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Vicious_2003 Sep 29th, 2003 09:41 PM

Take my Cube..please !
Nintendo marked thir Cube's down to 99.99. Which means X Box has a controller out that costs more than a Gamecube console . Sorry to say it but Nintendo must be getting desperate. MAN thats cheap

Sleazy P Martini Sep 30th, 2003 05:56 AM

I'm gonna grab one. Now I can play those wicked Rogue Leader games.

Rev0lution Sep 30th, 2003 09:35 AM

Yea im looking at grabbing one myself. There are some really good games coming out for the cube and alot already out.

goodman Sep 30th, 2003 06:21 PM

Please take mine, nothing much to it...

jjmoohead Oct 1st, 2003 02:07 AM

I'll have yours goodman, just send it to Free of course...hahaha

Long time Bud,

Sorry I have not been around much, ill send you an update pm as soon as I can.

ssjtrunks13 Oct 1st, 2003 06:11 AM

Well, there's a whole lot more games for it that I want compared to XBox and even put together with the Dreamcast I bought when they were selling the last ones. A controller that costs over $99? Wow, never knew controllers could be so expensive.

dan da man Oct 2nd, 2003 10:39 AM

Nintendo gamecube is dying, if anyone cant see that there either a hardcore fanboy or just silly.


Originally posted by goodman

Please take mine, nothing much to it...

Oh il have it, oh wait a minute the shipping would cost more to buy one new, nevermind.

Vicious_2003 Oct 2nd, 2003 04:41 PM


controller that costs over $99? Wow, never knew controllers could be so expensive.
I was reffering to the Steel Batallion controller. (If you can call it a controller. Or maybe it didnt cost over 99, I dont remember)

And I dissagree about Cube having more and better games. X Box Live alone is enough reason to get it over a featureless Gamecube. And once Halo 2 comes out people will be saying "Mario Who ?" "Nintendo, whats that ?". But, all joking aside, I just hope they stick with thir plans to release a new system in 2006. Id like to see them get another chance to adapt to a market theyve seemingly lost touch with

ssjtrunks13 Oct 2nd, 2003 10:10 PM

Well, to me compared to the XBox it really does. I don't think any other system has more games that I'd like to get than the PS2.

Vulcan Raven Oct 2nd, 2003 11:12 PM

$99.00 HOLY SH*T!!!!


yep they MUST be getting desperate!!

for the price of a GAME (not controller!)

well over here in NZ anyway.

and there is a Gamecube Pack out with 3 games of your choice, 2 controllers, and a memory card for just $145.00


Vulcan Raven Oct 2nd, 2003 11:15 PM




LOL:greed: :cussing: :spidey: :cowboy: :artist:

Azuma_Ninja Oct 6th, 2003 01:16 PM

I don't think Nintedo dropping the Cube's price to $99.00 is a big deal. So Nintendo's sales might not have been what they wanted so they dropped the price in hopes of pushing out more. That doesn't mean that they're desperate. More stategic if you ask me since Christmas is right around the corner it's prolly one of the best moves that could've been made. I'm sure most people will compare prices not just think oh X-box has halo 2 better get that. I'm no fanboy or anything I own all the next gen consoles out right now this is just my opinion.

trunks69420 Oct 7th, 2003 12:01 AM


Originally posted by Vicious_2003

I was reffering to the Steel Batallion controller. (If you can call it a controller. Or maybe it didnt cost over 99, I dont remember)
Well i am not sure how much it costs now.. but when i bought the game when it first came out the whole setup ran me 250 bucks

Vicious_2003 Oct 7th, 2003 02:02 AM


Well I am not sure how much it costs now.. but when i bought the game when it first came out the whole setup ran me 250 bucks
And considering the game (Disc) itself wouldnt cost more than 59.99, that means the rest, nearly 200 bucks is the cost of the controller. Thats almost two Gamecubes my friend, TWO !. Of course it's probably cheaper now :cool:


I don't think Nintedo dropping the Cube's price to $99.00 is a big deal
I see where your coming from. Thats even how I kind of felt after the price drop before this one. But come on. 99.00 $ ?. When your droping a 200.00 $ piece of hardware down to 99.00 $, theres a little more than strategy at play. I mean, if it were a good strategy to drop prices that low Microsoft and Sony would have done it themselves. Clearly they are better strategists* than the good folks at Nintendo

You are right about people possibly leaning towards the Gamecube slighly because of its price though. But that doesent change the fact that the reason there dropping it so low is just to peddle off as many of thier inferior systems to non gaming parents looking to buy thier kids something for christmas as possible who see it and say "wow that one's cheap, Ill take it" as possible.(I hope you can make sence of that long winded sentance) I dont mean to bash Nintendo or anything, Ive still got love for my main man Mario, but they need help, LOTS of help. And a blind man could have seen the flaws in the Cube form day one, big mistake.

Hylas Oct 7th, 2003 04:47 AM

Maybe they're really desperate, but with this strategy they're selling a lot of Cubes! And I would't despise the idea of getting one for that price, only to play Zelda and MGS which is still to be released... :blush:

Frozen Oct 7th, 2003 12:52 PM

They NEED to cut the prices in the games, not the console. People don't buy the console not because as itself it is a failure, but because hte games are not so appealing. I got it only for Zelda and Metroid and RE's. When it comes to a console I honestly don't give a damn on how much it costs since it's a one time expense, unlike games, which I'll be buying constantly.

Azuma_Ninja Oct 7th, 2003 12:57 PM

This thread has officially peaked my interest. I still think that dropping the $200.00 machine down to $99 is a good stategy. It's all about the neverending console war. Here's my point let's say that sales of GameCubes start rising at an alarming rate. What do you think Sony and Microsoft are going to do? Just sit there and watch Nintendo beat them out? No, they too would probably end up dropping the prices of their machines. It's all about competiton. Vicious I was just wondering what were the flaws you mentioned that the GameCube had since day one? The only thing that bugs me about the system is that crappy controller and even that can be gotten used to.

Vicious_2003 Oct 9th, 2003 05:46 PM

I agree. But the whole point of lowering the system price is to lure people into getting It. Then they pay out the big money through buying games. Games are what bring in the most revenue. So I dont see them lowering the prices of the games, and if so, certainly not by much. I theink theyd lower the Cube's price to fifity bucks before they made the games cheaper. It would be nice though

happy_doughnut Oct 9th, 2003 07:11 PM

I agree with Azuma, for the most part.

I don't see why there's so much commotion about the price drop. Yes, it dropped a whole 100$, but it's not like the Cube was released yesterday, either. If anything, the ps2 went from 300$ to 200$, or maybe even less at the moment. The difference is practically the same.

And I completely disagree with the notion of Nintendo getting "desperate". Yes - it doesn't have many games, but many of the ones it does have are really worth playing. For example, a lot of the games for the ps2 nowadays are boring and repetitive. What the X-Box has going for it are its great sports games and shooters (which I think aren't even all that great... way too much blood, imo).

Seriously, the ps2 should be free. I mean, damn.

I don't consider myself a fanboy of Nintendo, given that my "favorite" console is the ps2 along with the repair tools. However, I think Nintendo is an excellent company, and I think that if they dropped their prices on the Cube, it was for a good reason.

Vicious_2003 Oct 10th, 2003 07:08 PM


Seriously, the ps2 should be free. I mean, damn
Now your makin sence ;)

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