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Old Jan 29th, 2010, 09:41 PM   #407
Enemy or Ally?
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Originally Posted by Beretta55 View Post
Arkham Asylum is a really great game, even if you aren't a batman fan but like most things like this, it doesn't hurt to be one either. It appealed to me because it didn't just go straight up Dark Knight the movie batman, which I throughly enjoyed (I think I saw it at least four times in theaters and three times on Blu-Ray.) it felt more in line with the early 90's animated series but with a more darker twist. Plus getting Kevin Conroy as the batman and Mark Hamill as the joker back from the animated series was such a great touch and it brought my childhood rushing back like a tusnami.
Actually I also used to watch the 90s cartoon when I was younger and it was one of my favorite shows. Of course, I didn't have much time nor TV privileges to watch as much as I wanted to so I never caught every episode. I also don't actually know the entire Batman comic chronology or history so I'm not considered an uber-fan or anything. I was also pretty pleased the original voice actors signed on to reprise their roles. I'm sure the game is fun but I guess it's just not my thing at the moment...ever since this new gen of consoles/games, I'm starting to lose a lot of interest in gaming and becoming pickier and pickier over what I play now.

Originally Posted by Beretta
Out of curiousity, what of Uncharted 2 made you feel it wasn't as good as the first? Did the storyline in the sequel kinda of just fizzle out or is it the sort of things where it feels like it just drags on a little bit and would of been better suited to end eariler?
Oh man, where to begin? Okay, well I suppose for me the chemistry between all the characters was just not as strong as in the first game. One reason why I loved Uncharted is because the characters had wonderful chemistry and you see the build-up to the relationships between the 3 (Nate, Sully, and Elena). They all had personalities that really shone. You'd think that because this is the sequel the chemistry would be pretty strong because of the familiarity but it just wasn't as great - aside from the moments between Nate and Elena towards the middle of the game. That still had some of the great dialogue and quips like in the first.

I think the reason why the character relationships and chemistry was lackluster is probably because of the extreme emphasis on action in this game. I mean, what happened? Did people complain that the first game didn't have enough extremely over-the-top action? There were moments where this game had levels *cough* train and helicopter *cough* that seem to last a bit too long and were a bit too far-fetched - though Nate's comments are still very amusing in these parts and it was somewhat fun to play but that didn't stop me from being a bit exasperated. Also, the concept where Nate has someone constantly with him and hardly going on solo missions anymore was kinda a letdown. I could've sworn Uncharted left Nate to fly solo for a good portion of the time instead of acting like he's glued to the hip to another character. And the "co-op" missions with these characters are so ridiculous because all you're constantly doing is boosting each other up ladders or walls or whatever. What's that about?! It got really laughably annoying somewhere near the middle of the game.

The story was...okay. It still dove into the supernatural realm which I'm sure many people were unhappy about but I didn't mind so much. I think you're pretty much right when you said the storyline kinda fizzled out because I almost forgot what the hell I'm doing in the first place because, oh gee, the gameplay was distracting me. Also, the antagonist here was just so blah and unmemorable...oh look, I even forgot his name.

Ah, but the game is very pretty and I guess that's all that matters? Well, anyway, that's just my take on the game and I know that I'm one of the few (if not only) persons who didn't feel the game was as epic as the first. After I got done playing Uncharted 1, I was in a funk because I wanted to play more, the game was just SO good. After finishing Uncharted 2, I was more like "Oh. It's over? So where did the game go? What the hell was I doing for the past few days?"

Whenever you do get around to playing the game, I hope you enjoy it more than I did. Here's hoping to Uncharted 3.
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Last edited by merylsilverburg; Jan 29th, 2010 at 09:45 PM..
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