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stevil935 Aug 21st, 2003 05:58 PM

what gta4 needs
gta4 is coming out soon and i really think it needs skateboarding in it. like combine gta vice city with the graphics from gta 3 (like so everything doesnt look the same like it did on vice city) and it really needs more than just shooting ppl and robbing cars and shit. although that stuffs awsome it needs more to it. they should take a while on it and make it so the area is so big that it would take days/weeks of non-stop playing to cover it all. it also needs alot more cavilians. so they dont all look the same. the car variety was really good on vice city. i was very pleased with it. i liked the motor cycles and everything! but it really needs more people. more stuff to ride (ex. skateboards, bicycles, skooters, and make it so you can do like actual tricks on these things ya know! and get better music for the games. the only radio station anyone ever listens to is chatterbox. they need stations like the nerve and stuff. get music like rage against the machine, cky, nirvana, godsmack, linkin park, alien ant farm, white stripes, sum 41, blink 182, disturbed, etc. these are what the game needs!) please when you make the new game make it so realistic that you have to spend about a month of non-stop playing in order to see everything thats on the game. if you do this then gta will definetely be my fave game!:cool:

DSgamer Aug 22nd, 2003 04:45 PM


just shooting ppl and robbing cars and shit
oooOoOOOOOOoOooooO u said a bad word oOooOOooooooo im gonna tell my mommy


sum 41, blink 182
I dont like them


if you do this then gta will definetely be my fave game
dont tell us man, we're not making it

:laugh: :laugh:

dan da man Aug 22nd, 2003 06:30 PM

Ignore gamer.

Stevil, Im going to have to disagree, your "style" of GTA is like a moshers/goth game.

DSgamer Aug 22nd, 2003 07:15 PM

dont ignore me, if anything, I need attention

plus, i hold some supah secret info :ghost:

Brit Sep 7th, 2003 04:22 PM

Re: what gta4 needs

Originally posted by stevil935

get music like rage against the machine, cky, nirvana, godsmack, linkin park, alien ant farm, white stripes, sum 41, blink 182,
disturbed, etc. these are what the game needs

thats some qulity music
not sure about godsmack linkin park and sum 41

but stripes and rage against the machine are quality bands

i'd add
queens of the stone age
and hives

that would be a quality musical lineup

SplinterJD Oct 8th, 2003 08:45 AM

Wether they have those bands in it also depends on what era Rockstar decide to set the game in.;) From what i've heard its going to be the 70s that means alot of those bands already menchened won't be in it.

Vulcan Raven Nov 4th, 2003 10:17 PM

[COLOR=darkblue] Well we could sit here for hours fighting about the music, (even though quality music would be good.)
But we need to just let Rockstar do its magic and we will soon be playing their masterpeice on our black box.

and who gives a F@*k if we swear :cussing: i mean its only shit.

We're all mature enough to swear

"Fuck Shit Bitch ****, Shubiddyduwai" (a little number from eminem)

why the :cussing:fuck:cussing: am i going on about swearing?

this is The GTA forums!!!

pilgrimage451 Nov 12th, 2003 01:01 AM

Re: Re: what gta4 needs

Originally posted by Brit

thats some qulity music
not sure about godsmack linkin park and sum 41

but stripes and rage against the machine are quality bands

i'd add
queens of the stone age
and hives

that would be a quality musical lineup
Some of those (and bands mentioned by the thread starter) are decent bands (some of them make my head want to implode), but they really don't fit that GTA badass gangster vibe--some of them can't even pull off mommy-I-just-got-my-first-pube angst. Whether it's dub Reggae or 80's, Rockstar has shown themselves to be very good at picking music that really fits the game in an odd way (kinda like Kubrick picking Beethoven for A Clockwork Orange).

Vulcan Raven Dec 23rd, 2003 01:45 AM

Yeah The White Stripes are a good band.

Anyway, they should make GTA4 first in the 70's and then have it in.....say, 2010 etc... the 70's having a back story on a certain gang family (eg: the Vercetti family in Vice City or the Leones from GTA3) and showing a person from the gang/family and show their story. (110 missions for that) Then have the same family, maybe a few generations later (in 2010 or something) and follow another person of that gang/family (with another 100+ missions) maybe a 2 disc Set? that would be cool. Or whatever...its just my opinion agaist everyone elses so....lets just see what Rockstar* delivers us and i'll be happy no matter what.

I have a million and one other ideas for how i would like GTA but i'd just rather wait and see.

Okay fellow off to play a bit of Vice City ( i never get bored of that game!

Redpyramidhead Dec 29th, 2003 06:58 AM

YOu guyz are outta control:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

_RED_ stuff

Vulcan Raven Dec 30th, 2003 05:43 PM


OuTa CoNtRoL?¿?¿

yeah i guess so.

Vicious_2003 Jan 8th, 2004 09:03 PM


and who gives a F@*k if we swear i mean its only shit.
Mature people have vocabularys that allow them to use better words to express themselves ;) . Not being critical just pretending to be mature myself (Wich im not) Hehe

And the only rumors Ive heard floating around about the next installment of GTA are that rappers Fifty Cent and Eminem may appear in the game and play themselves. If thats true then the sound track/radio stations will probably be rap dominated and therefore Suck to no end. Of course those ARE just rumors, I remember hearing rumors that the PS3 would be out allready so we all know what rumors are worth :disturb:

Also I just found out from Beretta55 the games setting will almost certainly be San andreas thanks to THIS article

Grand Theft Auto fans looking to shoot up Las Vegas are likely in for a disappointment. Two weeks before Amazon UK began taking pre-orders for Grand Theft Auto: Sin City--the Las Vegas-set title inspired by a 2003 April Fool's Day post on quietly registered a different title.

On December 17, 2003, Take-Two registered three titles--GTA: San Andreas, GTA 5, and GTA 6--with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Since Vice City was the fourth game in the Grand Theft Auto series* it would seem that the next installment in the series will be either called GTA 5 or GTA: San Andreas.

(Vice City is technically the fifth game in the series, which includes the largely overlooked expansion to the original GTA, Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969.)

While Take-Two referred to the next GTA as "Grand Theft Auto 5" in a conference call earlier this year, San Andreas is the more likely title. San Andreas, a hybrid of Los Angeles and San Francisco, is the only city featured in the original Grand Theft Auto yet to make an appearance in the next-generation game (Liberty City was in GTAIII and Vice City showed up in an eponymous game). The San Andreas theory is further backed up by the fact that Take-Two has not registered "GTA: Sin City" or "Grand Theft Auto: Sin City" with the Trademark Office.

Interestingly, Take-Two registered only titles with the "GTA" acronym, and did not register "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas", "Grand Theft Auto 5," or "Grand Theft Auto 6." This indicates they may be following in the footsteps of KFC (nee Kentucky Fried Chicken) in using acronyms to make a potentially unpalatable product more easily consumable by the mainstream. Rockstar representatives had not responded to GameSpot inquiries as of press time.

RobHardo Mar 25th, 2004 10:25 PM

the music will be customizable guys with somethign called an HDD
i figured something out. they wont put kids as civis, becase thats just bad i guess.
*things san andreas needs*
Customizable skin or somethin like it
sketcher roller shoes
go carts


sharper image scooters


smarter ai

cop motorcycles

undercover cops(that do sakeouts and stuff) so when u commit a
crime they see u "under cover"

more realistic car crashes

manhunt style kills (When necessary!)

tri-city areas,(aka ability to fly to another city like liberty or VC)

better graphics for characters, if it had metal gear solid graphics o my god id shit myself

thats all i can think of right now

RobHardo Mar 26th, 2004 07:16 AM

I thought of something else!
if anyone played pokemon gold/silver the real time of day was in affect, if u had a choice to play in real time or gta time that would be awesome

Billyum7 Jun 30th, 2004 12:31 PM

Okay about the skateboarding it weird but you can ride bikes tap X over and over... and the thing im going to have fun with is robbing houses.... and now you can swim finally what took so long...jeez Okay san andreas has 3 cities and all 3 of them will be 4 times as big as vice city.. and there are going to be police motorcycles.. theres going to be better graphics to like fingers lol.. and i heard there will be something like manhunt when you get shot somone told me you can see the bulet hole in you. i think thats like manhunt never played it before. :pimp:

RobHardo Sep 14th, 2004 05:54 PM

i skimmed through othe rposts without any luck of finding what i wanted to say so here goes.

Cops giving u tickets! Not speeding tickets that would be a bit ridiculous. Like have a half star warrent on u or somethin like that where the cop pulls u over for hitting lets say, a fire hydrant or catch u for the occasional red light. I've found myself at times abiding by the rules of the road on Vice City. It may sound kinda dumb, but it is quite time consuming and gets you through any boredom you may be suffering, although i don't really play video games much because i go out and get wasted at parties and do lord knows what. I'm guessing they can't have dogs or animals in th egame because the humane society would rip rockstar a new one with animal cruelty malarky.

Billyum7 Oct 1st, 2004 07:36 AM

cops are gonna give you tickets? :( that would suck theey will be chasing you for everything now..

RobHardo Oct 1st, 2004 04:34 PM

notice i said for certain things, at least i think i said that. I didn't mean get pulled over for everything. Like for everyonce ina while you hit someones car and it causes a chain reaction(im talkin like a special system for it with like a replay of the wreck in a Final finatasy like cut scene) where ud have to talk to a cop, trying to get out of the ticket or something like that

Billyum7 Oct 1st, 2004 05:13 PM

ok that would be okay but if u got a ticket for speeding or somethin the game wouldnt be as fun..

GameMind Oct 19th, 2004 05:14 PM

That`s right.. the fun is in the speed of the game.
But about what gta 4 needs. there are other things like.. to have your own men (gange) that obay you (Tommy) and do whatever you want from them! and also it will be more fun if there are long roads between cities ,it would be more fun to be driven for a long distances (like 2 minutes on the road!!).
one other thing... I think it should have more porn sences :D ;)

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