Thread: Thank you Sony
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Old Mar 12th, 2007, 01:30 PM   #11
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I am a little confused by what you said Beretta, did you mean 3 PS2's? All I can say to your 3 failing systems is that no system has ever been perfect especially at launch. The 360 had mega huge problems and over 50% of the launch systems have been returned due to problems. (this number is actually much higher but I cant find an offical number). The PSOne had some heating problems too. I remember the Original Nintendo having some issues too with the way you put games into the system.

That being said, there has not been many reports of problem PS3's since launch. Of course there will be the odd problem, Wii itself has had the odd problem. The 360 is still having some difficulties with overheating. I could sit here and tell you how my PS3 has had zero problems the same way that someone can say the 360 they got at launch has had zero problems too. The fact is this, no mater what system you buy there is always going to be a chance it will fail in some way. And its not even limited to Gaming systems. I am now on my 4th Ipod Nano. I have had 2 High End Video Cards for my PC die way before thier time and just yesterday by brand new $135 watch stopped working.

What am I saying in all this? Its simple, buy what you want to play. There will always be risks, but its been clear that the PS3 has not had the problems that the 360 had. Of course you may want to stay clear of the deathly wrist strap of the nintendo Wii as there have been reports of many damaged TV's, Windows and Friends lol (sorry bad joke, but still funny) The Wii Strap Issue The reports out there are simply saying that there have been odd problems with different systems but nothing on a mass scale. Well since the 360 Launch Machines that is. Honestly all 3 systems have good and bad points and all 3 would be good to purchase.

I have all 3 next gen systems and me, I list them as 1.PS3 2.360 3.Wii and every single person will be different and why they are that way. I am not doing this cause I am a fan boy or that I love PS, but I have done this because the 360 has been out for a year longer then both systems and has given me nothing to show me that the early release makes it the best. Not to mention the 2 failed systems I have had so far. The Wii is to childish for my liking. The graphics are rather poor and the game play, although orginal and should be given props just doesn't give me any satisfaction as a gamer. You have to understand that I am in love with power. My computers are always top of the line and for me graphics makes up a huge percentage of a game, not just storyline. Does this make my opinion the best one, of course not, but its no different then someone who thinks Wii's orginality and new game play makes it the next gen leader. It comes down to personal prefrence. This is how it will work from this point on in my opinion..."You like Nintendo? Get a Wii, You like Microsoft, get a 360, you like Sony, get a PS3." Everyone has opinions, everyone can tell you the good the bad and the ugly of each system that is not their favorite. The PS3 games are starting to come out in streams now, the Wii has promise but will never reach the power and potential of the PS3, the xbox 360 is good and has more games at its disposal. For me its power and ability for the future, and so in my opinion, the PS3 is the way to go, if you have the money, if not, its unfortunite but totally understandable.

As for the Blu-Ray (sorry really long post), I can see your point in that PS3 didnt need to put the player in just the ability to play blu-ray games sorta like the 360 did with its inability to play HD movies. My argument and opinion on all of this is that the 360 + the HD player actually makes the same if not more then the total cost of the PS3. So if your looking for a next gen movie player the PS3 is the way to go, especially considering its the cheepest Blu-Ray player on the market. Yes agreed though, not everyone wants the next gen player and it may have made the systems slightly cheeper. On the other hand, maybe it would have been the same cost for Microsoft to add their HD player and decided not to so that they could get $200 more then the extra $50 it might have cost them to add it to each system. Makes you Think.

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