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Old May 24th, 2002, 08:33 PM   #1
Esjay's Avatar
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Talking *MGS2 fanfic...*

I wrote this a few months ago and never continued it since nobody noticed at my old forum, but if people want me to I will continue it...I'm going to post each chapter of the story in seperate posts, so excuse my double posting please! Here's chapter one ^_^
MGS3:The Patriots

The night sky could clearly be seen over the city of New York. Not a single cloud was in the sky either, as the stars
could be seen as well. The moon lit up the city streets and made Manhatten look like a beautiful city...a beautiful city that
the Patriots were hiding on, somewhere. A man walked down the citry streets, being overshadowed by the many skyscrapers that
were packed among the city. The most notable two were the newly rebuilt Twin Towers, the World Trade Center that had been
attacked by terrorists so many years ago had already been rebuilt. The man looked up at the building and headed in it's
direction. Just as he was about to open the front door, he felt his left earlobe vibrate. He ran over and hid in between the
two towers, which were now connected at midpoint with a large walkway. He hid in the shadows of the two massive towers and
tapped his ear.

"Raiden, can you hear me?" A gruff voice called out.

"Snake?...Yeah, I hear you" The man answered.

"Snake, are you sure it's the World Trade Center?..." The same man asked

"Yeah, Otacon hacked into the Pentagon's database just to be sure, but there's no doubt about it" The man dubbed 'Snake'

"Snake, are you going to accompany me on this mission?" The man dubbed 'Raiden' asked.

"No, I don't think so. If word of me sneaking through the WTC got out, that would probably mean the end of Philanthropy
for good. Don't worry about it Raiden, this is an easy one.
Otacon suggests that Metal Gear is being developed somewhere in the basement floors of the building.
You should check there first. Getting inside is gonna be up to you" Snake replied

"...Ok Snake. But what if I get caught? Then what?"

"Well, if you do get caught in the middle of this mission, it means the end of you, Otacon, and myself. There are sentries
posted in the building though, that's been a nessecity ever since the attack. Do NOT get caught Raiden. I think you should
get inside now. Remember, you need to finish this thing before the night is over. If you need to, contact me with the Codec.
As you probably know, my freqency is 141.80. Contact me if you have any more questions about the mission. Good luck Raiden"

The man peeked around the corner of the massive building on the left,
and slowly opened the doors, raising his M9 tranquilizer, firing it at the receptionist at the desk before she could see him.
He slowly walked over to her, picking up a card key from out of her shirt pocket.
He put the card in his own pocket and concealed his M9, walking over to the entrance to the hallway which lead to the south
side of the building.
He peeked around the corner, jumping out with his gun held, holding the weapon to the back of a masked guard. The sentry
was carrying an M4 automatic rifle, but the weapon was not in the guard's hands anymore, or at least not where the guard
would be able to use it. The sentry began to turn around, but the man called Raiden immediately, and almost silently told
the guard to stand still. He aimed the barrel of the M9 towards the back of the guard's head and fired. The guard fell onto
his face and started to snore loudly as he breathed through his nose. Raiden picked up the guard's sleeping body and dragged
it over to the receptionist's desk, hiding it safely below the desk itself.

("....this shouldn't be too hard...") Raiden thought as his long, blonde hair russled behind him as he ran down the south-
-heading hallway.

Raiden made his way down the long, dark hallway. There were electronic doors on either side of him, but Raiden couldn't
enter either of them, as he needed a security level 2 keycard.
Just as he was about to walk past these doors, he heard voices coming from the door on the right. He pressed his ear up
against the door and listened carefully.

"Is it almost finished?" A familiar voice asked.

"...Yes, Metal Gear will be fully operational after just a short there anything else you need to know?" Another
familiar voice asked"

"Yes...Liquid's arm, where is it now?" The voice asked.

The other one hesitated.

"Hmm...can't tell me eh?...That's fine...I'm going to go down and check on Metal Gear's progress, you stay here and stop
anyone from getting in" The voice said as Raiden could now hear footsteps coming up to the door. Raiden quickly ran back
to the room that he had first come in to and flattened himself against the corner of the hallway, peeking around the corner,
seeing that there was no doubt that this man was Revolver Ocelot, the man that had worked for the Patriots and who was also
possesed by Liquid, Snake's brother's arm, which explained why he had been asked about it. Raiden began to slowly follow him,
but as he crossed the same room that Ocelot had come out of, he felt a cold and clammy hand grab his mouth and pull him into
the room. Raiden was thrown to the ground violently.

Raiden looked up, and saw that this other man was Vamp, from the Big Shell incident. Raiden had supposedly 'killed' Vamp
twice, but here he was, standing right in front of Raiden. His hair was still the same, long raven-black hair it was the
last time Raiden and Vamp had fought. His overcoat was black, but just like the one he wore in the Big Shell.

"I see that you are here to ruin our plans once again..." Vamp said as his toungue circled his lips, his sharp fangs being

"Well...we won't have to worry about you anymore...." Vamp said as he drew his knife and chuckled evilly.

Raiden looked around. He didn't have a weapon, although he and Vamp were in a fairly large room for an excecutive office,
and there would be plenty of room for Raiden and Vamp to fight, if Raiden had a weapon that is. Raiden looked around, scanning
the area. There wasn't a place to hide. He immediately contacted Snake on the codec.

"Snake!!" Raiden said with fear in his tone.

"What is it Raiden?" Snake asked

"Snake...Vamp...he's alive, we're in this room, he's gonna kill me Snake! What do I do!?" Raiden shouted.

"Calm down kid. If you're worried because you don't have any weapons, don't. You've got your arms and legs. Knock him out."
Snake replied, keeping his cool and calm tone.

Raiden cut the transmition and waited for Vamp to attack. Vamp spun around once and attempted to slice Raiden's mid-section.
Raiden leaped out of the way and while he was in the air, did a roundhouse kick and slammed his foot against Vamp's jaw,
sending him backwards a few feet. Vamp shook his head and put away his larger knife, drawing the smaller knives that he had
used before. He threw them quickly at Raiden, all being dodged except the last one, it graised Raiden's left arm, cutting
through his sneaking suit. Raiden let out a cry of pain and held his wound. Vamp once again drew his larger knife and leaped
towards Raiden, but missing again as Raiden rolled to the left, sweep kicking Vamp's shins, causing him to fall. Raiden took
a few steps back and waited for him to get back up. Just as he did, Raiden slammed his left and right fists into Vamp's jaws,
alternating between the two. He could feel Vamp's warm blood trickle through his knuckles as he cracked Vamp's jaw. Vamp
screamed and threw Raiden backwards, but still ignoring his pain. His jaw hadn't been broken, but close to it. He began
to throw his knives at Raiden, throwing everything he had. Raiden ran around to the side of Vamp as Vamp attempted to follow
Raiden's movements with his knives, but couldn't. Vamp felt Raiden's foot press against his back, and Vamp fell foward, landing
on his face, blood running down the sides of his mouth. He lifted himself up quickly and threw Raiden against the wall, running
out of the room, clutching his wounds.

Raiden was breathing heavily. He fell to his knees and contacted Snake.

"You alright kid?" Snake's voice asked.

"Yeah...I think so but...Snake I, I saw Ocelot here, in this building" Raiden replied.

"WHAT?!?" Snake exclaimed, yelling over the Codec.

"There's no doubt that Vamp and Ocelot are after Metal Gear. At least now we know for sure, that a Metal Gear is being
developed inside of that building" Snake said.

"No, Snake, the way they were talking, it sounded like they were actually behind the Metal Gear here, as though they were
behind it's assembly" Raiden said.

"Well, whatever it is, you still have to get rid of the Metal Gear that's in there. Getting rid of Ocelot and Vamp first would make
things easier though."

"Snake..." Raiden wasn't able to protest, as Snake had already ended the conversation.

"Damn..." Raiden cursed as he exited the room.
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