Thread: invicible
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Old Jan 28th, 2002, 12:28 PM   #1
Angel of Darkness
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007_JamesBond is on a distinguished road

This is only the first part of my story I hope that you like it. I do not know if it is a memory, a dream, a future, or maybe...........the present.

No longer than an eternity ago there lived a vast empire that ruled their land. There was peace and prosperity through out the land. Through eons of peace the army of the empire has gotten weak. Then on the New Year of the empire, a force had come to this land. At first the empire had not known what to do or what to think so they watched and waited. Then in one great and might blow the empire had started to attack the empire, the empire had not known why this force from another place had come there to destroy them, but the empire fought back to the best of their ability. It proved to be futile for the whole of the empire, and they were totally obliterated by this force by witch they had not known. When the force had reached the capitol of this land, they burned it, but not before destroying every statue, temple, everything all the way down to the pots that held the pots in place. When they found the emperor, he vowed that one day one being with one soul that had the strength of legions deeply embedded in him would destroy you and there would be nothing that you could do to stop it. His last words before they finished him off were "You will not stop the inevitable". This force then killed the emperor and sent parts of his body to the four corners of the universe to strike fear into the hearts of all, but in the back of the force's minds still loomed the words of what the emperor had said. They did not really know what to make these words, so they did the only thing that they knew; they destroyed everything by order of their ruler that they feared so greatly. Every planet, every person, every home was lost to the hands of this force. There was nothing that could stop them, and so they continued to destroy everything in their path.

It happened before and it will happen again it is just a matter of time.

Then on an other place on a distant planet a child was born, here, on Earth. This child was different he noticed it when he was very young; a feeling was felt deep within him that he could not explain. The feeling was like a pain, a pain in his gut only it did not hurt it was just there. On the playground he saw other kids express their feelings and anger at will, but he did not. When a person is born there are one of two possibilities that a person will choose. One is to let out their feelings whenever they will and keep nothing in. The second is that a person will keep in the feelings and the pain the plagues and engulfs them. Ninety percent of the world's population expresses their feelings and does not bottle it in forever. That leaves ten percent that keeps it in, and only five percent learn how to use it to their advantage. The child left it in and told people nothing about his feelings, but he listened to other peoples feelings and were confided in by many. As the child grew the feeling grew deeper and more alert, he could never put his finger on it on why he thought he was so different than any one else. He looked, talked, and felt the same feelings as every one else. He kept trying to figure it out. On his way home an old man stopped him and said, "You can't stop the inevitable." The man then walked away not saying anything else. The young man who was once that child did not know what to think, but he never did forget those words that rang through his mind time after time. That night when he finally got to sleep he had a dream about a faraway land that was ruled by an emperor who was killed by a force that was unknown to them, but the thing that he remembers most about the dream is what the emperor said before he died," You can not stop the inevitable." In an instance the young man had awoken from his slumber only to realize that it was time for him to go to school. On his way to school the only thing that was on his mind was the dream that he had experienced the night before. When he got to school every thing was like every other day, to him boring.
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