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Old May 26th, 2008, 11:42 PM   #6
Reached for the sky
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I never ever denied the fact that the chief selling games on 360 were FPS. Anybody can see it. Every console has had strength, MS has always been MS, Sony has always been RPG (although that doesn't seem to be all that true for them at the moment) and Nintendo was always.....well Nintendo. So I'm not seeing how I denied it from looking back at the post, now it feels like your putting words in my mouth.

Then you should probably take the advantage of having a 360 there and trying other games. Rent them and try them out. I'm not trying to seem overly confrontational but how many 360 games have you truly tried out? If it's just Halo 3 and CoD4 then you’re just scratching the systems surface.

Yeah, but that was back in a time when console development cost less, each generation the costs go up thus the need for a return fairly quickly. So I personally don't think that applies as much anymore, which is why in my personal opinion, console development is livelier on the 360. Unless the game is just going to be utter shit from the get-go (licensed game for example) they are assured to make some money developing for the 360. Halo 2 and 3 just happened to be on the Xbox console (it was originally going to be on the MAC) so I think the game would have become a major seller regardless, I think MS just saw the opportunity. So I think that's more on the side of being unfair to MS owners when saying that.

I think what your doing is making some rather large assumptions concerning fan base. What you are describing is gamers not in the know and ones who buy shitty games. Which is on every platform, it's not an MS phenomenon. I'm getting your point JJ and can see where you’re coming from but to me it's sounding too much like fanbase assumptions. When the "hey, that box cover looks cool. I'll play it" happens regardless of system. The difference here is that the 360 has the bigger install base and game purchasers to make those kind of bone headed decisions on game purchases.

Consistent income does help and I wasn't trying to say it isn't (I know you didn't say this but I'm just repeating myself a bit so I don't sound like one of those guys that goes a million sales in a week or fail.) but that quick return is what most companies and publishers prefer. Sure shutting them down or firing may not happen, sure. But there may be more pressure on the company to make craptastic titles to waste their ability just to make that return, or they may not even give them a chance to make a game they really want, or a sequel to that game that didn't perform as well as required (Beyond good and evil folks?). So while consistent over time does work, and I'm happy to see it works for the PS3 but you can't always rely on it. You have to make games with a desire to be a big seller or do extremely well in a shorter period of time, because the moment you don't match up with what a publisher wants (the guy who has all the fricking money and gives you milestone payments on game development) may be hesitant to support your next game that could possibly be good for the industry and instead wants you to make 50 Cent 2: Lets shoot up some foo's in Iraq.

Although to prove a point, Clover Studios (Okami, Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2, God Hand) was closed down for this very reason. Yeah the games were quirky, but because they didn't meet expected sales and had a good following (especially the Viewtiful Joe series, people ate that series up) they closed them down. Now with development costs being even higher, the system you suggest may not be as viable and these games were for a Sony system and they had that "If it has a good following and proven itself, it will sell." Well, Clover proved themselves and got shit canned. So I feel my argument has merit as well.

It's still not enough to compete with MS Live. In terms of ease of use, features, and online gaming Live takes the cake. I have a feeling the PSN will have a bigger surge then now and rival. I personally believed if Sony got more serious about PSN and went balls out with it, you could bring even more people to it. The case today seems to be now when it comes to a game with online play, the people saunter to Live service. PSN is doing well, yes but it could do a lot better.

Actually, in a way it sort of is Sony's fault. Sony's machines have ALWAYS been difficult to develop for; they never seemed to give developers much leeway in terms of developing on the system. Sources say development on the 360 and Wii are a hell of a lot easier. But this is where I end on Sony; there is actually a simple solution. Develop the game on the PS3 first and then port it over to 360, the companies that have done this have reported much better results across the board. So in my eyes, it's about 50-50 on the development thing. Your view on Dead Rising and Lost Planet is purely opinion though, they may not have been the triple A everybody gotta buy this thar game but they were quality titles exclusive to the 360 and sold great. I don't put them in the "we'll buy anything area" I put that in the "We buy good games." which is what they are. I don't see how buying two games that are in the 80's range of review scores as buying anything, that's still considered a great game. Which in every console generation, there is more of those 80 or 70 range games then 90's. So it's not buying everything we see, it's just buying good games. The 360 has more of those range games, as well as games in the 90's then the PS3. There is more on offer, so I think you saying "buying anything" is somewhat false. The 360 simply has more to play.

By GTAIV outperforming the PS3 version leaps and bounds, I meant by sales. The 360 version performed much better sales wise then the PS3. That's what I meant. Sorry I didn't make myself clear.

Again, Halo 3 is really the only huge example of that buying FPS with nothing change mentality. I feel your using this game WAY too much to prove your point. Halo has always been retardedly popular and doesn't take much to make people buy it; other shooters on the list have done more to prove themselves from shooting. (Gears of War, The Darkness, and Bioshock being shooters but doing more to separate themselves and not making just another FPS that does nothing significant like each Halo release.) It's just like Sony gamers being geared solely towards RPG's, each console has that "bread and butter game" that a lot of the fanbase goes toward.

I own a PS3 and Uncharted was one of my favorite games of 07. I enjoyed the story, but it felt like National Treasure or some other pop corn action flick. There's nothing wrong with that, in fact it was pretty awesome but I'm sorry the story was pretty simple. Which is what I felt was the point, making a summer blockbuster game and trying to do it better then the movies.

I'm sorry but "bad ones are considered to be great" should not compute. That's more akin to console loyalty "then proving oneself." The series really hasn't been all that great since the Nintendo era. My favorite FF of the Sony generation was 9, but that's because it was more in the spirit of the ones from the Nintendo era. I've personally felt that the FF series has been derivative for a long time, there are tons of other RPG's out there that I feel out class it, so yes I can argue the point but that's because it's my opinion. Just like it's your opinion on the Halo series being garbage in a pretty box. It's the exact same thing JJ.

I personally feel the 360 has more on offer then the PS3 (my game collection furthers my feelings) but again, to each his own like you said.

Again, I'm not arguing that FPS sells most on the 360. It's why I called it MS "bread and butter genre" each console has one. I also don't remember saying that you said Bioshock had no story; my point was it was more then simple FPS shooting gameplay that elevated Bioshock to the top of the sale charts, that's all I was saying.

How do you know for sure that 360 developers are intentionally half-assing it and then going "Okay, that's enough. Let’s go get lunch." That sounds way too far fetched. No game developer starts out with the intention to make a half assed or bad game, development time, publisher pressure, pressure to release before other big games on the market dictates this. It sounds more to me like you’re putting too much favor in PS3 developers. They really do have to go above and beyond, yes but who are you to say that 360 developers aren't putting the same level of heart and effort into it? I understand your point, 360 developers CAN do this and it can certainly work. But how do you know for sure? For that matter, how do I know for sure? Thus is the mystery of game development.

I wasn't turning it into a console battle either my friend just talking I suppose.
Yeah, sorry about that, I tend to ramble and spread myself out in conversations. I can always count on you for some debates JJ. Also, I'm not trying to belittle your opinions or views when I say "baseless accusations", I'm just a little blunt I suppose. I'm not trying to stir up any bad blood or anything.
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