Thread: Thank you Sony
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Old Mar 14th, 2007, 05:32 AM   #14
Reached for the sky
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(Reply to JJ's post, quoting his post would be a little long. )

Yeah I did mean three PS2's and don't get me wrong I understand the danger of being an early adopter of a system. I at the very least give a pass to when the first one breaks doesn't mean I'm happy about it but hey it happens. But all my PS2's broke at least a year after purchase, almost like clockwork and this was two or three years after the launch when most problems should be ironed out or on the very rare chance of happening kind of thing. The PS2's themselves just weren't all that well made; sure you get lucky I hear people having a launch PS2 that still works. But I got three busted and broken PS2's and a fourth one that seems to be knocking on deaths door while my Slimline performs perfectly, at least for now. Sony just did not make decent systems last gen, for the PS3 they seemed to finally make a better working system.

I'm just nowadays in general paranoid when it comes to electronics working; the vast majority of them seem to be built to specific short times to break down or at least degrade quicker then they actually should over time. My first Magnavox television broke down, and then my second one broke down just two weeks ago. Yet the Magnavox I had in my old house when I was around seven is a rather old 17 inch and is the second oldest television in the house performs perfectly. Electronics is just a huge gamble on what will happen in a span of two to ten years, it's hard to know what will truly last anymore.

My 360 hasn't had any overheating problems thankfully, and performs rather well but it does scratch some of my games over time nothing big but little marks here and there, pisses me off. But since the Warranty died back in January nothing I can do. I also haven't had any problems with the Wii straps, they may be faulty or not strong enough but I think it's mostly people swinging them around WAY too damn hard. The Wii is meant for exaggerated motions to get the most fun out of it, but these people shouldn't be swinging them so hard and fast, this isn't the MLB.

See I'm the exact opposite, I have more games for the 360 and Wii then I have had normally in a one year life span of system, just a lot of great games coming out for it that appeal to me personally. While on the other hand the vast majority of the titles I see coming out for the PS3 this year is mostly multiplatform stuff. Yeah Resistance and Virtua Fighter 5 interest me, but those aren't enough to sell me. But that's just me, with better software and the price is right I will get a PS3 for sure.

I also somewhat disagree on graphics; I'm not one of those people who go gameplay
> graphics at the top of a hat in every time that discussion is made While yes gameplay is more important then graphics I bet money a vast majority of people would turn down a game or make fun of it if the graphics were mediocre but featured awesome gameplay, even though they won't admit it. But on the other side of the coin gameplay should get more focus, you can have the best looking game on the market but if it plays like crap then it's just crap in a pretty wrapper, that might sway some people but not me. Not saying you’re like that, but many a game I personally love is deemed graphically mediocre by just about everybody.

I see what your saying for the Wii, loving power and graphics is fine but as long as you recognize the originality it's trying to bring in a generation full of badly done "me-too" games and tired retreads. I will say a lot of the Wii games right now do not take advantage of the system graphically, there are some gamecube games that are just simply breathtaking graphically and with that higher power on the Wii we get Red Steel and Far Cry: Vengeance, that's just a joke. While Zelda looks awesome graphically (least to me) and games like Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption look pretty spiffy themselves. While the Wii will never reach the power of a 360 and PS3 but some good looking games should come out nonetheless once developers put the time into it. I also don't know where you get the funds to upgrade a PC; they cost so much money to upgrade.

Plus from my personal experience PC's only seem to handle a select few genres really well, such as the FPS, RTS, and MMORPG genres EXTREMELY well. While most but not all do blend over decently onto a console, sure Half Life 2 on Xbox will never be Half Life 2 on PC, that's a given. But games ported over from console such as games like Prince of Persia, Onimusha 3, Devil May Cry 3, Cold Fear don't seem to carry over well at all to a PC; the control scheme just doesn't feel right for those games. So that and the high price of upgrading least on my budget is what never appealed to me for PC games. Although I do want to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl so bad that it hurts, hopefully a 360 port is possible.

You do have a point; yeah the 360 would basically be a PS3 with Xbox games on it if the HD-DVD was on it, true. But I'm glad they didn't put it in there, that kind of high priced top of the line equipment should be about choice, the choice if you exactly want that kind of thing. I myself watch DVD's on a 53 inch HDTV in the living room and that suits my needs perfectly. So I would have rather preferred if Sony made the Blu-ray player a choice, if the system was 400 dollars, I would get it since I paid the exact same for a 360. Plus I'm not what you would really call a movie guy, I see quite a few movies but my DVD collection is pitiful and only contains movies I personally enjoy enough to see over and over again. Yeah Microsoft probably did the HD-DVD player add-on for an extra buck that would cost a lot less to put into the system itself but still I'm not forced to have it, so it’s fine and even still just like the blu-ray player in the PS3 it IS the cheapest HD-DVD player on the market.

I'd personally rather wait and see what DVD format dies out first, the fact that my favorite movies are being split up by these two different formats is endlessly annoying. I can't get Army of Darkness if I own a blu-ray and vice versa on other movies I enjoy on a HD-DVD solely. Sure there is a HD-DVD and BLU-ray hybrid player out, but I'd have to rob a bank in order to pay for it.

Oh and sorry for the also long response, I think me and JJ hijacked this thread.
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