and make the first left. Make a right at the T intersection
(should be facing the water's edge before you make this turn). If you keep
left on this road you should enter the docks area. There is a ship to your
right as you enter. Board it. This package is tucked away in a corner on the
east side of the ship. It's best to board from the north ramp and head south,
then make the first left you see. Then head to the east rail and then just
head south.

83. Head south from the ship in #82. Just follow the road. Keep right but
don't turn. Follow the road and soon you should be heading north. Once this
happens watch your right side. You should see a sign for the Vice City Port
Authority. The package is right under that sign. Go east and then around the
wall, and grab it.

84. Get a helicopter. (See the "Where can I find a helicopter?" section at
the bottom of this document.) Your target is the southwest ship in the dock.
Make sure to land it such a way that you can get off the ship using the heli.
If you get stuck here you pretty much have to kill yourself in order to
leave. The package is in front of a metal door.

85. From the donut shop in #76 head west and make the first left. Follow
this road and make the first right. Follow this road and you should
eventually see a large hanger on the left with a door. Head inside and
make a hard left. You should be facing a little corner office. Inside you
will find package #85.

86. Head back to the dock right in front of the ship from #84. Jump onto
the ledge right on the waters edge that is slightly raised above the ground
and walk on it east. You should come to a large open area. I mean, this
area is huge. Package #86 is in the far northwest corner of the area.

Only one area left to go... excited?

Escobar International Airport

I recomend getting all the packages from here on in one go. They are all
pretty close together and travel time is pretty short with a helocoptor.
You need one for many of the packages and I just think it's better to keep
it around rather than go get a new one. It's all a matter of personal
prefrence though, there are always tons of ways to accomplish anything
in this game.

87. Just west of the hanger where package #85 was found is the cargo
terminal of the airport. This package is on the roof, and there is no easy
way up there. So get yourself a helicopter. (See the "Where can I find a
helicopter?" section at the bottom of this document.) There appears to be
a way to jump up to this building as there are many ramps to the west, it
also seems like you might need a bike to pull this off. If you try this and
it works for you please let me know. I recomend keeping the helicopter for
the next several packages.

88. If you still have the helicopter from #87 then great, land on the
southernmost helipad and pick up this package. You can easily get here
without the helicopter though. From the airport entrance just head south.
There are not a lot of landmarks here to guide you by, but the pads are easy
to spot. Remember, it's the southernmost helipad.

89. You don't need a helicopter for this one, but if you still have it from
the last package, it makes this much easier. There are three runways at the
airport. Two of them run north-south, and one runs northeast-southwest. Head
to the northeast end of the northeast-southwest runway. There are two hangars
to the southeast of this runway. The southwesternmost of these two has this
package on the roof. If that seems too complicated, stand at the building
entrance to the cargo terminal from #87. This hanger is visible to your left
if you are looking north. You could use a vehichle to jump onto this hanger,
but again a helicopter is MUCH more easy.

90. Jutting out of the main terminal, towards the south, are two large
loading bridges. Those are the white 'arms' they use to put you on the plane.
This package is on the very tip of the east extention, which can easily be
reached by helicopter. There is another way to get up here though. You could
find a packer, which is basically a large portable ramp, and park it next to
one of the smaller extentions, then get a vehicle and jump onto the extention,
but the helicopter is just so much easier, considering you need it for at
least one package in this area... why not use it?

Congrats! TANK! One more prize to go!

91. Remember in #90 I described two loading bridges? Well now we are
concerned with the other one. The package isn't on it though, it's on a
plane on the other side of it. You can't land in the same place you did on
#90 for some reason. It's mostly intangable. In fact, there are a few parts
of this extention that are intangable so I didn't risk any of it. What I did
was pull a packer (basically large ramps on wheels) up to the connection
between this plane and the loading bridge. Then I just walked up the packer
onto the connection, and jumped on the plane. I expirmented with several
methods of getting this package using a helicopter, and couldn't get them to
work. It also looks feasable to use a nearby ramp to jump a bike up onto the
bridge, but the packer is easier I'm sure.

92. It's almost directly under #91. It's under the same plane, very easy to

93. Directly west of the plane from #91 & #92 there is a plane halfway out of
a hanger. #93 is under the wing.

94. North of #93 there is a fire station. It has an antenna on top, it's
impossible to miss. This package is on the west side of the building.

95. Now head inside the main terminal. Either entrance is fine. Just follow
the large window around to the right. This package is where the window begins
on the right hand side.

96. Now you will need a helicopter again. (You can of course reference the
section "Where can I find a helicopter?" at the bottom.) This package is on
top of the main terminal. The terminal is basically three hills and two
valleys. This package is western valley. Land carefully so that you can keep
the helicopter as you procede, it just makes things easier for you.

97. Go back into the main terminal. Climb the escalator and enter terminal
8-1. There are only two terminals so if you find the wrong one just go to
the other. Enter and go as far as you can. At the dead end turn around and
you should see this package.

98. As you exit the airport and head to the east there are a series of
billboards The package is behind those billboards... but from your current
perspective they are behind a fence. You can get back there many ways.

1. The long way. - Go around the fence. It takes a while as the fence turns
into a wall. If you want to do it this way head south to the edge of the
fence, then east through the grassy area. Cut north and then immediatly
west once the wall ends. Now follow the billboards north to the end and
you should reach the grassy area with the package.
2. Fly. - The best way, if you still have the helicopter.
3. Jump. - There is a gap in the fence, but you need to jump a bike up there,
the slanted wall acts as a ramp.

99. This one is at 'northeast airport' as it has been called. The entrance is
oppiste the entrance to the actual airport. Head around the back and you
should see two planes. The package in question is under the plane to the west.

And, finally...

100. This one is pretty easy actually. North of the 'northeast airport' is the
army base. This package is behind it's sign. If you have trouble finding it I
suggest using your helicopter.

And you get... a load of money and the mystery vehicle... THE HUNTER!

Now, SAVE!

Questions Answered
Where can I find a helicopter?

There is a police station on the north side of the second island that has one
on the roof. Just climb the stairs behind the building, go up the ramp, and
it's yours.

After you get package #90 you can always pick up a Sea Sparrow behind the
Diaz mansion. I like the Sea Sparrow best because you can change radio
stations, and it has a nice wide landing base.

What is the difference between this guide and the Brady guide?

The Brady guide does an excellent job of telling you where each package is
found, but it doesn't tell you how to get to any of them. Also, it does have
a few errors, they are very minor.
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