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Old Apr 25th, 2002, 07:29 AM   #1
The Jebster
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mog A story I'm in the process of writing.

I'm writing a story for school and decided that I might as well post it here and see what you guys think. It's not finished, but I hope to finish it before long.

PS- Yes, I did rip off the name Quistis from FFVIII, but the story has no relation to the game in any way. I just liked the name a lot .

The night was dark. Not the kind of dark that makes it so you can't see anything, but more of a darkness that hung in everyone's heart. An emotion, a feeling.
Three people walked up to a large gate which guarded a rich old ladies house. They were all dressed in black. One of them carried a silver briefcase full of weapons and tools which would be needed to carry out their plans.

As they approached the gate, a camera that sat at the top of it made a noise and began to turn. One of the men quickly raised a silenced pistol and with accurate aim, shot it. It quickly burst into many pieces.
"Do you think they know we're here?" Asked the woman in the group.
"No, Quistis, I'm sure it was an automatic motion camera. The old lady wouldn't be up this late, and she never hires any guards." He replied.
The other man opened the briefcase and brought out some pliers. He began cutting the fence.
"Ya'know, we should really look into finding some better tools. These stupid things take to long."
"When we get our stuff you can buy whatever you want" said the other man. The man with the pliers looked up at his friend and rolled his eyes.
"That's what you said last time! Ya'know it'd do you guys good too, cause you wouldn't have to wait around so long. Something tells me we're gonna screw this one up, and the longer we take the more of a chance we have of getting caught." The other man looked at him impatiently.
"Oh, come on Chivel! Just shutup and get the gate opened."

After finally making a whole in the gate, they went through it and started walking towards the house. The moon was full, and shining. There were no sounds except for the distant traffic in the city down the road, and the water falling from the fountain in her yard.
Guy looked at Chivel.
"He does look pretty nervous" he thought to himself. "What is wrong with him? He's not usually like this."

When they finally got to the house, Chivel got out the glass cutter and started cutting the large window at the front of the house.
"So who's going where, Guy?" Asked Chivel. Guy looked at Chivel, then at Quistis.
"Quistis and I will go in and grab the stuff. You stay here and keep on the lookout." Chivel looked very relieved.
"That's fine with me. The less I'm in this thing the better". Guy and Quistis grabbed their gear and headed through the window.

The window they had entered led them into the living room. Their were paintings across the walls, ranging from old western shoot-outs, to an outer space caption. There was a small table with a marble chess set on it. It looked as though it had never been played, which was probably true. Her husband had died 7 years earlier, and since then she had never seemed to want the company of anyone except her cat.

"OK, Quistis. You look for stuff in here and I'll go check the rest of the house." Quistis looked at him with a very indignant look on her face.
"What? Don't you think I can steal stuff? I'm just as quiet as you are!" Guy looked back at her, and acted as though he hadn't heard her.
"I'll be back in a few minutes."

He left through the big archway and went through the door to the kitchen. Surprisingly, it was not very clean. There were dirty dishes stacked in the sink and some bread crumbs on the table and floor. He walked to the shelves which sat in the left-hand corner next to the refrigerator. He quickly scanned the top of the shelves and found a knife with a golden handle and silver blade.
"This will be worth something" he thought as he packed it away into his bag. He checked two other rooms and found some other stuff. Some old books, a golden watch, and some jewelry.
"I guess this is good enough" he said to himself. "I wonder how Quistis is doing? She'll probably be mad at me for not letting her come."
He began to carefully make his way back through the mansion.

Meanwhile, Quistis was going through a safe she had found behind one of the pictures. Some money, an old picture of a man, and a pendant hanging from a silver chain. Right as she was putting the last of the money into her bag, she heard a thud, then there was quiet. She looked around, but couldn't see anyone. She hadn't noticed Chivel coming in or Guy leaving. She slowly stood up. Then she heard another sound, like a sword being drawn from a sheath. She went to draw her gun, but before she could there were two people in front of her. It was almost as though they had just appeared!
One of them was carrying a large gunblade. Gunblades had become very popular in the last couple of years. The thought of being able to shoot it like a gun and slice with it like a sword obviously intrigued people. He was also wearing a long black trench coat with a strange symbol on it. The symbol was a ball with three lines going through it. His hair was long and of a silver color.
The other person was a woman with short black hair, and a camouflage shirt with black pants. She also had the strange symbol on the mans shirt tattooed onto her arm just below the shoulder. Her weapons were a 9mm pistol and a whip.

"Guy! Chivel! Get in here!" Guy came running through the door, and Chivel jumped in through the window and did a little role thing.
"What's going on?" Asked Guy with a confused expression on his face.
"Yeah, what's up?" Said Chivel. Quistis spun around and looked at them.
"Can't you see them! They're standing right there!" Quistis looked back at the two people, who were both obviously enjoying the situation.
"Do you see this little thing?" The woman with the whip brought out a pendant which looked remarkably close to the one Quistis had found. "This is a very special pendant. We are very interested in the one you have there. Would you please give it to us?"
"Why can't they see you?" Asked Quistis. "Why am I the only one that knows you're here?". "Because, we let you see us." The man standing next to the woman snapped his finger. Suddenly, Guy and Chivel could see them.
"How did they just appear like that? That's insane!" Said Chivel. Guy stepped back and drew his gun, but did so underneath his jacket so the two could not see it.
"What do you want with the pendant Quistis has?" Asked Guy. The man smirked and the woman smiled.
"Why, to take over the world of course!" Replied the man. None of the three friends found this funny at all, but the two obviously got a kick out of it. "Quistis stepped back to where Guy and Chivel were standing.
"Does this pendant have the powers yours does?" Asked Chivel. The two lost their smiles all at once.
"No, errr, of course not." Said the woman. "It's just, uh, part of a uummm, set. They're just very expensive replicas." It was obvious to everyone that she was lying. "Please, just give it to us and we'll be on our way."
"No you don't, you're getting it that easy!" Said Quistis. "Guys, let's get out of here!"
"You don't have to tell me twice!" Said Chivel.
They all ran for the window but the two were already there, standing in front of it.
"Give it to us or we'll take it by force!" Said the woman. Suddenly we could hear police sirens and the old lady was yelling something from the bedroom.
Guy looked at the two people, who were obviously getting frustrated.
"Quick, Quistis, give me your pendant!". Quistis handed it back to him and he put it on. It seemed to everyone as though nothing had happened, but Guy could already feel an awesome feeling of power run through him.
"Hahaha, you don't know how to use it." Laughed the man. He assumed to much. Suddenly, a bright green light burst from the pendant, shocking and temporarily blinding everyone else in the room.
Guy grabbed Quistis and Chivel with what felt like super strength, and ran with them out the window and through the yard. The sirens were much closer now. To his relief, the two people did not follow, but why didn't they? Why hadn't they just taken it from them in the first place? They could've done it easily. With his mind moving as fast as his legs, he just kept running.
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