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Old May 7th, 2002, 08:47 PM   #9
The Jebster
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Location: Concord, MI
Age: 36
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jenova_jeb is on a distinguished road

Here's the rest of it. I would have liked to take more time but I had to have it finished in a certain amount of time for my english class.
Hope you guys like it.

When they reached their house, it was nearly 7:00 A.M. As they walked up the steps, Guy felt something like wind rushing past him. He almost lost his balance, but Chivel was standing behind him and steadied him.
"Whoa, man. What's up with your walking? Don't go so fast. They're just steps." Guy clumsily walked up the two remaining steps as his friends followed.

Their house was pretty nice, and that is very understandable due to all the thievery they had been involved in over the past couple of years.
The living room was at the front of the house. It had white carpet and creme colored walls. There was a couch and two lazy boy chairs in front of a big screen T.V. At the side of the television was a cabinet with glass doors. Inside it were DVDs, CDs, and a Playstation 2.
There were two doors at the far end of the room. One of them led to the Kitchen while the other led to the bathroom. Past the kitchen there were stairs which went to the "hide-out" room. Atleast that's what Chivel called it. Guy and Quistis both thought it sounded corny. In this room were all of their computers, guns and stealth clothing. The hallway with all of their rooms was through a door next to the computers.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to bed. I've had to much excitement for one night." Said Chivel.
"Yeah, that sounds pretty good to me too" replied Quistis. "What are you planning to do Guy?"
"I don't know... I think I'll go for a walk. I don't think I could sleep if I tried."
"Well, OK. You should probably put that pendant in the safe before you do anything else. We should leave it alone until we figure out exactly what it is." Quistis walked through the door and made her way up the stairs and to her room. Chivel stayed behind for a minute.
"Hey, Guy. Are you all right?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Are you sure? You don't look so good. I know you well enough to tell when something's wrong."
"No, really. I'm fine. I just need to think".
"All right, just don't forget. Me and Quistis, were here for ya, OK?"
"Thanks, Chivel."
Chivel playfully punched Guy on the shoulder and then headed up to his room. Guy looked down at the pendant hanging from the chain.
"It's such a small thing" he thought aloud. "How could it possibly have the power of doing something so big?" He put the pendant in his pocket and then grabbed his Jacket and a pop tart and walked out the door.

It was 7:30 now, and you could already tell there was going to be great weather for the rest of the day. He walked down to the beach 4 blocks from their house. He sat down on the sand. It was cold, but it still felt good. He picked up some sand and let it fall through his fingers. Right when he started thinking about going for a swim, an old lady with a cane and a bent back walked up to him. Although she looked old, her eyes were like eyes he had never seen on an old person before. There was something about them. They were excited looking eyes. Young eyes. She slowly walked up to him and handed him a letter. Without saying a word she turned and walked away. He took the letter from the envelope and read:

Meet us at the old train station on Monroe St. If you want to learn more about the pendant. You have one hour.


He put the letter into his front pocket. "How could anyone know about the pendant already?"
He continued picking up sand and letting it fall through his fingers."

After sitting at the beach for another 20 minutes, he walked to the bus station down the street. He was debating whether or not it was safe to go meet with whoever it was that wanted him to come. He was still trying to decide when a man came up behind him. He had something sharp pushing against Guy's back.
"Get in the bus." Said the man. Guy did as the man told him to. When they were inside the bus the man pointed at two chairs sitting next to each other in the back of the bus. "There." said the man. Guy sat down and the other man sat next to him. After sitting in silence for about 10 minutes, Guy finally asked:
"Who are you?" Guy and the man made eye contact for the first time.
"We'll have plenty of time for introductions later. Right now the important thing is that pendant you have. We'll be arriving at the train station soon." Guy looked out the window. What had he gotten himself into?
"I should have left the pendant in the safe like Quistis said." he thought to himself. After about 5 more minutes they arrived at the old train station. Guy and the man made their way to the front of the bus and stepped out the door. There was a large building that had been abandoned for years, or so it was thought. However, Guy was getting the impression that the building had become some sort of a gang-station now.
The bus pulled away and the man lead Guy to the building.
"Wait here." Said the man. Guy stood at the door, debating whether or not he should run.
"If there are a lot of them, and they have pendants, they'll catch me, but maybe it will be better if I take my chances. Something tells me they're not going to just let me walk awa-." That's as far as his thoughts had gotten before he heard a blood curdling sound. It was the sound of a man. Probably the same man that had led Guy to the place. Whoever it was was inside the building. Guy ran back through the woods. Suddenly someone on one of the tree branches above jumped on him. It was the man that had been in the mansion the night before. They began rolling around on the ground, fighting. Guy was trying to pin him, but the man was much larger and stronger than he. Luckily the man didn't seem to have a pendant with him, so there was still a chance for Guy.
"Give me your pendant!" Said the man. Guy punched him in the face. Blood ran from his mouth down his chin. "You'll regret that!" He said. They both jumped off of the ground and got into their fighting stances. Just as Guy was ready to jump at the man he remembered he had his own pendant in his pocket. He slipped it over his head. Once again he felt the awesome power running through him. He gave the man a swift kick to the gut, and he went flying. While going through the air he knocked his head on a tree and was knocked out. Guy quickly turned around and was going to get away, but as he started to run the woman accomplice appeared about 15 feet ahead of him. She held up two pendants.
"I have the pendants of stealth and quickness, now all I need is the pendant of strength, which you have." Guy didn't answer. She was sweating, and breathing hard. Guy had recovered from the first fight with the man and was ready for another. He put his fists up and planted his feet, but the woman drew her gun.
"I'm sorry, but I don't have time for a fair fight" Said the woman. Just then Guy heard a noise and turned around. Chivel and Quistis had just run up.
"We got a letter from an old woman and came as fast as we could." Said Quistis. Chivel and Quistis ran to opposite sides of the woman so that she was surrounded by the three friends.
Guy looked back at the woman.
"So you were the old lady?" The woman smiled.
"I can do anything."
"We'll see about that!" Replied Chivel
"You are all fools!" Said the woman. "You do not understand the power I have with these pendants!" With every word her breathing got harder.
"It doesn't matter!" Yelled Chivel. "Quistis and I will not sit back and watch Guy get killed." Guy looked at Chivel, who still had his eyes fixed on the woman. Could he possibly be serious? Guy hadn't really believed it earlier when his friend had tried to assure him that they would stick with him through anything, but now that they were really being faced with it, Chivel was showing that he had meant what he said. Guy looked back at Quistis who had the same fiery look in her eyes that Chivel had.
"So be it..." Said the woman, and she disappeared. The friends all waited for a minute, but nothing happened. As soon as he began to walk back towards Guy, something hit Chivel in the back of the head. He fell to the ground. He felt the back of his head. It was bleeding. Guy ran to his friends side.
"What the heck?! Quistis, hurry, get him something for his head!" But Quistis' only reply was
"Guy! Lookout!" A rock suddenly appeared in mid-air and it was headed straight for Guy. Guy fell backwards just in time.
"She's still here!" Said Quistis. She grabbed her gun from her holster and Guy pulled out a sword from his back. They stood back to back waiting for something that would help them find her. Chivel had passed-out by now, and was lying on the ground 2 feet to Guy's right.
"We've gotta get help for him!" Whispered Quistis. "His head is still bleeding."
"I know." Replied Guy. "But we may all end up in the same situation if we move." Right then, he heard a twig snap to his left, and then a gunshot. Quistis dropped to the ground. Blood escaped from her mouth.
"NO!" Screamed Guy. He dropped to her side and felt for a pulse. She didn't have one. He turned around and the woman was now visible, but she was bent over and could hardly keep herself from dropping to the ground.
"You killed her! You killed Quistis!" With an anger he had never felt before he picked up his sword and ran to the woman. For the first time in his life, he killed someone...
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