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merylsilverburg Mar 8th, 2002 12:41 PM

Disc Read Error- HELP!
Alright, I feel like I'm the only person in the world who has this problem. This has happened to me twice and it always seems to be with the discs with the blue underside. My problem is, when I play a game that's DVD based (like Jak & Daxter) it always works fine. If I play a game that are PS2 based (like ICO or Tekken Tag) then it always says "Disc Read Error". I decided to test it out and pop in Jak & Daxter, then it's fine! Is there something wrong with my PS2 or my discs?! I tried to play ICO, and it's been doing that to me for some strange reason. This also happened with FFX. Someone help!

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 8th, 2002 07:52 PM

OK first did anything strange happen to your ps2 before this problem.A shut down all of a sudden,power surge anything.Did the system ever shut off on you and flash a red blinking light.If none of these thing happened i suggest cleaning your ps2 with pressurized air then take a cd cleaner and pop it into your ps2,and that should do the job.I had this problem with my ps2 but it shut off during mgs2 because the vents were clogged and it destroyed the optical lens in the ps2 and cost me 125 bucks to repair.

merylsilverburg Mar 8th, 2002 08:01 PM

Well.....heh, heh.....I used to leave my PS2 on all night everyday.......:heh: That's because I would wake up the next morning and began playing where I left off, 'cause I'm too damn lazy to turn it on again. (Yeah, I'm a lazy ass cow) But, then, I realized that the vent fan was collecting a lot of dust, so I began turning it off. And, as for the sudden shut down....I don't think it happened too much. Only once, and that was during a lighting storm, but that was a few months(?) ago. Thanks for the advice, maybe I'll try that, then I'll see what happens. That really sucks about your PS2 repair. See? This is one of the disadvantages about the PS2, I think. I had no problems with the PSone, except for the fact I overplayed it and it burnt out....:right:

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 8th, 2002 10:06 PM

Jees you leave it on.I bet that things full of dust from all that active time.Thats prolly your problem too.Dust is really bad

merylsilverburg Mar 8th, 2002 11:43 PM

Yeah, dust is hell. But, I wonder why when I pop in any other game that's DVD based, it works fine...but when I pop in a PS2 based game, it says that. I tried it all, I popped in Metal Gear, SSX Tricky, Jak & Daxter, Shadow Hearts.....then, I tried all the blue undersided games like ICO and Tekken Tag. Both games didn't work! :confused:

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 10th, 2002 10:34 PM

Yeah seems like your having the same prob i was.Try a dvd or a music cd.If it doesnt work then,send it in because your optical lens has suffered some damage

Chimera Mar 25th, 2002 04:55 AM

Disc Read Error
My PS2 does the same thing...It started out being picky with the blue (CD-ROM) games, but worked fine with DVD-ROM games. Then I wouldn't read anything. The other day I bought a can of compressed air as a last resort, and it worked...sort of. Now I'm back to it reading only DVD-ROM games. Which is not bad, but now it freezes during play, or takes a millenium to load. If I send it in, will they just clean the laser and send it back? Or will they replace the damaged/faulty parts? It's going to cost me about $300 Canadian to do this, so I want to be sure. Tack that $300 on to the $500 I paid for it in the first place, you're talking $800 bucks for a piece of shiz that may break down again. Needless to say I am extremely pissed off, to say the least. If anyone has any other home remedies or tricks they've learned, pleez let me know...

Harry Mar 25th, 2002 08:02 AM

Have you tried the diagnosis mode of the Ps2? Maybe it's not dust, it's simply a problem in the alignment of the lens - the Ps2 has an auto-diagnosis feature that adjust the setting of the DVD player.

Click Triangle in the main menu of the Ps2 browser. Select console, then click Triangle again. Set Diagnosis On then try playing your games.

BlackThornn Mar 25th, 2002 12:19 PM

Either that or just pick up a DVD lens cleaner from someplace like Tower Records. They normally run around 20$ american.. I gave my PS2 the works for cleaning it a couple of days ago, blew dust out with canned air, cleaned the CDs with ALLSOP cloth wipes, got what little dust was on the top of it off (I'd been keeping it up pretty well) and ran a lens cleaner through.. I wasn't even having many problems (imo) with the system.. but after adjusting the pull on the wires and plugging it back in, it was an absolutely MASSIVE improvement! The colors were more vibrant (probably because I gave the wire going to the television more leeway so it could fit tightly into the slot) the load times seemed faster (don't know what caused this.. 'cept maybe cleaning out the dust?) and it made less noise (Especially the infamous Playstation2 formatted CDs.. the blue ones).

Don't mean to sound kinda preachy but I recommend everybody give thier system a good, thorough cleaning. It really does help.

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