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Old Apr 28th, 2002, 12:53 AM   #1
just a rolling stone
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Angry Ps2Fantasy under attack! ~Part 1~

Hmm..well, this is sorta similar to the other thread. The difference is that this is the real thing. The other was just like a sneak preview lol. Also, in this part, the ESS gets introduced.
AH! I had to cut some characters cuz I couldn't think of much dialogue. I also changed the story a bit. Again *Don't take anything personally okay* Well, hope you like it
007 James Bond
and me!
¤ Special Appearance: Rei!¤
.................................................. .................................................. ..

-At a time when video gaming was at its peak, an unknown force know as the Master Cotton Ball Santas (MCBS) were on a mission. Their goal was to destroy every single elite video game community and replace it with Q-Tip shops. One by one strong forums feel until there was only one left. That forum was Ps2Fantasy. Soon. the Admins. and Mods. would have to send its attack squad to battle the MCBS. The question was, who would they send and would they survive.-
.................................................. .................................................. ..

**In the Master Room (MR)**
Fortune : Harry, this fax just came via the windpipe.
Harry: Hmm? What is it?
*Harry takes the fax from Fortune and reads it aloud*
Harry : Dear Ps2Fantasy Masters:
This letter is of no friendly cause. It is a warning. As you may have noticed, the MCBS have already obliterated every single forum. Needless to say, you're next. You have a total of 2 days to send an attack squad of 3 cadets. Choose them wisely...or prepare to serve as our Q-Tip slaves! Mwuahahaha!

*Harry crumples the paper with his hand*
Harry: This is bad.
Fortune: I'll say! They'll destroy all of my wallpapers!
Harry: What?
Fortune: Oh no...holy father of st. Nikolas! okay?
*Fortune suddenly starts runnin around frantically with her arms in the air*
Fortune: My surrealist wallpaper...oh holy mother of st. Macdonald!
Harry: -.- ...Fortune stop!
Fortune: Oh holy granpaw of st. taco bell!
*Harry runs up and grabs Fortune by her arms*
Harry: Fortune get a hold of yourself!!
Fortune: Bu..bu..bu...but my works! I need to pray to holy st. banana so they'll be saved!
Harry: Fortune!
Fortune: *sigh* Sorry. So what'll we do?
Harry: I don't know. Why don't we hold a meeting with our top Mods?
Fortune: yes, good idea. Let's.
**Over an intercom in the Mod. Lounge**
Harry: Attention all Mods. in the rank -o, please report immediately to the MR.
*Mourdor putting down his Pepsi*
Mourdor: That's us. What do you think the matter is?
SSSnake (Snake for short) : Huh? Bout what?
*Mourdor shakes his head*
Mourdor: Nothing, let's just go.
Snake: Go where?
Mourdor: Just follow me okay!!
.................................................. .................................................. .
*Meanwhile, Meryl, Harry and Fortune are already inside the MR*
Meryl: What took you so long?
Mourdor: Sorry.
Snake : Long for what?
Meryl: *ahem* Why are we here anyway?
Mourdor: Yeah, what's up?
Harry: Well, I'm sorry to inform you that we're to be attacked in 2 days.
Mourdor: What! By whom?!?
Harry: Some terrorists known as the Mater Cotton Ball Santas.
Meryl:....What a name....
Harry: I know, but they are lethal.
Snake: I thought we came here for doughnuts and tea!
*Meryl glares at Snake*
Snake: What!
Harry: Anyway, we have to send an attack team of 3 cadets in 2 days.
**Everyone suddenly smells smoke and they look around only to see Fortune kneeling down & praying to thousands of miniature statues with candles next to them**
Fortune ( in the distance) : Oh holy uncle of st. Nicaragua...ohhh holy granmaw of st. mitochondria....
Snake: What's with Fortune?
Harry: Err, don't mind her. Anyway, who will we send?
Snake: Send where? Why? What's happening!!
Mourdor *handing Snake a cookie* : Here, enjoy.
Snake : Yippe! Now this is more like it!!
Meryl:...Why don't we send him...
Mourdor: Why don't we go! This is our home, we have to defend it!!
Fortune *yells in the distance*: Save my wallpapers you fat Chihuahua!
-Everyone else- : -_-;;
Harry: Will you really do it!
Mourdor: Yeah! Right Meryl?
Meryl: ...I don't know.
Mourdor: Why not?
Meryl: Come on Mourdor. Think about it. If we go and get killed, there won't be any descent resistance left.
Harry: You're right...
Mourdor: ...But then who can we send?
*Snake walks over to them after having finishing his cookie, ( Fortune stiil praying)*
Snake: Can I have another?
*Meryl whacks him on the head with a giant pand*
Meryl: Will you stop!
Snake: What!!
Harry: Stop it you two!
Mourdor: yeah, this is serious!
Snake: What is?
Meryl : Oh my...
*Fortune suddenly stands up holding a rosary*
Mourdor: You ok?
Fortune....yes. I agree with Meryl.
Harry: ..I thought you were praying...
Snake: Who was praying?
Fortune* handing Snake a whole box of Chips Ahoy*: here.
Snake: Woo-hoo! Me like these lil meetings!
Meryl: Someone please shoot him!
Harry: *ahem* So who'se going?
Mourdor: Should I look for the best members?
Meryl: No, I propose we send the more useless members.
Mourdor: What do you mean?
MeryL Simple. If we send them 3 of our more slow-minded members, they'll serve as a distraction.
Fortune: Yes. Then we can make a plan and attack them by surprise.
Harry: Wow Fortune. You think greatly after praying huh?
Fortune:...*whispers* holy father of st. ronald.....
Meryl: So is it settled then?
Mourdor: But do you think they'll go?
Meryl: Of course they will. They're dumb. We'll just tell them they're our "special forces: and they'll jump to the mission.
Mourdor: I guess so...
Harry: But who will they be?
Meryl: We need the most ludicrous, retarded, useless members...
Fortune: Leave that to us Harry.
Harry: So it's done. I expect your results at 19.542186465 hours.
-Everyone- : Yes sir!
Snake: HUH?
Out in the CR (computer room)
Meryl: Look, I searched the lists and found these 3 loosers, er, "heroes".
Fortune: Let me see. *goes and looks at the screen*
Fortune: Ah! Excellent! Let us call them at once!
Meryl :yes!
**Meanwhile the phone rings at James Bond's (JB) kitche**
JB: Yello!
Fortune: JB? Is this you? Where you busy?
JB(putting away his apron) :
Fortune: Good. Anyway, I wanted to inform you that you have been chosen as an honorary member and have been admitted into the "Elite Special Squad".
JB: Really! *jumps with joy*
Fortune: Yes. Your presence is required at once. Come to the MR immediately. *hangs up*
JB (feeling boastful): Well, I'm a very busy man...I'm not sure I can make it-Hello? Hello? Helloooo!
************************************************** *
¤At the same time the phone rings at Mena's shack¤
Mena: Hello?
Meryl: Mena? Is this you?
Mena: Yepperoni!
Meryl: Oh, This is Meryl.
Mena: Oh hi Meryl!! Wow! Let me compliment you on you work...blah blah blah....
Mena: I too want to become a Poke-master!
Meryl: what? Uh..Mena...
Mena: And ketchup is good too!...huh? What?
Meryl: Come to the MR in 1 hour. You have been selected to be in the "Elite Special Squad".
Mena: Really!!
Meryl: yes. Please hurry. *hangs up*
Mena: Yay! I'm "special"!!!
.................................................. .................................................. .
*5 minutes later, the phone rings in Hadoken's restroom*
Hadoken: Oh man, and I was letting it all out...ugh...*flush*
Hadoken: Hello?
Mourdor:...Hey Hadoken.
Hadoken: Who'se this?
Mourdor: It's me Mourdor.
Hadoken: Whaddaya want??
Mourdor: Congrats.
Hadoken: You saw me!! Every one gets diarrhea one time or another you know!!
Mourdor: What? I was just going to tell you to come to the MR.
Mourdor: Your great, uh "skills', have entittled you to a place in our "Elite Special Squad". Be here in an hour. *hangs up*
Hadoken: At leat they recognize talent! Now I can go back to what I was doing...

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