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Old Apr 11th, 2002, 07:28 AM   #1
Uchiha Sasuke
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Cannibal's Story

Heres a story that CC wrote that is baised on our group of friends

Briad’s Return

Seven years have come and gone since Briad left, when one day, one of Feathier’s servants came to his throne to announce that Briad had returned from his journey.
“My lord, Briad has come back from the Trilipy system with his report on the Three Forces,” spoke the servant, knelt down at the foot of Feathier’s thrown. “He says that he has troubling news to report.” Feathier’s eyes grew as he spoke those words. He stood up and stared down at the servant with an emotionless expression on his face, and a posture as stiff as a statue. “Shall I send him in?” spoke the servant, with his head bowed, not making any sort of eye contact toward Feathier.
Four minutes of absolute silence engulfed the room, both the servant and Feathier remaining lifeless. The quietness was then shattered with a subtle cough from the servant. “Um, my Lord,” whispered the servant, his eyes opening, looking up at Feathier. “Shall I send fourth Briad?” The servant saw no change in Feathiers expression. Quickly, the servant bowed his head down once again. A minute more passed, when then, in an assertive voice, Feather spoke, “Send him in.” The servant shuffled himself back into an upright position and then scrambled to the throne room entrance. Feathier looked at the servant as he stood at the opening of the immaculate, golden doors, at the end of the glowing, dark blue carpet walkway. He then opened them barely wide enough for him to walk through. He then began to speak to a figure behind the doors. The figure slowly moved into the light and made a sudden right turn, facing Lord Feathier. He started passed the doors, the servant closing them behind him, toward the throne, also expressionless. Looking only at Feather, but dared not to look directly to his face, he slowly made it to the base of the throne.
“What is it you have to report to me?” questioned Feather in a powerful, loud tone.
The servant took a deep swallow, cleared his throat and took one last step forward. “Lord, the Three Forces have formed a temporary alliance in the shadows of our knowledge for what seems to be for the last 200 years.”
Feathier’s posture lost its sturdy stature as he sank back into his seat. Trying to hold a strait face, he proceeded to speak. “What else is there you have to report?” He asked, with the forceful tone of his voice slowly fading away.
“I’ve learned that Rioloute is leading the forces, in a deliberate attempt to overthrow your power. I regret to say that his currently growing army is far greater than our own. The Three Forces are determined enough in destroying you, that they have formed a pact, united them together. In nine years, their military forces will be complete, and they will be lead here to destroy you, my Lord.”
Feathier’s head dropped to his hand, with his elbow pressed against the armrest of his throne, supporting his head. “I feared that sooner or later, it would come to this.” Feathier then stood up and returned to his natural, commanding posture. He looked down to Briad, “How long did you say it will be till Rioloute’s army is complete?”
“Nine years, if all goes to schedule, my Lord.”
“And from the Trilipy system, even with their fastest ships, it will still take them three years to reach us at Elegril.”
Feathier lifted his hand to his jaw and scratched it for a moment, bringing it back down to his side. The edge of his mouth curled up ever so slightly, barely smirking. “I have a solution to this little complication that has seemed to show itself to us at this time.”
“What are you suggesting, my Lord? Whatever it is, me and my men will fight till the end in your honor, doing what ever we can in the divine name of Feathier.”
“No Briad, that wont be necessary. As a matter of fact, forget that this conversation ever took place.”
“My Lord?” replied Briad, snapping his head up, looking at Feathier, puzzled at the smirk that has formed on his face. “What are you implying? I know that you aren’t powerful enough to take the Three Powers on all at once by yourself.”
“I have no intention of defeating them on my own. In fact, I don’t plan on ever setting foot on the battle field.” Feathier then bowed his head down, staring at his feet. He began to think once more about the situation, and shortly after began to let out a few brief chuckles. “Not at all.”
Briad looked up at Feathier again, with confusion running through all of the features of his face. “How can you laugh at this situation my Lord? Don’t you know that when the Three Powers get here we will all be destroyed? Even you don’t stand a chance with them fighting as one.”
Feathier faced Briad, with his smile retreating, and a strait face once again. Then he spoke up, “Have you told anyone about what you know. Anything about your whereabouts, or what you have learned?”
“No my Lord.”
“Keep it that way, and tell the servant outside of the throne room not to mention anything he knows of what’s happened as well. I don’t keep this room from the other Whimns for nothing you know.” Feathier sat down again, waving his hand, suggesting Briad to leave. “You are now dismissed.”
Briad made a half rotation, till facing the exit, and slowly started to the end of the room. He opened the grand doors and left the room, closing the doors behind him as he left.

Outside of the throne room, the servant came up to Briad.
“Well? What did you have to report to Lord Feathier about your journey?”
Briad came up to him and began to whisper, “Listen, Mirdy,” as he grabbed the servant’s shoulders, “Lord Feathier told me that neither of us were permitted to mention the whereabouts of where I was to anyone. Also, you should try to forget that our meeting ever occurred. Okay?”
“But, why aren’t the people allowed to know about where you’ve been? Why has Lord Feathier denied it?” Mirdy whispered back.
“I’m not sure myself, but you can’t, okay, you just can’t.”
“Alright, I wont tell anyone,” replied Mirdy, as Briad let go of his shoulders.
Briad then started down the hall leading out to the transport room. Mirdy watched as Briad walked onto the bright green-lighted platform beneath the transport pod. He punched in a password on the control panel at the side of the pod, and then was engulfed in an immense green light, and immediately vanished, being teleported to the city beneath the floating palace where they were.

Still inside the throne room, Feathier was pondering over the situation that has been presented to him. Contently, staring at the glowing blue carpet on the floor, he began to mumble to himself. “I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to set this plan of mine in motion, and this threat of mine is the just the persuasion that I needed.”
Feathier stood up off his seat, and walked to the back of the very large and grand room. At the wall, there was a great blue curtain, which he slid to the side, revealing another transport room, used for his personal use only, forbidden to anyone else. He walked inside, and punched in a secret code, activating the pod. Then he was engulfed in green light, and vanished.

He then appeared inside a large white hallway, built four miles underneath the planets surface. Feathier squinted his eyes for a short moment as the bright white walls blinded him. He was transported to a long tunnel, which extended for nearly a mile. He then, quite naturally, lifted himself off the floor, and darted through the hall, faster that the eye could follow. He rapidly flew down the tunnel, still upright, and stiff as a board, till he halted, like a rolling rock would, hitting a wall. He descended about eight inches, and landed his feet back to the floor. He was now in a huge laboratory, where the scenery was nothing more than computers, and an assortment of chemicals, each labeled and organized neatly on shelves and tables. This room was kept secret from the Whimns. Only a few choice servants knew of this place. He continued to walk through the laboratory, making his way through the tables and machines.
“Yui, Avitor, approach me!” commanded Feathier. “I have a use for you two!”
Two Whimns quickly ran to Feathier, and knelt before him. “Yes my Lord,” they replied together simultaneously.
“I have a task for you two.”
“Anything you desire,” answered Yui, both of them still knelt down before Feathier.
“Retrieve the Bio Enhancement Programs for me.”
“Yes my Lord,” replied Yui, as he stood up and ran to the end of the laboratory.
“What do you wish of me my Lord?” asked Avitor.
“I have a few assignments for the two of you,” said Feathier. “Three years ago, I developed Bio Plans for the Bio Enhancement Program. I’d like you to have them developed for me by next year. Is that understood?”
“Of coarse it is.”
Feathier then lifted his hand and in a flash of light, a small disk appeared in his hand. “Here are the designs. I want them followed exactly.”
Feathier handed Avitor the disc as Yui came running back with the program.
“I’ve got it my Lord!” shouted Yui, as he came back short of breath.
“Excellent,” said Feathier. “Yui, Avitor has the plans for the Bio enhancement Program. Follow them exactly. I want all four of them completed by next year.”
“Next year!” shouted Yui in shock. “But four Bio subjects in one year is impossible!”
~I've Lost Myself, Life no longer matters~

~The Official Ps2Fantasy Ninja~

~A Life Without Love, Is No Life At All~

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