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BlackThornn Sep 2nd, 2003 12:14 PM

Jedi Knight III: Jedi Academy
Jedi Academy Website

Hey all. Just thought I'd get you guys know that this is coming out soon. ^_^ It's obviously the sequel to Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, in which you follow Kyle Katarn through a series of linear New Republic timeline-based missions. JKII won best weapon on G-Phoria (for those of you who get that station and can stand watching it for any length of time) for it's Lightsaber, and Jedi Academy is choosing the lightsaber to focus on.

This time around you are able to customize your own cadet from numerous SW Universe alien races for induction into Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy. Craft your own lightsaber and follow either lightside or darkside paths as you traverse through the free-form missions of the game that will bring you to locales like Hoth, Tatooine, and of course Yavin 4 where the Academy itself is located.

Ligtsaber combat this time around has been even further refined from JKII, and you will be able to fight in scenes on par with movie duels (or in many cases actually surpassing those!) in 'cool' factor. Choosing from the double-bladed lightsaber (ala Darth Maul) or even Dual Sabers (Anakin from AotC) you can hack your way through Sith cultists, enraged Tusken Raiders, even a Rancor, with the smoothest graphics in a Star Wars game to date.

*laughs* Oy.. You'd think I WORKED for LucasArts. Anyhow, enjoy all. Mark off here if you get the game, we can cross sabers sometime.

Uchiha Sasuke Sep 7th, 2003 01:40 PM

I dunno about this game. From the sounds of it, it sounds like a copy of Kotor only with more freedom in the combat system.

BlackThornn Sep 7th, 2003 06:48 PM

Jedi Knight II was out long before Knights of the Old Republic, Snake. This is just a souped-up sequel with more emphasis on the lightsaber combat. Actual combat, mind you, not BioWare's turnbased "spectator" combat system.

And the Jedi Knight series was out long before the Knights of the Old Republic game or even the Xbox was even concieved.

Why don't you go download the demo from the official site, try it out. Try the dual sabers or the saberstaff and go up against some sith cultists, actually fighting with the sabers and performing acrobatic moves like the best movie coreography.

Beats the hell out of anything BioWare puts out, even Knights of the Old Republic. Plus it's set in the New Republic timeline, which rules even harder. :)

kupoartist Sep 8th, 2003 01:03 PM

hmm... the most recent Jedi game wasn't really that interesting if you ask me. It was ok, but I don't buy into the whole "wow its star wars" thing, and it seemed only a bit more exciting than... well Unreal 2. And thats about exciting as amputation.

and LucasArts should really stop adding bits on to their titles. Essentially, they may as well have called the game:

"Dark Forces V: Jedi Knight III: Jedi Outcast II: Jedi Academy"


BlackThornn Sep 8th, 2003 02:43 PM

Personally I'm in it for the great modding community and the multiplayer Jedi Knight battles. "Siege" sounds awesome.

And I agree with you about the titles! *laughs* I downloaded the demo and each aspect had a trademark after it.


Off-topic, Artist, have you gotten the Homeworld 2 demo? It's great!

kupoartist Sep 8th, 2003 04:04 PM


Originally posted by BlackThornn
Off-topic, Artist, have you gotten the Homeworld 2 demo? It's great!
hmm.... this was one of those "should I bother?" things for me. You see, I preordered HW2 for my Birthday. I also have a 28k Internet Connection. The Demo is 140mb big. Some simple maths thows up the problem that theres a good chance that, by the time I've recieved every last byte of the demo, The full version will probably drop through the letter box. Hell, theres a good chance that the 3rd one will get here before I finish downloading this demo!

But on the bright side, Its great that you've checked it out :) ... i'm pretty sure that HW2 will be a critically acclaimed game (90% in the UK PC Gamer already... it would've got more but as its not controversial to say that its good, they didn't mark it up. Just to prove this, they don't even give a single point against it, yet mark it short of most other games.), but one of those ones that everyone just passes by, leaving a teeny niche community to play the damned thing.

Now buy HW1 and Catacylsm. :laugh:

BlackThornn Sep 8th, 2003 10:53 PM

I've been burning it onto CD's and handing it to my cable-less friends over here. Maybe you could find someone similarly blessed and borrow their connection for a while. :D

And I've already gotten HW1! *laughs* About halfway through it. The interface is a little hairy compared to the demo of HW2, but the story and missions are great. ^_^

kupoartist Sep 9th, 2003 02:16 PM


Originally posted by BlackThornn
And I've already gotten HW1! *laughs* About halfway through it. The interface is a little hairy compared to the demo of HW2, but the story and missions are great. ^_^
Hooray! Nice to hear that the HW2 interface is good... I never had a single problem with the HW1 interface, but I know of people who simply found the whole "3D Strategy" thing too much. The missions are indeed fab, and its rare for any two missions to be the same - i liked the "pirate" races in the early ones (Turanics and the Kadesh - the later who have an excellent story)... though I do wish that the T-MAT could of made it into it somewhere...

Redpyramidhead Sep 9th, 2003 07:15 PM

If this is not a PS2 game why is it not under other consoles? I was confused at first and was hoping that the fact the thread was here meant that the game would be coming to my favorite console. Blah!:frust: It seems Lucas Arts likes to avoid putting any of the Star Wars titles that are worth anybody's time on the good ol' PS2.

_RED_ stuff

Preventer Wind Sep 9th, 2003 07:33 PM


Blah! It seems Lucas Arts likes to avoid putting any of the Star Wars titles that are worth anybody's time on the good ol' PS2.
You mean Knights of the Old Republic? I don't see any other titles that are worth the time....

Uchiha Sasuke Sep 9th, 2003 08:07 PM


Originally posted by BlackThornn

Jedi Knight II was out long before Knights of the Old Republic, Snake. This is just a souped-up sequel with more emphasis on the lightsaber combat. Actual combat, mind you, not BioWare's turnbased "spectator" combat system.

And the Jedi Knight series was out long before the Knights of the Old Republic game or even the Xbox was even concieved.

Why don't you go download the demo from the official site, try it out. Try the dual sabers or the saberstaff and go up against some sith cultists, actually fighting with the sabers and performing acrobatic moves like the best movie coreography.

Beats the hell out of anything BioWare puts out, even Knights of the Old Republic. Plus it's set in the New Republic timeline, which rules even harder. :)
I just meant the whole thing with the choosing your side and making your own lightsaber. Plus I have the last installment of Jedi Knight and I wasn't too impressed. I really doubt the new one will top Kotor. I mean there wasn't one bad review for Kotor we'll have to see how Jedi Academy does.

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