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Old Apr 11th, 2002, 07:32 AM   #3
Uchiha Sasuke
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Uchiha Sasuke is on a distinguished road
Keep in mind that cannibal started above from chapter 3 since he hasnt thought of the beginning yet.

Unit 1 Completed

Three months have passed since Feathier initiated the Bio Enhancement Program into effect. He hasn’t been back to the laboratory since then. Today was his first appointment to see how well production was going.
He came down to the hall like before, anticipating what Yui and Avitor have accomplished. Slowly, he walked down the hall, each step echoing through the hall as he headed for the end of the mile long walk way.
“Today will be the day,” Feathier spoke to himself, awaiting the announcement that his first product was complete. “I’ll finally be able to meet my greatest creation.”
Feathier continued down the hall. Taking his time, enjoying each step, keeping his eyes on the opening at the end of the hall, leading into the laboratory. Twenty-four minutes till he finally made it to the end. After entering the room, he looked over the entire place for one brief moment, and smiled. “It’s felt like a thousand years since I’ve last stepped foot here.” He said, looking at the computers and experiments scattered on the several dozen tables and desks, extending on as far as the eye could see. He took twelve steps till he made it to a small corridor leading off from the main room. In the distance he could hear Yui and Avitor discussing something. He then noticed, strait ahead of him, thirty feet away, a large glass containment unit with the shadow of a figure floating inside of it. As he headed for the room at the end of the hall, he listened on to Yui and Avitor’s conversation.
“I don’t even know how powerful he’s actually going to be. Lord Feathier’s calculations for the subjects were way too advanced for his own good. I’m not sure he knows what he’s asking for, with us making them,” spoke Yui, Feathier still listening on, steadily making it through the corridor, on step at a time.
“It doesn’t matter what we think. The numbers he gave us were clear, and I’m sure he knows what he was asking for,” replied Avitor. “One thing I would like to know though, why are we building them in the first place? What’s their purpose?” a pause came over Avitor’s reply. “You don’t think that they’re meant for some sort of?” then, shaking his head, Avitor replied to himself, “No, it can’t be.”
Feathier entered the room, standing tall and proud. His hands behind his back, and head rose, looking down at the two Whimns in superiority.
“Well, how far has the production gone?” asked Feathier, demanding an immediate response.
Yui and Avitor snapped around and stood up strait as possible.
“We’re proud to say that everything is going along schedule. Unit 1 is nearly complete. All we have left to do is the knowledge insertion process, but complications arose when deciding what sort of knowledge to give it. All you gave us were special combat techniques. There was nothing on culture, history, mathematics, religion or anything in that matter. Is this all you wanted them to know? Hell, they don’t even have knowledge of You, society, or even a name for themselves. Might this cause complications in their life style?”
“Don’t concern yourselves with that. I gave you your orders, and I expect them to be followed exactly,” responded Feathier. “I’ve given them all the information that they need to survive and to complete that tasks needed of them. That is all they need, but the use of a name would be appropriate I suppose, and I should give them a familiarity with the Whimn language.”
Yui looked up at Feathier in a very precautious manner, remembering the mishap he had with Feathier the last time they met. He cleared his voice and began to speak, “So does that mean that you want us to give them the ability to speak?”
“That is correct,” answered Feathier. “It would be very difficult to listen to orders without being able to understand what I tell them, and about the names. Hmm?” Feathier looked up at the ceiling, rubbing his chin. “I suppose that those would be a nice addition. How many programs have you started Avitor?’
“This is the first one my Lord. It would be fastest this way, to do each one at a time, instead of working on all four of them at once,” answered Avitor.
“Well then I’ll decide on names when the time comes. Besides, that doesn’t have to be downloaded into their brains for them to learn it, I’ll give it to them personally.”
Avitor sharply turned to Yui. “Quickly, insert the language program so that we can get this done and over with!”
“Yes sir,” responded Yui. He then turned to the containment unit, which the first subject was being held unconscious in. He pressed a small orange button to the side of the water filled machine. A small control panel slid out from the metal hatch at the top of the container. Yui pulled out a small disc and slid it into a slot in the panel. His hands were then busily running along the controls. A few seconds later, Yui pressed the orange button again, and the panel slid back into the machine atop the container. He turned around to Feathier and smiled. ‘Everything is complete. In a few minutes, the specimen will be complete my Lord,” announced Yui in joy.
“Excellent,” said Feathier. “The time has finally come.”
Feathier walked closer up to the unit and looked at his creation, floating naked inside the pink water. Avitor moved over to the controls at the desk behind him and punched in a few commands. Then the water inside the container began to sink into five small holes at the floor of it. The creation inside, still hanging by seven tubes sticking into his body were holding him in place. After the water cleared, the figure was clearly visible. Feathier’s eyes widened as he saw his creation.
“He looks marvelous.” He said, staring at the being inside the tube. He turned his head to Avitor, “When can I speak to him?” he asked with great anticipation.
“I can have him out and outfitted in ten minutes,” answered Avitor.
“Make it so.” Demanded Feathier, still looking at the newborn.
Avitor snapped his fingers at Yui, indicating to his to release the subject. Yui nodded his head and hurried to the computer behind Avitor. After Yui completed typing in the commands, a crane came down from the ceiling and the hatch on top of the container opened up, allowing the cranes arm to fit inside. The claw on the crane grabbed onto the subject as the tubes fell off of its body. The crane then slowly lifted the being up and laid it down on a small rolling table. Avitor grabbed the table and pushed it into a room two corridors down a second hall leading out of the room.
Feathier turned to Yui. “Outfitted?” he said, questioning what Avito said to him just a moment ago.
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