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Hylas Oct 9th, 2003 02:15 PM

Five things you'd never do!
Tell me tell me: which are five things you'd never do? Five things you'd hate to do or five things you hope you'll never be forced to do in your whole life. You got my point!

Here's my list (I have a longer list of things I'd never do, but I want everyone to post the same amount of choices):
[list=1][*]Shave my head :([*]Go to a Spears/Aguilera or similar idiots concert, also singing along and dancing to their music! :bang:[*]Read the dictionary from A to Z without missing a sigle word[*]Eat liver[*]Bring a photo of my sweetheart (when I'll have one) in my wallet XD[/list=1]

Spank-A-Thon Oct 9th, 2003 03:57 PM

Things I'll never do:

1. Eat Cabbage

2. Say, "you know, this Microsoft product is really great!"

3. Choose love over friendship

4. Deliberately physically or mentally hurt another person

5. Drink and drive

- S

tempted Oct 9th, 2003 05:35 PM

Theese are the things that i probably will never do:

-I'm never gonna buy a Madonna cd;
-i'm never gonna trust the wrong persons again;
-i'll never sing in the shower;
-i'm never gonna buy another Lara Croft game;
-and i will never paint my hair blonde...:nono:

Vicious_2003 Oct 9th, 2003 05:37 PM

There are just waaaaaaaay to many to list just five ;)

Pu the Owl Oct 9th, 2003 06:28 PM

1. Touch a spider
2. Wear anything neon/fluorescent
3. Accept something I don't deserve
4. Piss in the shower
5. Throw my Winnie the Pooh plushie away

Just because you wanted us to list only 5...

ssjtrunks13 Oct 9th, 2003 08:30 PM

1. smoke, drink, or do illegal drugs
2. cheat on any girl that I may be emotionally involved with
3. feel like I do now for the rest of my life
4. listen to country music for over an hour or 2 on any given day
5. eat something that I don't know what it may be

trunks69420 Oct 9th, 2003 10:28 PM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13
1. smoke, drink, or do illegal drugs
Aww.. now what fun is this??? j/k man:cool:

1. Hit a woman
2. Heroin... thats about the only drug i wont do;)
3. Stop watching scarface... i am watching it right now as i type
4. Piss my pants....again
5. Throw away my games..

Zone Oct 10th, 2003 12:59 AM

Not in any particular order...

1. Physically or emotionally hurt someone who doesn't deserve it. (And those who do should watch out.)

2. Do drugs, drink heavily, or smoke.

3. Give a sh*t if someone happens to have a negative opinion about me.

4. Let someone who hurts a loved one of mine get away with it.

5. Other stuff I can't think of right now.

Berserker Oct 10th, 2003 01:22 AM

1. Cheat on my girlfriend

2. Betray my friends

3. support feyen&^%

4. wear tight pants

5. take sh%$ from posh people

These are the first things that spring to mind...

Redpyramidhead Oct 10th, 2003 03:35 AM

Since I'm way too serious all the time, I'm going to make these somewhat humorous, like Hylas' ones.

I will never:

1. own a slow car
2. drive the speed limit
3. try the subway diet
4. tell a police officer I know how fast I was going:laugh:
5. use a pick-up line instead of normal conversation

_RED_ stuff

neomarik Oct 10th, 2003 10:23 AM


Originally posted by trunks69420

4. Piss my pants....again
again???? :shock:

1. do drugs, that are illigal
2.sleep with another man down the street naked
4.die my hair neon orange
5.choose lov over friendship, also (good one spank-a-thon)

thats what i could think of at the moment

Cannibal Clown Oct 10th, 2003 02:30 PM

1) The common one so far, hurt anyone mentally or phisically who doesn't deserve it.
2) Smoke, get drunk, or high on anything that isn't givin to me by a medical professional.
3) Let money get in the way of love.
4) Throw away my religion.
5) Stop trying in life because it's too hard or full of bull shit.

I could go on and talk about the more obvios things, conserning insainly weird things that would just grose me out or humiliate me completely. But i;ll just stay with the essentials.

Gadzoox Oct 10th, 2003 07:31 PM

- betray anyone I love
- hurt David Bowie
- enjoy listening to brittany spears and that type of music :blerg:
- hurt anyone mentally or physically who doesn't deserve it (repeat!)
- get a tattoo

DSgamer Oct 10th, 2003 08:31 PM

1)get a tattoo
2)hurt any1 I like/love
4)listen 2 britney, christina, nsync, or backstreet boys
5)throw away a game

Deathwatchz Oct 12th, 2003 02:08 AM

1. Sign another contract from the u.s. government without FULLY reading it.
2. trust anyone fully without good reason
3. give up on people that i care about
4. enjoy any of that teenie-bopper pop crap
5. definitely not gonna dye my hair blonde

Rei Oct 12th, 2003 06:02 AM

- Kiss whatever has more than 4 legs (aka insects etc...)
- Cheat on somebody I love
- Fall asleep in a graveyard
- Diet
- Watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer for more than 5 minutes

fantasytiger Oct 13th, 2003 01:12 PM


Sign another contract from the u.s. government without FULLY reading it
LMAO good one deathwatch

1. CHEAT ON MY ONLY LOVE :love: :mad:
2. betray a friend
3. wear any neon or/pastal colors
4. give up my dreams for anyone (tatoo, sky diving:mad: :frust: :mad: )
5. hold in my true feelings about someone (again)

Meiko Oct 13th, 2003 08:09 PM

[list=1][*]Kill any living being[*]Eat rotten food[*]Lend anything valuable to someone I don't know[*]Blow my nose with my fingers[*]Go to church everyday (if you find this one offensive, sorry but I just couldn't do that!)[/list=1]

Piggle_humsy Oct 13th, 2003 08:12 PM


Originally posted by Redpyramidhead

5. use a pick-up line instead of normal conversation

_RED_ stuff
Man I wish every guy would make that pact! :laugh:

Well im sure you all know how hard it is for me to stick to a certain amount but i'll give it a go....
[list=1][*]Eat any type of insect/bug living or dead intentionally :yuck: [*]Streak or skinny dip EVER!![*]Have unprotected sex unless i'm married. :good: [*]Go to the toilet anywhere other than a toilet![*]Be a lemming. [/list=1]

List subject to change....

Piggle :roll:
x x x x

Redpyramidhead Oct 13th, 2003 11:34 PM


Originally posted by Piggle_humsy [list=1][*]Be a lemming. [/list=1]
Piggle :roll:
x x x x
But they're so cute and cuddly and...ummm...mindless...:roll:

_RED_ stuff

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