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Old May 19th, 2006, 10:05 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by jjmoohead
I need to be clear on my drug thing. Its those people that smoke once or twice a month because they feel they have to over those that do it cause they just do. I still don't think its worth it at all, but to each his own. But to preach to me that being a drugie is a way of life and that drugies are a great group of people if you live among them..BAH! Just irritates the poo outta me.

Do I drink. I am known to have a beer from time to time. I did however not drink for an entire year. As for drinking I don't find it to be worse in a social aspect. For example sitting with friends and having a beer in the back yard, verses sitting in your back yards smoking a bowl. Drinking is socially accpetable and not illegal. Is it bad, definitely. Can it be worse, yes I have seen it. However comparing drinking and doing other drugs I dont feel can be comparable in certain situations like the previous one listed.

That being said, drinking can be very bad and makes people do stupid things just like many drugs.

I, too, would like to clarify. I was not offended by your comment so much as I just wanted to add something. It brought up a point I wanted to make. I don't feel I fit into this "drug culture" and I would agree that these people can be pretty maddening. Many pot smokers feel the same way, but some feel this way our of being naive while others know from experience they don't need pot. I just wanted to make the distinction between the types of people who fall into a trap seemingly permanently and others who are able to find their way out. Theres nothing great about being a slave to any chemical of this type for that matter. It's just an example of how opressed we truly are as a society to feel we need drugs to "escape". Luckily, I have learned that lesson through pot use and I did not need harder drugs to figure it out. For those of you experimenting with how much weed you want to smoke... well... you are all just going to have to figure it out for yourselves. All of those feelings or experiences that seem to come quicker to you when high on marijuana are all just aspects of yourself that already exist. The true test of your own strength is to see how much you can tap into your inner natural high without it. It's in music. It's in nature. It's in your inner rythmns that you have the full ability to be completely in touch with already. We were born onto this Earth to realize our potential as beings in full control. We are limitless. Why would we need something with such limited benefits as drug addiction?

I guess this is what I wanted to add. A lot of the reason people fall into a drug culture type attitude and start acting like it makes them special is because they believe the drugs bring them something they can't normally have. They believe those not on the drug are missing out.

What people don't know is our birthright to survival, happiness, and the ability to experience life to its fullest are things that actually already exist within us.

This all might not make sense to a lot of people. In some ways it sounds too complex and in other ways it sounds too simplistic. I agree. It is a pretty out there sort of topic and I did sort of start a rant here. I just love to share what I believe to be true based on my experiences in life. They are only my perceptions so they may not be true for you in the same way. I am pretty sure, though, that we are all on this Earth to experience life to its fullest and we certainly dont need drugs to do it. Fight the opression, brethren.


_RED_ stuff

"..loathsome laughing, mixed with such a cry as no man has heard save for in the phlegathon of unrelatable nightmares; a cry wherein reverberated the horror and anguish of a haunted lifetime packed into one atrocious moment..."
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