Thread: Mid 2008 now
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Old May 28th, 2008, 09:53 AM   #3
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Ok so not counting the greatest game to come out in years (MGS4) which is released on June 12th. I made up a list of games that are coming from now till Christmas.

The Bourne Conspiracy - June 3rd

I wasn't sure about this game to be honest, but after getting my hands on the demo I have to admit that this game is now a must have for me.

Battlefield Bad Company - June 23rd

Another game in the Battlefield series. Its a type of shooter that expands the war fighting into a greater spectrum. I prefer this type of action on the PC myself, but if you played the series and liked it, this should interest you.

Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution - July 7th

Yeah I know what your thinking, Civilization games are a PC thing, way to much stuff going on to be a console title. Well thats where your wrong mister. The people working on this title have made this version of Civ specifically for a console, with console controls. I have always been a fan of these games and although its probably not a day one purchase, I would like to get my hands on this eventually.

Beijing 2008 - July 8th

Oh don't kid yourself, this is a must have! This is my sleeper title for the second half of the year. Its classic button mashing to 35 of your favorite Olympic events. We only get these games once every 4 years so that alone should make it worth while. Oh did I mention its also got ONLINE!

Madden 09 - August 12th

Its supposed to be bigger, better and more beautiful. Madden is one of, if not the largest selling sports franchises. If your not into football (USA) then its not for you I suppose.

SOCOM: Confrontation - September 16th

The favorite of the PS2 for many will find its way to the PS3 this year. Its an interesting title in that from what I can tell it will be a PSN release with new campaigns or (chapters) released every few weeks. All I know is the game looks great and if is anything like the Original Socom, but prettier, this will be one of my bigger titles of second half 2008.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - September 16th

I will be honest, not a big star wars guy. The game doesn't interest me. However the reports online are already saying this is the best Star Wars game we have seen to date. That alone should be huge for anyone who wants to use the force.

Silent Hill: Homecoming - September 30th

Its Silent Hill, what more can I say?

Now beyond September I have not been able to find many set release dates, however there are many listed under eat month. October is probably the best month we will see all year, and that includes all the months before too.


Motorstorm: Pacific Rift

Do I really need to say anything about this? Motorstorm was an awesome looking title with very few flaws. This game promises to be better. Looking at the screen shots, its hard to argue that on first impressions.

Little Big Planet

At first I didn't really have any interest in this, but now I must admit I am so pumped for a chance to get my hands on this. This will be the biggest game of the second half and if you don't get your hands on this game, then I am sorry but I can no longer be your friend...jk jk but seriously, not my friend I suggest you look into this one, its the biggest buzz on the net other then MGS4.

Guitar Hero World Tour

Think Guitar Hero Meets Rockband. DRUMS! Enough Said

Ghostbusters: The Video Game

Not much is known about this game other then it was supposed to be the vision of the 3rd movie that never got made. At least I think. Early screen shoots looked impressive, who cares how it looks though, WHO YOU GONNA CALL? GHOSTBUSTERS!!!!!!


Resistance 2

How can you not be pumped about this game. The first Resistance was a beautiful looking launch title and had a good story. Resistance 2 looks incredible and way ahead of its older brother. Its saying a lot when the improvements are at a entirely new level of amazing. Seriously, Resistance is a great looking game, and this one destroys it.

Tomb Raider Underworld

Another in the Tomb Raider series. Admittedly the series has gone a bit dry, but from what I have seen and heard the game looks to go back to its roots which brings the excitement level up for this game.

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

I could care less about this game to be honest. Not a fan of fighting games, however on that note, its still pretty cool to see these 2 sets of characters mixed. Should be great for fighter fans. I really only mention this cause its a different genre that some people are into.


The Agency

The only significant release in December so far. Significant in the fact that it will be the first MMO released for the PS3. Its also made by Sony Entertainment Online, and they understand MMO, so it could be promising.

Now there are lots of games that I didn't even list that I am sure will interest some people along the way. Its amazing the money I am spending on games this Generation. It seems that every other week this year a new great title has come out. My wallet hates me.

Also note that Killzone 2 will be released in February, which Sony decided to do since there was already some great shooters coming out before the Holiday season. Well played Sony, Well Played! Plus we have been given official word on Bioshock, the biggest selling game on the 360 and last years Game of the Year for lots of sources. No release date on that yet though.

The Magic Is Coming!
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