Thread: Thank you Sony
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Old Mar 14th, 2007, 12:32 PM   #15
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Berserker - I don't think you will find anyone argueing that the PS3 will have poor sales figures right now, they are selling to a very limited market at the moment. However, many experts predict sony to still be the Next Gen winner at the end of 5 years. What I think is funny out of all the sales hype discussion is that everyone says Sony is nearly bankrupt or they are losing so much money. Yes its true they lose money on every system they sell, but Sony is not losing money overall. When you hear about a company losing money in Quarter 3 or whatever, they are not actually losing money, instead they are under the amount of money the experts predicted the company would make. If a bank expects to make 4 Billion dollars and instead makes 3.98 Billion, they consider that a loss. So although Sony maybe took a "hit" on their sales, they still made millions. As for not talking about it, maybe in your area, but it seems to be rather big where I am. Motorstorms release alone had a rather large following.

Beretta - Its funny you mentioned the thing about people having a launch ps2 that works. My orginal still works, I sold it to my brother but It works rather well. Some games you have to try loading 5 or 6 times before it will work, but with patience it will work.

As for buying electronics, you are right. As I said, I have been through a handful of Ipod Nano's already and their only about a year old. This is why many retailers now offer extended warrenties. I myself have a 3 year warrenty on my PS3, It was an extra $50 but I tell ya, in 2 and a half years I will take my PS3 to them and get a new one, whether it works or not.

When it comes to video games, everyone is different on what they like and don't like. Me, I love sports and racing games. So things like F1, Motorstorm, Gran Tarismo etc appeal to me more then games like Zelda or Heavenly Sword. I will probably pick of Final Fantasy on PS3 just for something else to do. (currently living in the boonies with nothing to do)

As for my thoughts of graphics, I was more saying that if a game comes out on 3 different systems, I will normally buy the best looking of the 3 games. However with that said, yes the Wii Sports stuff although can be fun, I find almost insulting as a gamer when I see the Super Nintendo quality Mario characters they use. Give me MLB The Show or Virtual Tennis 5 quality graphics with the Wii Sports and I will think different. I am sure that is on the way, and Wii will be much better when it does. However that can also be said for PS3, in that when the games start getting better, it too will be more then worth it. So it really works the same for both systems. *btw, the strap problem for the Wii was ment more like a Joke, did you see that girls window rofl. Its like you said though, the games out on the Wii don't take advantage of the system graphically. The PS3 doesn't either, thats the scary part. The games look amazing already and we have not even seen a scratch of the surface yet.

The PC is a unique gaming platform in that you decide what sort of graphics you want to use and play with. I think thats what appeals to me. The best way to experience the best games is with the best graphics, but you don't need a super computer to work like that. I totally agree that some games are only suited on the PC, and I feel the same way that some games are only suited on the Console Systems. First Person Shooters are ment for PC. I don't care how "fun" a FPS is on a console, put it on PC and its a 1000 times better experience. The only thing Consoles offer is multiplayer gaming, but that can be done on a PC also using internet or Lan and nothing I hate more then multiplayer split screen action where people know where you are on your screen. On the other hand, Sports titles are ment for the Consoles. NHL, NBA, MLB will never be the same on a PC. Yes sure you can use controllers and all that jazz, but those genras are ment for Consoles. I also feel this way when it comes to Racing games.

As for me affording it. Its really easy to afford undated computer parts if you budget a small amount of money each month. The beauty of computer parts is that they don't all come out the same day. For example, last year there was a new Sound Card system out by soundblaster and then a couple months later new videocards and a couple months later and new quad powered motherboard. If you look at upgrading something new, every couple months its a lot easier. Another thing you can do is find a computer recycling center of some kind that will buy your old parts. For me, most of my parts still have a decent shelf price when I sell them so It just makes my new part that much cheeper.

Again it comes down to your personal prefrence on the next gen movie players. I am a huge movie lover and so when new technology comes out like this its great news for me. I have a 300+ movie collection on DVD and now i get to start my blu-ray (I am up to 5 lol). I love that there is such a nice quality difference between the blu-ray and dvd pictures. We won't see the amazing pictures until probably this time next year when all top movies will be filmed with the new technology that will allow for superior pictures. You said that the extra money for the player included is what makes you deter from buying the PS3. It was the couple extra bucks for a blu-ray player that sold me on the price of the PS3. It is kinda funny how two different minds work. $400 cheeper then the cheepest blu-ray player out on the market and one of the best for quality. If I really wanted to make an arguement for it I could say I got a $600 blu-ray player and a free next gen gaming console lol.

The Magic Is Coming!
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