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IcyMourdor Mar 3rd, 2004 11:43 PM

I know a lot of you are waiting until the PS2 versions to come out, but I was wondering how many of you out there bought the PC versions.

If you have, what races/classes/goals do you already have?

ssjtrunks13 Mar 5th, 2004 10:36 PM

Hey guys, I know I been out for a long time, probably forgot about me?

I bought the PC version the day it came out, started in the middle of november.

I am on the Seraph server, current job is a level 42 samurai. Up until 42 I was using Dark Knight(level 36) for support job, but at about level 33 I started to miss about half the time. So now I am leveling thief which is currently at level 14. My character is a mithra, so I started to wonder why I was missing about half the time.

Well, hopefully thief will help eliminate that. When I started I wanted to be a Dark Knight as my goal, but then I realized how much I missed katanas. So, I have reached my goal as far as the job I want to max out. Now I just gotta get to higher levels.

kupoartist Mar 6th, 2004 05:02 AM

Cool... I'm interested, do any of you FFXI players have interesting stories about events that have happened during gameplay? When i used to frequent a FFXI Online site, we used to hear stories about interesting trips the beta testers had been on, like this one guy who just decided to take a trip around the world one day, and ended up getting murdered by an Octopus whilst traveling over the sea! It'd be great if you had any similar tales to share with us, as it may get some of the more cynical (and rightly cynical as well) people to consider giving FFXI a chance

Obviously, i'm not playing the game. I'm European, and nothing has been said about the PC release at all...

IcyMourdor Mar 6th, 2004 11:34 PM

FFXI players are really kind. Just running past a standing white mage will usually net you a heal or a protect.

I only have a 16 war/ 5 black on my elvaan character. Working to get Dark Knight and Summoner.

ssjtrunks13 Mar 9th, 2004 09:51 PM

Summoner? I thought about doing that, but definately not gonna even try til I have the other summons. And that probably won't happen til I am level 60+.

Stories? Sorry, I don't really have anything for you. Got loads of screens though

IcyMourdor Mar 14th, 2004 11:21 AM

I'm going Black Mage right now. I've always been the pure caster of direct damage since my days of EQ. I'm gonna stay that til like 40+, when I have found some of the summoner spirits.

I'm so used to playing the Magician of EQ that I will already be experienced with the Summoners. Summon arts have always been a favorite of mine, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna switch to Dark Knight when my friends needs a good melee damage dealer.

Matrix Mar 20th, 2004 05:43 PM

heh, i havent posted in a bit, guess i didnt wanna show my face after seeing how much a dissapointed matrix revelutions is....

anyways Imma try to log on more often from now on

if u have any questions about FF 11 ask me , ive been playing ps2 beta at a freinds until recently and ive tried the computer version and i have lots of info to share :cool:

by the by, ive playied about 2 dozen MMORPG's in my life and FF 11 doesnt even come close to any, best in sound gameplay and graphics and replay :laugh:

cj_3000 Apr 18th, 2004 04:35 PM

So what are the main differences in the ps2 version and the computer version?

kupoartist Apr 18th, 2004 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by cj_3000
So what are the main differences in the ps2 version and the computer version?

expenses mostly. The PC Version is only going to cost the price of a PC game, and you have to pay the monthly fee which is the same in both versions. The PS2 version costs the price of a Network Adaptor and a FFXI:Online / HDD bundle, Then the monthly fee.
The PC version also benefits from having a machine with a keyboard by default (keyboard + mouse will be best for communticating with pals) and high res textures, high poly models, so it looks better as well.

Its a rather simple choice: if you have a PC which is capable of running it in it's full graphical whadjaymawhoflip, get the PC version. If you have an ageing PC, a network adaptor / HDD combo for your PS2 is probably going to cost less than putting a Radeon 9800 Pro in your PC (not to mention all the extra fans you'd need... buzzzzzzzz)

cj_3000 Apr 19th, 2004 12:31 PM

I do have an older laptop so that pretty much decides it for me. I have to admit that I would probably go with the hdd set up any way. Your going to need it,I believe,in the future any way. With socom downloads on the horizon, I just think that it makes sense.I would rather use the dual shock to navigate the map anyway. One more question- what,in your opinion, is the best type of character and sub job is best to start out with?

kupoartist Apr 19th, 2004 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by cj_3000
One more question- what,in your opinion, is the best type of character and sub job is best to start out with?

this i can't help you with too much... (i've not actually played the game, i've just followed it for quite a while - I did a design project based on the game which got me a really high mark)... As far as i understand, the first "big" choice you make is the race of your character. The different races have their own "best" starting... If i remember rightly, the Hume is best for a Red Mage (because they're all rounders), the Tarataru is best as a Black Mage, the Galka is best as a Fighter (naturally big on strength and HP), the Mitthra are best as Thief class (high dex) and the elvaan are best as White Mages...

Support jobs aren't gained that early on from what i hear... if i was playing though, i'd be interested in doing my own thing than doing "what works best"...

anyways, the question is now open to those who actually know what they're talking about :lmao:

ssjtrunks13 Apr 20th, 2004 02:28 PM

A support job is only available after you complete a quest at level 18+. There's so many new people around that a lot of the more experienced party leaders won't take anyone without a support job even before level 18, and likewise experienced people who won't want to be in a party where at least the majority has a support job. After level 18 though, there are a lot more people who won't party with someone for exp unless they do have a support job. As far as choosing a job and race, you might want to choose a job and race combination that you think you would have fun with.

The starting jobs are Red Mage, White Mage, Warrior, Thief, Black Mage, Monk. The advanced jobs you need to be level 30+ in one job to get the quest and actually complete it to be able to change to it, though the advanced job quests are made for a higher level than the minimum level you need to take on that quest(to solo at least). A lot of the advanced job quests require you to fight some sort of boss monster. The advanced jobs are Ninja, Samurai, Dark Knight, Dragoon, Summoner(a lot of people will tell you a summoner is useless until you have all or most of the summons), Paladin, Bard, Ranger, and Beastmaster.

I'll have to get back to you on preferred jobs for races once I figure out how to say it.

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