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Old Oct 23rd, 2002, 07:44 AM   #2
Banned Member
Joined: Apr 2002
Location: Third Place
Age: 45
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Andi is on a distinguished road
Flying The Dodo

Before You Start Flying.

This section tells you some quick things to do before you start flying;
this will make flying easier and more enjoyable.
-Turn off the radio - This is the first thing I do once I get in the
Dodo. This makes concentration easier and allows you to hear key elements in taking off (covered later in the FAQ).
- Find a suitable view - Whichever view you use while you are driving,
I recommend you use for flying. The only one you cannot use during take off is
the first-person view. You must be able to see the entire plane while taking
- Decide which control you want to use (Analog Stick or the D-pad) -
This does not really matter, I use the D-pad, but you may feel more comfortable using the Analog Stick.


(PS2) When I give directions to press, I will be talking about using the D-pad. The controls on the Analog Stick for latitude (up and down) are opposite the D-pad. Therefore, if I say press down, you would press up on the Analog Stick. Right and left directions are the same for both. (PC) The latitude directions for the PC version are a little bit different than the PS2 ones. In this FAQ, when I say hold DOWN, on the PC you would hold Up (i.e. Point the Dodo's nose DOWN).

There are two main places to take off from the airport. There is the runway that the 767s use and the one that is not used. I, personally, like to use the one the 767s use as the other runway is more difficult to take off from due to the wind directions. Do not worry about crashing into the other planes as they take-off/land as you will go straight through them. Get on the runway, and start backing up. When the camera starts to go behind the plane, hold R2 and L2. This should give you a view that is slightly lower than the regular view.

Follow these steps for easy take-off:
- Face the Dodo towards Staunton Island. Hold R1 so that the engine
will be revved up and ready to go.
- When you are ready, release R1 and immediately hold DOWN. The Dodo
will gradually gain speed.
- As you are gaining speed, there will be two key signals that tell you
that the Dodo is ready to fly. You will see sparks coming from the bottom of
the Dodo and you will hear it scraping the ground. (If you are having trouble
seeing the sparks, switch to the side view) Whenever you see or hear this,
release down. DO NOT PRESS UP. The Dodo will begin to gain altitude.
- As soon as you release down, hold L2 or R2 so that you get the side
view. Continuously TAP down so that the nose of the Dodo is level with the
ground (or ocean.) DO NOT HOLD DOWN, for this will cause you to do a nose-dive straight into the ground. Not too much fun. You should now be flying relatively parallel to the earth heading for Staunton Island.
- I have had many letters because people get confused with the D
section above. This is an alternate way to level out the Dodo:
Make sure that the view is in the second outside view. Not the one that
is far away or the one that is close up; the one in the middle. Whenever you
see the red part of the nose come into view, tap down until you cannot see it
anymore. Repeat until the nose does not come up anymore.
You should now be flying relatively parallel to the earth heading for
Staunton Island.


Now that you are able to take off, you must now learn how to keep it
up.... so to speak. You will never press Up; again, you will NEVER press up
while stabilizing. Doing so will cause you to shoot up in the air and stall
out. In addition, you must continually hold X while flying. Not doing so will
cause you to lose altitude and crash. If you are going to be flying for a long
period then you should rest your thumbs at the loading screens between cities.
- If the Dodo starts to go down, let it do so. It will eventually catch the draft again and start to rise. When it does so, tap down continuously to get it leveled again with the earth.
- If you are not losing altitude, but the Dodo is shaking, then it is
because of the winds. LIGHTLY TAP either right or left, and this will get the
wings parallel with the earth. One of the most important facts that I cannot stress enough is DO NOT PANIC. It may seem that the Dodo is going to fly straight into the ground, but it will not if you stabilize it right. Calmly wait for it to descend and then it will rise again. Calmly tap down and get it level with the ground, then you will be fine.


Now that you are in the air, you are flying level, you suddenly face a new
problem... a building. Granted, that the clipped wings of the Dodo makes
turning extremely difficult, it still can be done. There are some basic rules
you should always follow while turning:
- Do not hold right or left, simply TAP - If you do hold right or left,
you could end up spinning out of control. Only once you mastered turning is
when you can hold right or left. I would not even call it holding, more like a
long tap.
- Correct the over steer - If you are turning but you have turned the
Dodo too much, you must correct this with the opposite direction you just
pressed. For example, if you wanted to turn left, and the Dodo turns left too
far, then you must tap right to get it flying straight again.
- Know your turns - In order to turn successfully without crashing, you
must give yourself enough time to turn. Trying to turn the Dodo too quickly
will make you crash. Make sure you know where you want to go and any obstacles that could hinder your flying. Turning is not difficult once you get use to it. Just always remember to TAP and never hold.

Gaining Altitude

Now that you have all the basics of Dodo flying down, you will want to be
able to fly higher so that you can explore. You should only try the techniques
in this section if you have mastered the ones above. Trying to do this too
early in your Dodo flying lessons can cause you to crash. I have divided this
section up into two different parts: The easy way to gain altitude and the more
difficult way to gain altitude.

The easiest way to gain altitude is to fly around the coast of the
islands. As you are flying, the Dodo will constantly be gaining altitude on it
has own. Let the Dodo gain altitude for a couple of seconds and then tap down to level it out. It will eventually fly at its highest; this is where you do
not have to worry about losing altitude during turning. This height is roughly
the same height as the top of the Callahan Bridge.

The more difficult way of gaining altitude is what I call IAG (Immediate
Altitude Gain.) This way comes into play when you have to gain enough altitude in order to avoid a building or other tall structure. In order to do this you must do a two-second up tap. The Dodo's nose will fly up into the air and will gain altitude immediately. You cannot let the Dodo gain too much altitude for too long of a time. You should not let the Dodo gain altitude for more than two seconds consecutively. As soon as these two seconds are up, press down to level the Dodo. This technique can only be used to gain about 30 feet instantly. If you try to gain more than the Dodo is capable of doing, you WILL stall out. When you stall out, you will lose all the altitude you had gained and you will lose about 30 more feet from your original altitude.

Do's And Don't Of Flying

- Hold down during take-off.
- TAP down to correct altitude.
- TAP right or left to turn.
- Have fun.
- Always hold the X (accelerate) button!

- NEVER press up, except when landing and performing IAG.
- NEVER hold anything.
- Turn too quickly.
- Release the gas.
- DO NOT FLY OVER UNIQUE JUMPS. Doing so will cause you to crash and you will have to start over.
- DO NOT FLY OFF THE EDGE OF THE MAP. Doing so will crash your game, and you will have to reset.
- Panic.

Or to gain lot's of Altitude do a nose dive !

Landing The Dodo

Unbelievably, landing the Dodo the proper way is harder to do than
take-off! This will require immense practice to perfect and is only recommended to veteran Dodo fliers. The best place to practice is at the runways at Francis International Airport. Take off from the same runway that you always take-off from, and make an immediate right turn as soon as you stabilize the Dodo. Turn the Dodo completely around so that you are facing the shorter runway that you did not take off from. Follow these steps:
- Let go of the gas. This slows you down and you will need your right
thumb later on.
- Make sure the Dodo is level after turning. If the Dodo is shaking to
the right and left, it makes landing extremely difficult.
- Hold up until the Dodo's nose is at least at a 45 degree angle
between it and the level of the ground.
- The Dodo will slowly begin to descend, but DO NOT LET THE NOSE GO BELOW 45 DEGREES. Tap and hold up as you need to.
- The Dodo's back wheels will eventually touch down. Hold R1 and square
to come to a complete stop. This will take a few times to perfect. Do not get discouraged.

I use Triangle while slightly pullin back on the analog! this works every time for me !
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