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Old May 6th, 2002, 08:33 PM   #1
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opinions on my paper(english project)

here it is guys, please tell me what you think of it and what I can improve on
btw I didn't finish putting citations in the bottom but help me out if you can

Bill Gates Biography

Bill Gates came from humble beginnings to great ends. Born in Seattle, Washington he proclaimed one day in class that he shall become a millionaire, something he surpassed by far. His father being an attorney and his mother a schoolteacher, he was unlikely to achieve fame, not to mention becoming a billionaire and reinventing the computer technology world. Bill Gates believed that in the near future every home would have a computer and they would be used for nearly everything. (Bill Gates, 1)
At the tender age of 13, Bill Gates wrote his first program. It was but a simple tic-tac-toe game at the time when computers were large enough to fill rooms. Paul Allen and Bill shortly founded a company Traf-O-Data, while still in high school. It analyzed traffic and the government did not come out with their version until almost a year later.
Scoring a perfect 800 on the math section of SAT’s, it would’ve been natural for him to go into the computer field. However, trying to follow his father’s footsteps, Bill Gates proceeded to Harvard in 1973 hoping to become a lawyer. Sadly he dropped out in his junior year, pursuing his goals in the computer industry.
After struggling for a few years to ensure Microsoft’s survival, Bill Gates introduced a new software program MS-DOS, which ensured Microsoft’s survival and expanded Microsoft worldwide. He shortly became a millionaire and the company started to pick up.
In 1994 Bill Gates married Melinda French, an executive at Microsoft. They had two children, daughter Jennifer and son Rory. (Gates, 1-2)
Bill Gates was the youngest billionaire yet, at a tender age of 31. He revolutionized the 
computer industry and influenced many individuals. His company, Microsoft is one of the biggest five companies in the world and is worth well over 100 billion. Bill Gates has been the number one richest man in the world for eight years straight now, with a reported fortune of over than $50 million. (Smale, 120)
His life recently has started to change. While he hasn’t lost an interest in golf, and still enjoys reading a lot, he left control of Microsoft in Steve Ballmer’s hands. Writing Business and the speed of though, one of his many books, he received worldwide acclaim from the critics. Bill Gates and his wife created a foundation and contributed over 2 billion to health organizations. Bill Gates shortly founded a charity and became the largest donator ever, with his 6 billion donation in august of 1999.

Microsoft Timeline

January 1st, 1975 Paul Allen and Bill Gates decide to develop BASIC language for Altair
February 1st, 1975 Paul Allen and Bill Gates sell BASIC to MITS, in Albuquerque, New Mexico
March 1st, 1975 Paul Allen becomes Director of software at MITS
February 3rd, 1976 Bill Gates starts the issue of computer software piracy
July 1st, 1976 Microsoft refines BASIC and sells it to more consumers
November 1st, 1976 Paul Allen resigns from MITS to join Microsoft
November 26th, 1976 “Microsoft” is registered in the state of New Mexico
February 3rd, 1977 Paul Allen and Bill Gates sign a partnership agreement
July 1st, 1977 Microsoft develops a second language product, FORTRAN-80
November 18th, 1977 Microsoft ceases the exclusive license to MITS for BASIC
November 1st, 1978 Microsoft opens an office in Japan
December 31st, 1978 Microsoft sales for the year surpass one million dollars
January 1st, 1979 Microsoft headquarters moves to Bellevue, Washington
April 4th, 1979 8080 BASIC, the first microprocessor product, wins the ICP Million Dollar Award
June 11th, 1980 Steve Ballmer joins Microsoft
June 25th, 1981 Microsoft becomes a private corporation with Bill Gates as President and Paul Allen as Vice president.
August 12, 1981 IBM introduces its personal computer which uses Microsoft’s MS-DOS
June 28th, 1982 Microsoft introduces a new logo, along with new retail materials
February 18th, 1983 Paul Allen retires from Microsoft, but remains on the board of directors
May 2nd, 1983 Microsoft Mouse is introduced
September 29th, 1983 Microsoft Word is out for MS-DOS
November 10th, 1983 Windows is revealed at last but will not be out until 1985
September 9th, 1984 Francis J. Gaudette becomes Microsoft’s vice president of Finance
August 12th, 1985 10th anniversary of Microsoft arrives, with sales exceeding $140 million
November 20th, 1985 Windows final version is shipped
March 13th, 1986 By the end of the first day that Microsoft stock goes public it increased from $21 to $28
September 8th, 1987 Microsoft Bookshelf ships in CD-ROM format, 10 of the most popular reference works.
June 14th, 1988 Mike Maples, leaves IBM and becomes the vice president of Application Software in Microsoft
August 1st, 1989 Office, a business software is announced by Microsoft is available on a CD-ROM
May 22nd, 1990 Windows 3.0 is announced at City Center Theatre in New York
June 30th, 1990 Jon Shirley retires as president and chief operating officer. Michael R. Hallman succeeds him
July 25th, 1990 Microsoft sales exceed $1 billion
January 1st, 1991 Microsoft creates a computer science research organization, Microsoft Research (MSR)
May 20th, 1991 Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows comes out
March 1st, 1992 Microsoft starts a television advertising campaign
March 1st, 1992 Microsoft shifts its business focus by creating three sections; Worldwide Product group, headed by Mike Maples; Worldwide Sales and Support Group, headed by Steve Ballmer; and Worldwide Operations Group, headed by Frank Gaudette
March 24th, 1992 Microsoft and Fox Software, Inc. announced their plan to merge
April 6th, 1992 Microsoft releases Windows 3.1. One million orders are placed immediately worldwide
April 27th, 1992 Microsoft Board of Directors approves 3-for-2 stock split
June 23rd, 1992 President Bush awards Bill Gates with the National Medal of Technology Achievement
January 1st, 1993 Microsoft Word 10th year anniversary, with over 10 million user worldwide
March 22nd, 1993 Microsoft Encarta, the first computer encyclopedia, is released
May 24th, 1993 Microsoft releases Windows NT
March 16th, 1994 Bill Gates becomes the number one richest man in the world and holds the title for the next eight years in a row
April 18th, 1994 Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 becomes the world’s number one selling operating system
June 28th, 1994 Microsoft buys SoftImage, Inc. a developer of 2-D and 3-D animation and graphics
November 8th, 1994 Bob Herbold old becomes the new vice president of Microsoft
August 24th, 1995 Windows 95 is released worldwide
November 20th, 1995 Microsoft creates MSN (Microsoft Network) and becomes one of the largest internet service providers having half a million people sign up with three months of the free service
November 20th, 1995 Bill Gates writes his first book, The Road Ahead, focusing on technology
January 16th, 1996 Microsoft buys out Vermeer Technologies, the producers of FrontPage(a very powerful html designer)
June 5th, 1996 NBC News and Microsoft bring forth MSNBC, a 24 hour information network
November 12th, 1996 Microsoft’s Board of Directors approve 2-for-1 stock split
April 6th, 1997 Microsoft buys out WebTV Networks for about $425 million
July 23rd, 1997 Bill Gates and his wife announce the formation of the Gates Library foundation
January 26th, 1998 Microsoft stock splits 2 for 1, making the seventh split since the stock went public
June 25th, 1998 Windows 98 comes out worldwide
July 21st, 1998 Bill Gates designates Steve Ballmer President of Microsoft
October 16th, 1998 Microsoft’s antitrust trial begins as 20 states sue Microsoft
January 8th, 1999 Microsoft releases Encarta Africana, the first encyclopedia of black history and culture
February 24th, 1999 Microsoft first online store opens
March 18th, 1999 Bill Gates introduces Internet Explorer 5.0
March 24th, 1999 Bill Gates’ Business @ The Speed of Though book comes out
January 7th, 2000 Microsoft buys Visio Corporation, the largest acquisition ever in Microsoft’s history
January 13th, 2000 Bill Gates becomes Chairman and Chief Software Architect, while Steve Ballmer becomes president and CEO
June 22nd, 2000 Microsoft comes out with Microsoft .NET platform which advances the internet using advanced software
September 14th, 2000 Windows Millennium is out
September 20th, 2000 Warner Books publish a commemorative 25th anniversary booklet
October 25th, 2001 Windows XP comes out worldwide

(From U.S. v. Microsoft Timeline, Key events in Microsoft History, Stanford students and Joe Wilcox, 2-3)
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