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Meiko May 3rd, 2006 01:32 PM

Where would you want to live?
What your ideal place/location? In general, do you prefer big cities or the countryside? Being close to the sea or far from it? Hot or cold locations?
Being more specific, is there a place where you'd like to live? Not necessarily all your life. Changing is good too :)

kupoartist May 3rd, 2006 01:39 PM

Japan. Or the Moon. Or perhaps i'd live on the moon and have a holiday home in Japan. For during Sakura season.

Hylas May 3rd, 2006 01:48 PM

I like hot temperatures and I like the sea! Australia is the best! I visited it once and fell in love!

Japan would be good to visit, but living there... I don't know. I'm afraid I woulnd't be able to get used all their habits. Especially living is smaller houses or being in very highly populated cities. I feel that would be hard for me. I like cities, but not when they are too crowded.

Ki-Rin May 3rd, 2006 06:58 PM

Countryside, on an island in a fairly protected bay, somewhere cold, so that the bay freezes over during the winter. A tower on the island.

Yeah, I'm a bit reclusive. And I like winter.

merylsilverburg May 3rd, 2006 07:52 PM

I tend to like bigger cities and I do not like the countryside because I'm currently living in one small dinky town and it literally drives me insane. So Japan would be number one for least I would like to try to live there but like Hylas said, their customs and extreme balance of traditionalism and modernism can get rather hypocritical and annoying. Plus, Japan is contains a lot of male chauvinism, so being a woman over there would be like living in hell.

Second choice for me would be New York...variety, variety, variety. :D

Redpyramidhead May 3rd, 2006 11:23 PM

A little pueblito in the mountains in Colombia. Please take me back...

_RED_ stuff

Berserker May 4th, 2006 01:50 AM

I really love New York, fell in love with the city some time ago they only problem is that I don't want to live in the US. So that's really not an option. When I'm retired I would like to live in a small village in the south of Italy and eat the great italian food, drink wine and talk about calcio all day with the locals. But I'm still young and got a lot to do so I don't want to leave the city for now. So I'll guess I'll stay put and just try to travel as much as possible(among the wishlist Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney(to visit relatives), LA, Florence, Milan, Barcelona, Moscow etc.).

merylsilverburg May 4th, 2006 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by Berserker
So I'll guess I'll stay put and just try to travel as much as possible(among the wishlist Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney(to visit relatives), LA, Florence, Milan, Barcelona, Moscow etc.).

Dude, you're so lucky if you can do that. I would love to travel too, but a) I'm a girl and b) I have no cash, hehe. Not that being a girl would prevent me as much, but there are some disadvantages. And since I would like to go backpacking throughout Europe (like some guys I've heard around campus have done...lucky), it could kinda risky. :P

Berserker May 4th, 2006 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by merylsilverburg
Dude, you're so lucky if you can do that. I would love to travel too, but a) I'm a girl and b) I have no cash, hehe. Not that being a girl would prevent me as much, but there are some disadvantages. And since I would like to go backpacking throughout Europe (like some guys I've heard around campus have done...lucky), it could kinda risky. :P

Well, it might seem I'm some sort of world traveller but I haven't been to that many places :shame: I would love to, but like you said the cash is the main problem. About the risks of travelling through Europe alone, it can be highly reduced by just being carefull and staying away from certain parts of cities/countries. But the best thing would be to travel with someone else girl/boy doesn't matter, as long as you travel to places where are a lot of other tourists are you'll be ok just watch your wallet when you go to Amsterdam and don't trust anyone who is being too nice and cooperative without him/her being asked something :laugh: .

merylsilverburg May 4th, 2006 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Berserker
About the risks of travelling through Europe alone, it can be highly reduced by just being carefull and staying away from certain parts of cities/countries. But the best thing would be to travel with someone else girl/boy doesn't matter, as long as you travel to places where are a lot of other tourists are you'll be ok just watch your wallet when you go to Amsterdam and don't trust anyone who is being too nice and cooperative without him/her being asked something :laugh: .

Yeah, thanks for the tip. :cool: I know I'm not that dumb and I will probably travel with a companion, but there is still some risk...or perhaps I'm just not a risk-taker, haha! :laugh:

Phenom May 4th, 2006 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by merylsilverburg
And since I would like to go backpacking throughout Europe (like some guys I've heard around campus have done...lucky), it could kinda risky. :P

You have no idea how much this phrase puts me in the mind of Friends =) (That little story, when they were talking about backpacking to western europe)



Originally Posted by Ki-Rin
Countryside, on an island in a fairly protected bay, somewhere cold, so that the bay freezes over during the winter. A tower on the island.

Yeah, I'm a bit reclusive. And I like winter.

You and me both. I cannot stand hot weather. But I figured I'd probably want to go to a place like Alaska or something. 2nd option would probably be Aspen Colorado. I don't know why.... I heard that they don't get too hot during summertime..... I hope that's true.

merylsilverburg May 4th, 2006 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by Knightmare
You have no idea how much this phrase puts me in the mind of Friends =) (That little story, when they were talking about backpacking to western europe)

Oh yeah! That's right, I remember that episode. :laugh:

Piggle_humsy May 14th, 2006 09:43 AM

Definitely by the coast or at least near some water... like a river or a huge lake..
I prefer the cold to the hot... can't handle the heat.
The beautiful countryside.. with lots of wildlife.

As for a specific place, I would love to live in Canada.


TtTackler May 14th, 2006 11:17 PM

Somewhere in California. If not, in a nice, cozy place somewhere near where I currently live..but at the current rate of development in NJ..that won't be feasible for long I suppose.

Zebraman May 15th, 2006 02:21 PM

The Moon.

Daniel Legge Jun 2nd, 2006 04:38 PM

Been to New York once, last year, thought it was fantastic and would love to live there at some point.

However in contrast i would also like to live in a hot quiet place, no idea where, on a desert island maybe lol.

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