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FATT47 Feb 2nd, 2005 12:30 AM

This Mercenaries game aint so tough......
There aint nothin all that hard about it, I just aint gettin through it very fast LOL
It's probably harder then I even realize because I'm wastin so much time with this game do everythin except what I'm probably supposed to be doin, finishin the game LOL

I'm spendin most of my gamin time runnin all over the map lookin at cool stuff and blowin up things I don't have any business blowin up LOL
I'm not gettin much production out of my character for sure, but maybe that's good, this game could last me for months at this rate.

Money well spent on this game, good puzzles, lots of explosions, good detail, good variety, very fun game.

Infernal Mass Feb 2nd, 2005 03:58 AM

yea, games like this are well worth a purchase. My friend who is borrowing the game said it's becoming a bit monotonous. When in fact the game is anything but that..choices and freedom; that's among the top features to appreciate with sandbox style gameplay. If the game is becoming repetitious it's because the player chooses to do the same thing over and over again. Or rather choose the same course of action again and again and again..

I did the same thing you're talking about, exploring the playground. There's not alot of games that do it well enough to make it worth the trouble. Mercs is an exception though, it's just a damn good game. I kinda miss playing it but i want to finish KOTOR2 before i get it back.

Drafter-T Feb 2nd, 2005 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by FATT47
There aint nothin all that hard about it, I just aint gettin through it very fast LOL
It's probably harder then I even realize because I'm wastin so much time with this game do everythin except what I'm probably supposed to be doin, finishin the game LOL

I'm spendin most of my gamin time runnin all over the map lookin at cool stuff and blowin up things I don't have any business blowin up LOL
I'm not gettin much production out of my character for sure, but maybe that's good, this game could last me for months at this rate.

Money well spent on this game, good puzzles, lots of explosions, good detail, good variety, very fun game.

LOL, let's see if your opinion about the toughness changes the more you go thru the Diamond contracts. Maybe it's just me. You might have better luck than I have (or better skill than I do), but I am really struggling with the last half of the Diamond section.

It's gotten so tough for me, I've been doing exactly what you are saying about just exploring and seeing what I can find. I agree with everything else both of you said though. Great game for sure.

FATT47 Feb 2nd, 2005 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Infernal Mass
yea, games like this are well worth a purchase. My friend who is borrowing the game said it's becoming a bit monotonous. When in fact the game is anything but that..choices and freedom; that's among the top features to appreciate with sandbox style gameplay. If the game is becoming repetitious it's because the player chooses to do the same thing over and over again. Or rather choose the same course of action again and again and again..

I did the same thing you're talking about, exploring the playground. There's not alot of games that do it well enough to make it worth the trouble. Mercs is an exception though, it's just a damn good game. I kinda miss playing it but i want to finish KOTOR2 before i get it back.

Ya hit the nail on the head Mass about gettin in a rut with doin the same thing, objective over and over, that IMO is what kills a games potential.
Havin the free roamin thing like this game has lets ya see stuff that may not even be part of the games theme but bein able to do just that is what makes a game fun, diverse and with good replay value IMO

In this game I've done this many time, I've seen an objective and then I look at a mountain and think I wonder if I can go that way and come in from behind my target?
Well in most cases I can't but man I have a blast tryin to climb some mountains, plus I see a lot of cool scenery LOL

FATT47 Feb 2nd, 2005 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
LOL, let's see if your opinion about the toughness changes the more you go thru the Diamond contracts. Maybe it's just me. You might have better luck than I have (or better skill than I do), but I am really struggling with the last half of the Diamond section.

It's gotten so tough for me, I've been doing exactly what you are saying about just exploring and seeing what I can find. I agree with everything else both of you said though. Great game for sure.

Don't get me wrong Drafter, my this game aint so tough title was just a come on, I think this game is as tough in the early stages as any game I've played, I'm not as good a single player as most so for sure it's a challenge.

I'm havin so much fun runnin around the map lookin at stuff that it doesn't even matter much so I've stopped even thinkin about finishin the game.
I know now if the freakin game gets to hard for me when I do get any more serious about it then I am I may not get much further then I am right now as far as finishin it and I really wont care LOL, there's still tons of things to see and explore.
Like I already mentioned, I may have this game longer then any game I've ever had and I may be able to get it out 6 months from now and still have a blast playin it, I can't say that about any other PS2 game I've ever had :laugh:

Drafter-T Feb 2nd, 2005 10:16 AM

Oh, ok, guess I missed the joke. :confused: It's sure one of the hardest games I've ever played, lol. I'm wondering just how hard it will be to get that Ace of Spades, if I ever get that far!

But it doesn't keep me from playing it. It sure is an awesome game. Like you say, when you get frustrated with a contract or whatever, at least you can just run around and wreak havoc or anything else you want to do for kind of a change of pace. Sure couldn't so that with SOCOM.

FATT47 Feb 2nd, 2005 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
Oh, ok, guess I missed the joke. :confused: It's sure one of the hardest games I've ever played, lol. I'm wondering just how hard it will be to get that Ace of Spades, if I ever get that far!

But it doesn't keep me from playing it. It sure is an awesome game. Like you say, when you get frustrated with a contract or whatever, at least you can just run around and wreak havoc or anything else you want to do for kind of a change of pace. Sure couldn't so that with SOCOM.

Ya should know by now ya got to look close in regard to my sick little humor style :smirk:

I know there are probably some loyal Socom players that wont agree but I think this game is far better then Socom mainlyh becuse of the free roam feature, just my opinion.

I know you may make it to the end of this game, but I have my doubts about me only because I know me better then you :cyclops:
If this or any game gets to tough and I get stuck to long I lose interest and stop havin fun, if the fun stops my enthusiasm stops pretty fast.
I don't give up instantly, it takes me a good long time of bein stuck before I say that's it! but if and when the time comes I just put the game in the case and take it to da trade in counter, no biggy, no loss.

But this game will be better in respect to what it has to offer even after knowin I wont be able to finish it, if things get that bad and I really want to see the endin and can't do it on my own then by all means I'll use every cheat I can get my hands on just so I can see a new map and have some things to look at again :blergh:

Drafter-T Feb 2nd, 2005 10:48 AM

I gotta agree with you about this game being better with SOCOM 2. Even with online play, SOCOM 2 is not as fun as Mercs, IMHO.

Hmmm... wonder if there will be a new map later on in the game? I'm thinking there won't be, but it don't know for sure.

FATT47 Feb 2nd, 2005 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
I gotta agree with you about this game being better with SOCOM 2. Even with online play, SOCOM 2 is not as fun as Mercs, IMHO.

Hmmm... wonder if there will be a new map later on in the game? I'm thinking there won't be, but it don't know for sure.

Hmmm, see I'm thinkin just the opposite, I'm thinkin there are 4 suites to the deck, you and know now that that diamonds are playin on the same map so I doubt the game producer would let us play on the same map through the last two suites, I bet a new map shows up for those last two suites, only problem is I may never see it :frust:

Drafter-T Feb 2nd, 2005 11:19 AM

You could be right and I hope you are. But I was expecting to maybe see a new map with the Diamonds, and since there wasn't I figured it must be the same all the way thru. Been wrong before though, lol.

I really doubt there is a new map though, since the Factions are located in different cities. I can't really see them moving later in the game, but then I'm sure it's possible that the war could shift to a different country or something.

I'm like you though FATT, I may never get there to find out, lol. I'm going to keep trying though.

FATT47 Feb 2nd, 2005 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
You could be right and I hope you are. But I was expecting to maybe see a new map with the Diamonds, and since there wasn't I figured it must be the same all the way thru. Been wrong before though, lol.

I really doubt there is a new map though, since the Factions are located in different cities. I can't really see them moving later in the game, but then I'm sure it's possible that the war could shift to a different country or something.

I'm like you though FATT, I may never get there to find out, lol. I'm going to keep trying though.

My opinion on this game bein hard is they seem to have put a much tighter success or mistake line into it.
If I can explain, I seem to have to do the contracts more times then I would in other games to succeed because they have so much action goin on (it's gettin more now with the diamonds) that once ya see how to succeed it only takes one slip of a button to miss somethin ya know is key to completin the contract.
Like now, I'm on a contract where I have to save 5 or 6 officers from bein killed durin a battle and I keep lettin one of the enemy vehicles get past me, I just can't do what I have to do fast enough to stop one from gettin by me and that's my example of it just bein a very tight repetition and tempo thing in puttin it all together.
It may take time to get the timing down but I think once ya figure out the right approach to your strategy it's like most games it's timing.

I sure could use some pin mines or whatever those mines were I used in Socom2 :laugh:

Dactrius Feb 3rd, 2005 08:03 PM

I just got the game last night (Wednesday), and I gave it a few hours of my time since. It's very addictive, and very fun. Not finding it difficult yet, but I'm not on the diamond suit neither. I got the ace of clubs contract, but I'm gonna finish up getting the clubs first. I never knew there was a shop option, I'm very happy about that. Makes me wanna search for all the hidden crates and stuff to unlock new things. ^^

Very impressive game so far!

FATT47 Feb 4th, 2005 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Dactrius
I just got the game last night (Wednesday), and I gave it a few hours of my time since. It's very addictive, and very fun. Not finding it difficult yet, but I'm not on the diamond suit neither. I got the ace of clubs contract, but I'm gonna finish up getting the clubs first. I never knew there was a shop option, I'm very happy about that. Makes me wanna search for all the hidden crates and stuff to unlock new things. ^^

Very impressive game so far!

Well Dactrius you're probably much better at these single player shooter games then I am, I'm more into racin games but this Mercs game is very good for a change of pace.
It does get harder IMO when ya get to the diamond suite for sure IMO, the action picks up, more baddies to deal with and the puzzles get a little harder to accomplish.
Not sure how long I'll play the game, I take breaks every day or so and get back to some good ole ToCA 2 racin online just to regain my sanity :laugh:

Good luck and enjoy the game.

Drafter-T Feb 4th, 2005 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Dactrius
I just got the game last night (Wednesday), and I gave it a few hours of my time since. It's very addictive, and very fun. Not finding it difficult yet, but I'm not on the diamond suit neither. I got the ace of clubs contract, but I'm gonna finish up getting the clubs first. I never knew there was a shop option, I'm very happy about that. Makes me wanna search for all the hidden crates and stuff to unlock new things. ^^

Very impressive game so far!

Hey congrats on finally getting the game Dactrius! :arrr: Can't wait to read your review on it.

Drafter-T Feb 6th, 2005 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by FATT47
Hmmm, see I'm thinkin just the opposite, I'm thinkin there are 4 suites to the deck, you and know now that that diamonds are playin on the same map so I doubt the game producer would let us play on the same map through the last two suites, I bet a new map shows up for those last two suites, only problem is I may never see it :frust:

***If you are "spoiler-sensitive" DON'T READ ON, lol.***

Well, I finally made it past the Ace of Diamonds and you are right about the new map, as I'm sure you already know, since you told me in an e-mail that you are that far along now too.

As bad as I hate to admit that FATT, you are r-r-r-r... r-r-r-r... r-r-r-r... right, lol. Hey, I'm glad you are right on this one. The idea of having a new map to explore is pretty cool at this point. I've spent so much time on that first one, I'm ready for some new scenery.

FATT47 Feb 7th, 2005 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Drafter-T
***If you are "spoiler-sensitive" DON'T READ ON, lol.***

Well, I finally made it past the Ace of Diamonds and you are right about the new map, as I'm sure you already know, since you told me in an e-mail that you are that far along now too.

As bad as I hate to admit that FATT, you are r-r-r-r... r-r-r-r... r-r-r-r... right, lol. Hey, I'm glad you are right on this one. The idea of having a new map to explore is pretty cool at this point. I've spent so much time on that first one, I'm ready for some new scenery.

Me Was Right! HaHa and TeeHee :laugh:
It's nice to be right once in a while.

Yeah, I've got a plan of attack all set up for these next two suites, I'm goin to approach this new map with a strategy and take it nice and slow.
I think I was to aggressive on the last map, more sneakin around and lookin from behind bushes this time, ya know me :ghost:

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