Thread: Gears Of War
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Old Nov 8th, 2006, 03:23 AM   #1
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Gears Of War

So I picked this game up today at around five PM. (well yesterday to be technical) So far from what I've played of it, the game does deliver best game since the end of time is just people buying way into the hype too easily. Not the best game ever it does have it's hic-ups but as it stands this is the 360's killer app title this year. This game has high production values in everything, the graphics look amazing even though I think the character models for human soldiers look like they took steroids non stop for a year while all the normal civilians you see in around act 2 actually look you know...normal.

The sound is extremely good, the guns sound as they’re supposed to mechanical monsters that bring death. The sound of bullets piercing skin is nice and the gross wet sound you get when you cut a locust in half with the buzz saw machine gun is extremely satisfying but risky to pull off. The gameplay is absolutely fantastic the game is a fast paced, ball busting third person shooter that only lets up a little in-between crazy firefights. The game is a little deeper then that though, despite it's obvious arcade like gameplay the game does have tactical elements. You can't just rush in and Rambo everyone not unless ending up battered chunks of flesh on the ground is your idea for winning. Enemies take cover, blind fire without revealing themselves and shoot accordingly sometimes they charge you when you’re least expecting it and gank you with a fatal rifle butt attack to the dome. But yes the gameplay is fantastic; it's fast, frantic, and chaotic and actually has some thinking. You won't thrive in this game just playing lone wolf or Rambo you have to use cover, stay with your squad and watch your surroundings or you'll be screwed.

The only hic-ups I've seen so far are minor but still are quite annoying. The AI of your squad (you always have at least three with you at all times except when you take different paths or are alone for some specific reason.) Is really quite good, better then you think it would be. They take cover, don't reveal themselves and can kill with the best of them. But sometimes the AI can get wonky and suddenly think rushing five locusts with machine guns sounded like a good idea, they end up as puddles of blood on the floor, way to go genius. But despite this the AI is good and you can rely on them at least 90% of the time. My other gripe has to do with a certain feature of the controls.

The A button is context sensitive and does a lot of things, pressing A puts you in covering automatically or does an evasive roll when not near cover. It can also perform the roadie run by holding A down which makes you run in a fast crouch (kind of like how roadies for a rock band does this to run past the stage but trying to avoid being seen.) You can also jump over low cover objects, do a SWAT turn to near objects which is going to the next cover spot without breaking your cover and running over to the next spot of cover to your left or right, it's nice and seamless. But here is the problem the A button does so much that you can sometimes accidentally go into cover while doing roadie run and be in a cover spot but are open to enemy fire. Or you can accidentally vault over a cover spot and get shot when you meant to do a SWAT turn. You get use to it and know what to do and not to do from playing a while and the on screen indicators that show you a visual image of what you can do in a cover spot. But mess-ups can still happen accidentally.

The game is also challenging, you will die a lot I guarantee it. That is if you play on Hardcore difficulty which is in the middle of the easiest Casual difficulty and the hardest Insane difficulty. You have to beat the game on Hardcore in order to unlock Insane. I suggest people who are used to shooters or have been playing them for a while to pick Hardcore the level of challenge will be significantly tough and seeing the game over screen a lot will be happen. But it is more satisfying to have a tough and arduous battle with your squad against ten locusts and come out on top; every firefight you win gives you a sense of accomplishment. People who are new to shooters should try Casual, if you aren't use to the hectic pace of shooters Hardcore will drive you insane since it can seem unforgiving to new players of the genre.

The last thing I'll touch upon is the story and to be honest there isn't much to tell. You play Marcus Fenix, a COG soldier who was court marshaled and sent to prison fourteen years ago. You disobeyed orders from direct command by attempting to save your father and abandoning your position, your father still died and you got sent to prison. The game starts with your old time war buddy Dom busting you out of jail since the shit hit the fan and in Dom's word the commander of your unit gave everybody in the prison a pardon. Locust surrounds the place and you have to bust out. The story is typical sci-fi the game is more about the thrill of the gameplay then story, there are plenty of cutscenes that do touch upon some things but not much is said thus far in the game. But in this kind of game more frantic gameplay is welcome then a jawing cutscene. It's more about getting to the next point then story revelations but as it stands the story is serviceable and the cutscenes can be entertaining to hear these foul mouthed soldiers sound completely psyched about shooting the hell out of things.

From what I've played I would give the about a 9.5 so far but that could change since I haven't beaten it yet. Everything about the game from gameplay, presentation, graphics, sound, controls (despite the context sensitive A button issue, if you can get past that the game controls great). The game gives you a feeling of it being "just right" everything seems to click into place when you play this game. The minor gripes you might have melt away as you play further into this game. It's not the best game ever, no game is but as it stands this is one of the more entertaining 360 games of the year. For people who have a 360 and interested in this title, I highly recommend it the game is too freaking fun to miss out on. If Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess wasn't coming out this year it'd probably grab number one for my GOTY.

Note: I can't say anything on multiplayer since I do not have Internet access to Xbox live. Anybody who gets this game and plays online multiplayer extensively is welcome to add his or her impressions here.

Last edited by Beretta55; Nov 8th, 2006 at 03:24 AM..
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