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Old Aug 23rd, 2002, 05:57 PM   #29
Infernal Mass
Joined: Apr 2002
Posts: 2,385
Infernal Mass is on a distinguished road
here are some more pics.

motorcyles, boats and helicopters..oh my


"As any Tomb Raider historian will tell you the sequels that follow a hit game aren't always known for their continued innovation. With that in mind, last year's groundbreaking Grand Theft Auto 3 wasn't just a hit. It was a record-breaking runaway smash. It is the most successful PS2 game ever in both the US and Europe. It has sold over six million units so far and it hasn't even been released in Japan yet.

So when Rockstar invited us to take an exclusive look at the follow-up to Grand Theft Auto 3 we wouldn't have been surprised if it was basically the same game with a few tweaks. It isn't.

Two minutes after walking into the room our jaws hit the floor and stayed there. Welcome to Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, the latest chapter of Rockstar's carjacking crime wave. It has the same control scheme as GTA3 but literally every other aspect of the earlier game has been deconstructed, overhauled, amped up and reinstalled bigger and deeper than before. Not only is Grand Theft Auto: Vice City going to be every bit as good as GTA3, it's going to blow it off the road.

It's amazing just how much developer Rockstar North (don't worry, it's still the DMA guys, they just changed the name) has managed to accomplish in a single year. It starts with Vice City itself: a glamorous (yet undeniably corrupt), slightly twisted version of Miami in the mid-1980's, complete with ridiculous amounts of pastel clothes, palm trees, sports cars and neon lighting. It's between two and two and a half times as large as Liberty City was, and the entire map is open from the moment you start the game. No more waiting for bridges to be repaired. Moreover it will boast a much greater geographical diversity, with terrain ranging from downtown areas jammed with towering skyscrapers to neon lit boulevards and run-down slums. Not to mention swampland, the ocean and a whole network of streams and rivers...

But what fans really wanted was to be able to go inside the various buildings in Vice City. Their prayers have been answered. There will be at least 50 interior locations including a bank, shopping mall, coffee shop (good for hiding out in) and night clubs packed with dancing and an airport jammed with ticket counters and customers. Most of these places will be interactive as well. For instance: at one point in our demo the main character went into a store and swapped his hawaiin shirt and jeans for a bright blue suit. And be sure to visit the remodeled and expanded Ammu-nation where we're told you can do the 'naughty' things you've always wanted to do (hel-lo gun store robbery)...

Rockstar has also addressed the other burning desire that GTA3 players had: the urge to drive on two wheels instead of 4. Yes easyrider, there are motorcycles in the game. Quite a few in fact, from Harley Davidson look-a-likes to sporty crotch rockets. There are also tons of new boats to drive around in various water ways including a coast guard cutter, a gigantic luxury sailboat and several flavors of speedboat. Dodo fans will be glad to hear that there are legitimately navigatable aircraft in the game now including a MASH type chopper and a small Cessna-like plane called a Skimmer that has pontoons enabling it to land on water. Of course, there are new cars and trucks as well, many inspired by the popular sports cars of the 80's.

Overall the number of jackable, drivable vehicles will top out over 100 more than twice as thick as GTA3's 40 vehicle roster. But more exciting than the numbers is the way that these new vehicles will help to expand gameplay. For example: you can not only do drive-byes from a motorcycle but you can shoot directly in front of you while riding one. Something that was simply impossible before. Also, Rockstar has promised that some of yur weapons will be usable from THE CHOPPER. Imagine sniping a target from 100 yards straight up or loading a plane full of explosives so you can bomb a boat right out of the bay. There is also more realism than before, you can now bail out of a moving vehicle and most vehicle's tires can be shot out, making them more difficult to control. Is there any doubt the police will eventually pull out road spike strips to try to take you down?

They'll need all of the help they can get too, because you'll definitely be packing serious heat. GTA3's 15 weapon arsenal has now grown to include over 40 entrees. These range from a basic knife to a powerful six-shooter that resembles a Colt python and on to a more destructive fare. Plus using them will be easier than ever thanks to an improved targeting system who's "reticule" will change color to tell you if your target is armed or not. You can now kneel to steady and improve your accuracy and even if that fails for you it's never too late to fall back onto what Rockstar describes as a 'cleaner smother' hand-to-hand combat system that promises more variety in punches and kicks.
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