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Old Mar 23rd, 2004, 07:59 AM   #1
Enemy or Ally?
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Member Opinion Thread 2004

Okay, I know there were two old threads of this, but that was such a long time ago and I would like to thank Mourdor for creating the original one. So, here's the 2004 version.

What you do is say some things about the members on the forum...basically what you think of them. Please, no negative can say what you think of that person, but I don't want to see any comments like "So-and-so really doesn't come up with great threads, they suck" Okay? I'll start:

happy_doughnut: A friendly, sweet person who's always worried about others and puts their needs before her own. She's helped me through many problems and always makes me smile/laugh. It's easy to be carefree around her and that's why she's a person who everyone should know. I think she should try to stop doubting herself and her abilities because she's a capable, intelligent, great person who does more than she thinks.

Panuru: I can't express my gratitude to her enough for all the helpful things she's done for me. After all these years, she still stayed the same kind, fair, and helpful person. She's helped me with some problems and she always answers my silly/stupid questions. Her handling the problems around the site/forums is so amazing and I just can't believe it she can take all the stress.

MercuryShadow: Though this guy isn't on here anymore, I still won't forget him because he is one of my close friends and also one of the friendliest members on here. A caring person who is easy to talk to and a guy who truly loves to play videogames. He's given me a lot of advice and his words are very uplifting. I wish him well on his life.

Redpyramidhead: An extremely intelligent and open-minded person, it amazes me whenever he posts his thoughts on a subject. He always provides help/advice to those in need and he's very easily admirable. Plus, his subjects range widely, so it's easy to talk to him about anything. He really knows how to cheer a person up and that's such an terrific quality about him.

Harry: Though he's rarely seen, he's one of the best people you'll ever know. Extremely friendly, wise, understanding, fair...he basically exudes all admirable qualities. I always feel so honored when I speak with him. He's given many people, as well as myself, great opportunities and it's absolutely unbelievable how he handles all the problems and maintains the site so well. I guess I just have to say "Thank you".

MakgSnake: The ultimate "Metal Gear Solid" fan, he's also extremely helpful and very outgoing. He helped me feel quite welcome on these forums when I first joined and that's what he's particularly good at. Though he can get somewhat easily offended, this doesn't stop him from voicing out his opinions and standing up for what he believes in. A great guy.

Hylas: Like Makg, she voices her opinions and beliefs on a subject, but this isn't bad. Actually, that's what makes her easily likeable because she's honest and stands up for people as well as herself. I really enjoy seeing her around and reading her posts/comments on topics because she always gets right to the point. Those of you who know her should consider yourself fortunate.

kupo_artist: A unique person from the start, his gender remained a mystery for a long time. With his love for pink and cute stuff, it was a surprise to find out he was actually a guy. But, this wasn't a bad thing because that's what I like about him, though I don't know him very well. He's not afraid to be different and it's refreshing to know a person like this. He's also a friendly person (in fact, I don't think I've seen him all!), easy to talk to, and a great artist. ^_^

Il Palazzo: It was great discussing a lot of topics with this guy, whether it's games or love life or animes...I remember in the past, he always seemed kinda closed from the world to me, almost very quiet, but never shy. However, this strong-silent quality about him hides the fact that he actually is quite nice and easy to talk to on certain subjects. This guy is probably one of the biggest Creed fans ever and he's not afraid to show it.

Cannibal Clown: This guy seems to have a somewhat better life nowadays and that's good to hear. He's one hell of an anime fan, actually going out and meeting his favorite voice actress, striving to be a mangaka, giving out detailed and helpful information on animes...I always learn something new from him. I'm sure he's still having self-doubts and lack of confidence, but I just hope that as time passes by, he'll believe in himself a little more.

Mourdor: Even now, I still believe he is quite the serious fellow but also has that humorous and kind side to him whenever he's relaxed with friends. He does have that exterior shell which makes him seemingly quite hard to get along with, especially when he was a moderator. However, I thought he was quite responsible, stern, and orderly and that's what I like about him because I could never keep order the way he does.

007_JamesBond: When the original thread got created, I didn't know him very well, but we began talking and now, I consider him a great friend. When he writes about details, events, topics he seems so carefree and yet, serious on the topic. He's also a pretty funny guy, a movie lover who provides all sorts of reviews/summaries for me. I wish him well on his military life and hopes he fulfills his dream of taking over Cuba one day.

Beretta55: Oh, it's always a blast talking with this guy. It's also great to see him around 4 AM (my time) because it just makes me feel less "alone". When you talk to him, it's hard not to smile because he just seems like a generally nice, sweet, carefree person. I wouldn't classify him as the "forum clown" because I don't think he means for his posts to be so funny, but the fact that he doesn't, just makes it more funnier and likeable. But, I also know he has some self-doubts which he doesn't show...don't worry too'll be fine.

Ahh...that's it for now. I'll post more later...believe me, I haven't forgotten people. ^_^
"You're a louse Roger Smith" ~ R. Dorothy Wayneright

"Have a little priest" ~ Mrs. Lovett

"Grim Reaper, you could not get the women? What was the problem? Didn't you reap them with your grim reaping equipment?"

"I tried that but the women, they all know hopscotch" ~ Eddie Izzard

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Last edited by merylsilverburg; Mar 23rd, 2004 at 08:03 AM..
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