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Old May 2nd, 2002, 04:14 PM   #1
Angel of Darkness
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007_JamesBond is on a distinguished road
invincible part 8

Here it is, hope that you like it

I throw down the mic and leave. Meanwhile back at the repair shop the members of the force are dumbfounded, they don’t know what to think nor what to do. So they do the only thing that they know, they proceed to the station to destroy me, but I am not there. I left there just before they had arrived. Outside I decided that I would go to the center of town, and as I went I had to collect my thoughts and make a plan. When I get there, I go to the statue in the center of the square, and sit down to take a rest. I then close my eyes, but no sooner than I do I am disturbed by the same old man that stopped me yesterday.

Chapter X

“Who the hell are you?” I said as I reached for my guns

“I see that my guns work good, glad that she gave them to you,” said the old man with confidence.

“Your guns?” I asked with curiosity. “ These were given to me by my father, not you. Unless……….”

“Yes, I am your father, and I am not dead.” Said this man.

“What? Mother told me that you were dead, that you were killed when I was young,” I started to ask.

“That is what I told your mother to tell you, because I didn’t want you to know about this, and what you are,” his father said as he started to explain.

“What do you mean, what you are? Tell me dad,” I demanded.

“Well after all this I guess that you deserve to know, years ago there was an empire, that was destroyed by these monsters……,” my father started to tell.

“Like in my dream?” I questioned.

“Yes like in your dream, well any way, like in your dream the emperor was killed, but before he was, he told the force that one day a soul with the strength of legions in him would defeat them all and restore peace to the remaining of the universe,” my father explained.

“First of all how do you know about my dream, and two how do you know all about this empire and stuff?” I asked.

“This may be hard to understand but I am the emperor of that empire,” said dad.

“What!!?!?!?!” I said with amazement in my voice.

“Yeah I am him, in that dream and what I told you, before this happened I tried to warn you, and that is why I left I tried to get you and warn others about them coming but no one would listen, then they came and you survived, I had to tell you the truth,” my father explained.

“Why me, why now?” I wondered.

“That one with the gift , and that one with the power of legions in him is…….. is……. You,” my father said.

“That explains a lot, so what do we do now?” I asked with anger in my voice.

“Let’s do what the legend said,” my father said.

“Ok fine then lets do it then,” I said.

So then me and my father, it is hard to say but yeah me and my father, start the hunt.

Chapter XI
The Hunt

My father and I then decide to start in the middle and split their forces in two, then crush the weaker forces. First we decide to move west, because above us to the east is the true enemy himself the entity. We got to the west and took it back with really no problem at all. There was one problem in the west, the hospital. In the hospital there were minimal survivors, but they were not the problem. The force was the problem.

In the hospital the force was making the old and sick kill the others, till I got there then the force ordered the old to kill me, you can only imagine my problem, either kill them or have them shoot at me and my father, it is not me that I am worried about. My father is old and slow and can not really protect himself against the bullets. So I was going to tell him to stay outside but when I turned around to tell him he was gone. I didn’t think nothing of it at first, so I entered the hospital, and sure enough the force was there but they did not want to fight after I took the guns away from the patients, the force just left. As I backed them into a room in the emergency ward, they quickly stepped out of the way and let me enter and as I burst open the doors, and lo and be hold the force came through and had a laser behind the door, and it was faster than I thought, it hit me. It was like kryptonite to superman, it made me fall unconscious.
Vini Vidi Vici

victory comes to those who want it the most

i am only mearly surviving
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