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Old Sep 9th, 2005, 05:22 AM   #15
Reached for the sky
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I personally enjoy the older consoles and new ones equally, while I may not be of age to enjoy and play the consoles goodman mentioned back then but I started on the NES and my gaming career was sealed. A lot of new games however may lack the charm or the enchantment older games gave us then and still do today, with an age full of "Mature" and "Me-too" games I can see how it's easy to lose the feeling on the new consoles. I mean honestly it's hard for newer games to surpass classics as the Super Mario Brothers series, Sonic, River City Ransom, Kid Icarus, Castlevania (I never played them but I give the series credit.), EarthBound etc. Compared to newer games that are either complete crap or has a "been there, done that feel." So I can see how some are not satisfied. I however still am satisfied with the number of games I have played on this generation consoles, they are by no means the best, that kind of thing is in the eye of the beholder. But with all the crap that comes out you have to seed through it and look to find the gems, this doesn't mean I have a "all mainstream is crap" kind of attitude if I was saying that I'd be extremely hypocritical. I have games that are extremely popular perhaps to the level of being nauseating but I also have a collection of under the radar games that are true gems in my eyes. Like Ico, Beyond Good And Evil, Second Sight, Wild Arms 3, Ring Of Red, Killer 7 (gets decent reviews but the game has sold somewhere in the 10,000's on PS2 and GC.), Jet Set Radio Future, Obscure, Still Life etc. So to you Mena I say don't give up hope you have to plow through the crap to get to the games that might connect to you on a level of the older consoles, just have to look. But you might of already done this kind of thing and still feel the same way, then my advice is useless then .

One thing I want to point out that I agree on Goodman with is huge gaps in releases. Games usually come out in full force near the holidays and by that time there is hardly the cash or the kind of time to get into all them. While the summer a time of free time and goofing off (for people in still in school at least) there is hardly any good games releasing at that time. I believe I only got three games in the entire summer season which were Still Life, Killer 7 and Beat Down: Fists Of Vengeance. I'm not complaining since they kept me occupied along with my other games but the summer season is such an ironically dry season with how much free time people can have outside or not. I mean this month alone in September there are at least five games releasing that I want, then more following in October, November and some in December it's completely expensive to keep up with but I manage somehow.

Then to make my topic vaguely resemble the point of this topic about Nintendo, yeah I like Nintendo. I enjoy their games, the consoles and their controllers, which fits like a glove. They make some good systems but I hardly believe everything they do is an act of god and should be treated as such, I see alot of that in other places I visit and it's extremely annoying. My complaint with the GC the most is the lack of games, the first party games they release are good and DAMN are they good. But otherwise I generally don't see much third party support for the company, this doesn't mean I'm going to abandon the cube but the lack of interesting games keeps me on bay making me play my Xbox and PS2 more in result. I also own the Nintendo DS, amazing little system I love it. A lot of good games are starting to come out and glad they did since in my view a few months ago the system had nothing of interest for me besides what I already had and was nothing more then a paperweight. I can't say PSP has much of interest for me either, Metal Gear Acid (and it's coming sequel), Medieval Resurrection and a few others that interest me but aren't enough for the huge asking price for me. Plus not to mention the most that released this the start of this month and August were nothing but UMD movie releases, few of them being games.

I don't hate the PSP but it doesn't have much in the department that matters most, games. It's other features like movies, music and various other things don't interest me I already have a CD player and could find a portable DVD player for cheaper then 250$ if I looked around enough, plus I'm the type to sit and watch a movie, not on the go or on a small screen not a good environment for me. It's nice to know the PSP has them, an all in one kind of deal that's nice but not what I'm looking for, I play handhelds to game not to watch movies. But when more games that come out for the that I want PSP and on a cheaper price I'll pick it up, just not what I want right now. The DS had a rocky start with hardly any game releases a few months into it’s lifespan but that has started to change for me. Some good games that I want are coming out soon. Ones that interest me such as Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Trace Memory, Lunar: Dragon Song, Castlevania: Dawn Of Sorrows, Trauma Center: Under The Knife, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney among some others. Then there is also the recently released in Japan Jump Superstars that is basically super smash brothers melee on your DS with tons of anime characters beating the crap out of each other. But would be a licensing hell to get over here since of all the various characters being in different animes licensed by different companies. But since the DS is region free making playing Japanese games playable on an American DS (The PSP has that region free thing going as well.) mean's it's still possible to play it and import it, but I don't see an American Version hitting our shores. There's also Nintendogs too that everyone is going crazy about, I'm glad it has it's success but that game would honestly bore me way too fast. The cute factor would wear off sometime and the daily basis of walking, training etc would tear at me. But I can't deny the cuteness of the puppies they do look cute indeed. I'd just rather drop a thirty on Advance Wars: Dual Strike instead. But I have entertained the thought of renting it and giving my dog (I would pick a Dachshund) name it Ivan The Terrible and call out his name while playing the game in front of my entire family just so I could creep them out . I can imagine it now, my dog Ivan The Terrible with a sudden impulse for world domination, nobody would stand in his way, unless they want to feel the fury of his laser beam eyes. But eventually Ivan would overthrow me, enter the real world and enslave my entire state for his own fiendish deeds, damn dog.

I think that's enough for me, I don't know if I had a point exactly but it's 5:21 AM and I just felt like typing something. Also on another note there is a game that interests me greatly is a GC exclusive called Battalion Wars. This game is a RTS, 3D spin-off of the Advance Wars series and releases on the 19th of this moth, it is coming together really well and looks a lot of fun. I suggest Advance Wars fans or RTS fans in general give it a go, this game looks to be something special.
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