Thread: Wii getters?
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Old Nov 21st, 2006, 02:24 AM   #12
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Well I'll be posting my Wii impressions if anybody cares.

So far I've only played Call Of Duty 3 and Wii Sports, I haven't even taken the factory wrapping off Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess yet. It's the first Wii game I wanted to play after getting accustomed to the controls in Wii sports but I have a ton of biology and crap to do so I'm sticking to playing COD3 in short spurts with the occasional Wii boxing. If I played LOZ: TP I'd play it for ten hours without even noticing, I love me some Zelda.

My impressions are positive the only thing is the obvious learning curve, especially on an FPS like COD3. As someone who has been playing FPS games on game pads since inception it takes sometime to get use to it. The controls in COD3 for the most part are responsive, I rarely have to do an action two or three times to make it register. However the nunchuck motion of reloading your weapon where you jab your nunchuck up and then down hardly ever works, better to just use the button assigned to reloading so you don't get shot. Then the motion for throwing a grenade is an over hand throw is kind of unwieldy, it works but you also have to release your grip on the left d-pad on the wiimote, so again it's just better to stick to the button.

But everything else like motioning the nunchuck left or right to switch your weapon works great, aiming is awesome but is never steady. Unless you have rock solid hands the gun and aim will move a bit but I find this to be realistic, soldiers under fire and stress in a war aiming would not be perfect and without moving the sights like the 360 counterpart does. So its a nice bit of realism if you ask me. I also love the melee option now, I use it a lot I never really cared to do it much in COD2 unless I caught someone unawares. You jab the wiimote foreword and you deliver a quick rifle butt hit to someone’s dome, it's really satisfying.

Another cool feature that is new to COD3 for all platforms but more unique for the Wii is unexpected close quarter combat sequences. Your gun is knock out of your hands and you have a tug of war with a Nazi's weapon. You turn the nunchuck and wiimote on their sides and then jab in a one two combo until you get the hold of it. Then once you do you jab the wiimote and nunchuck at the same time to the bottom right to deliver a killing blow to the soldier, it's neat once you get the hang of how to do it. They also had a short segment in the game where you and your squad get into a boat to get somewhere else, it's interactive so as the boat is moving you are mimicking rowing with the nunchuck and wiimote all while under fire.

I'm glad I bought the Wii version instead of the planned 360 version. The 360 version might have better polish and graphics but the controls for the Wii version really suck me into the game and make me feel like an actual soldier in a nerve racking battle field. My aim is never steady so I'm always adjusting it to get that perfect head shot and I storm in with a machine gun and fire from the hip in a wild fashion and kill three soldiers inside with the move. It just feels more intense and like an actual fight with the Wiimote, it's awesome. The graphics are still really good though, they may not be 360 or PS3 levels but it's polished and clear, soldiers animate realistically, good lip-synching. So the hit in the graphics department is really not that severe. My only complaint is that your arms will get tired if you REALLY get into this game like I do. My arms are all over the place firing and meleeing soldiers, simple wrist flicks are all that’s required but that's not as fun, I really get into playing Wii games.

Wii sports is good for what it is, a nice introductory tool to what the system is about and how it controls. My favorite sports are baseball, boxing and tennis. Golf is fun but the controls for it aren't perfect and bowling is good as well but the ball always seems to slightly go to the left and hardly ever straight. I know you can adjust where it goes by twisting the wiimote but I roll with the wiimote always safe so it's kind of annoying that it keeps going to the left like that. I did get my parents into the system though, my dad seriously loved Wii baseball since we use to play baseball games back in the day on SNES and he absolutely loved swinging the Wiimote to hit the ball. He said he would even spring for a baseball game and an extra wiimote just to play it. So I really do believe Nintendo is doing a good job with the Wii, they got my mom and dad interested in gaming again when they haven't touched a system since the NES and SNES days, the uncomplicated control scheme will be easier for them then remember what ten buttons do on a normal game pad.

But I'm impressed with the system a lot the learning curve is a little steep but once you get the hang of things you'll have a blast. The system gives me that sense of wonder and excitement of doing something completely new when Nintendo introduced themselves on the gaming market long ago on NES, the Nintendo Wii is a great effort on their part and I'm excited to see how farther it will go.

I also can't wait to play Twilight Princess I seriously just want to go open it right now and play till morning, but I have school responsibilities.

Meryl be sure to tell me how Trauma Center is once you get the system. I won’t be getting it until Christmas I know for sure I’ll love it since I’m a huge fan of the DS version but I’m interested to see what they did with the Wii version.

Last edited by Beretta55; Nov 21st, 2006 at 02:28 AM..
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