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Old Oct 14th, 2002, 04:03 AM   #3
Enemy or Ally?
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The secret movie really was confusing, but it kicked ass IMO. Well, my thoughts:

I thought it could be Riku up on the building and Sora on the ground but like you guys said, the line asked "Where's Sora?" so that possibility was gone. But then again, it could also not. Maybe Sora changed his identity to cause people not to look for him know...become a wanderer or something. Either that, or he was consumed by the Heartless, which caused him to have that black Keyblade. And, at the end of the game, Kairi was waiting for Sora to return to Destiny Islands and in the secret movie, that woman standing there with the long hair could be Kairi still waiting for Sora, which means that something must've happened to Sora along the way of returning, which leads up to what I said above. Aaahh...but then that line "Where's Sora" completely throws that theory outta the water. And what you guys said about Kairi's hair being red but that woman with the long hair had a dark Kairi got older, her hair color darkened to a deep red. It does happen sometimes.
Another possibilty would be that the guy on the building is Ansem, that's pretty good, but the guy looked fairly young, so again it's also might not be a possibility.
If it was actually Riku on the ground and Ansem on the building, then how would Riku just suddenly have brown hair?
Another possibility would be that Sora is not actually the main character of the next game. Like, that guy on the ground is this new guy trying to search for Sora and the guy on the building is Riku. Which would explain the "Where's Sora?" line.

Aaaahhhhhh....this is sooo confusing.
MAD, I heard that they were actually preparing to make a this secret ending could be a trailer.
D4H: I really, really like your theory about the town and the Disney characters in Squaresoft worlds...that is a very likely possibility, since that town in the movie was very dark and futuristic.

Now, I'm gonna try to analyze the lines speeding by that D4H posted:

"Door of light" : Well...the door of light was the KH door...

"Behind the darkness" : Could mean the true evil behind the "evil" in KH, which was actually false.

"Heartless" : Heartless

"Endless" : The neverending spread of evil or darkness???

"Nobody" : The new villains for KH2??? Or the people who existed in the worlds of KH???

"13" : Uh.....have no idea

"We have come for you, my leige." : Have no idea...

"You are the source of all heartless." : Ansem or Riku...or maybe even Sora????

"Sora...why?" : A question of curiousity or could be a confused, panicked question if Sora happens to be evil....(I hope not)

"It's not over yet." : The journey of Sora's???

"Maybe our journey meant nothing after all...": Could be Sora saying that, nearly giving up due to the power of the Heartless or the new evil....or finding everything becoming hopeless.

"Who is Nobody, you ask? They are the nonexistent ones." : Maybe the people of KH who actually don't exist, as opposed to in the second game, the people of the new world which is actually the "real" world is actually the real people.

"His voice...I don't hear it anymore." : Could be Kairi speaking of Sora.

"Is this the answer you have been looking for?" : The new villain asking Sora or someone asking him.

"Sora?" : Could be Kairi.

"What took you so long, Kairi!?" : Umm......could be Sora asking or it could be Riku asking if he needed to speak to Kairi in order to find Sora (if he's missing, that is).

"What is this place?" : General question regarding a new world.

"You are not my concern." : The new villain or someone who's trying to stop the new evil and saying this to Sora. Or, it could be evil Sora saying that to Kairi.

"Your highness! But Why?!" : Ehhh....the highness could be behind the whole new plot or it could be that the highness said something bizzare.

"Can we do it? Against that?": Could be Sora asking regarding a threatening enemy.

"We must find him." : Could be Riku saying that to Kairi or someone else about Sora. Or it could be Kairi saying that.

"We'll go together." : Could be Sora saying that to Donald and Goofy or his new gang. Or it could be Kairi saying that to Riku to find Sora. Or it could be Kairi saying that to Sora.....*tears hair out*

"This is the world in its true form." : Like D4H said, the world in the movie is actually the real world, while the Disney worlds in KH were just fantasy.

Aaaahhhh....I don't know.
"You're a louse Roger Smith" ~ R. Dorothy Wayneright

"Have a little priest" ~ Mrs. Lovett

"Grim Reaper, you could not get the women? What was the problem? Didn't you reap them with your grim reaping equipment?"

"I tried that but the women, they all know hopscotch" ~ Eddie Izzard

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