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nycgamer Jun 17th, 2003 03:42 PM

Are you content with your life?
Yes, or no, what's your reason either way?

Rei Jun 17th, 2003 05:53 PM

Yes I am. I have no reason not be content. My life is good, I have a fantastic family, the right amount of reliable friends, I've never experienced serious problems, I enjoy many things and for this I consider myself to be lucky. That's enough to say my life is good!

Is this what you were asking?

blindman Jun 17th, 2003 11:34 PM

I will say im happy with the way i live.
I have experienced mental problems and other issues...and thats like the only thing that im afraid of these days.
So yeah (im also afraid of uncureable diseases and operations).
Well, yeah, im pretty happy, struggling sometimes but happy nonetheless.

DSgamer Jun 17th, 2003 11:45 PM


Gadzoox Jun 17th, 2003 11:53 PM

I can honestly say I am.

The only thing I don't like about it is my lack of time and the condition of the world around me; but MY life is GREAT! :D

Pu the Owl Jun 18th, 2003 06:08 PM

No, I'm not, but it's too long to tell you why. It's not only on a personal level, but on in general. There are too many things that aren't like they should be, and I have no power over them. Like anybody else, probably, but some people don't care about it, while I do.

blindman Jun 18th, 2003 06:37 PM


Originally posted by Fortune

No, I'm not, but it's too long to tell you why. It's not only on a personal level, but on in general. There are too many things that aren't like they should be, and I have no power over them. Like anybody else, probably, but some people don't care about it, while I do.
Hey, everyones got their issues. When i say that im very happy about my life i can sometimes say im lying to myself. But i dont know, there jus something there to inspire me and go on with life.
For this reason is why i dont like seeing people so sad, which is why i help them...i have helped whom i can in the past...but thats not for me to make a story of.
Just reminding ya there are people that care.

Pu the Owl Jun 18th, 2003 06:43 PM

Everyone has issues, and I'm not denying it, as everyone has his own vision of life. You say you lie to yourself when you think you're content, while you probably are not. Well, this is a strategy to cope. Greatest difference between me and you is that I probably don't pretend to help someone while I can't even be sure of myself. Don't take it wrong. As I said, anyone has a personal vision and none is completely right.

blindman Jun 18th, 2003 06:47 PM

Don't be surprised if i told you i met a person like you before.
But I agree totally to your point. IF everyone had the same vision to things, then i think the world wouldnt be...the world or better
Well, im not saying that what i do is the most correct...and i learned that while i was thinking some nights ago. I used to tell people the things i thought where right...later discovered that wasnt right either.
Now i try to help others the way I hope they feel confortable...i also thought that i was a bit too..."shinny" with all my content messages i told people about life when times where down..I later learned that wasnt a good method either.
I dont pretend to me, it may come naturally depending on the way im feeling.

Pu the Owl Jun 18th, 2003 06:52 PM


Originally posted by Blindman
Don't be surprised if i told you i met a person like you before.
That's a bit arrogant of you: I haven't really talked about myself (I only remained on a superficial level) and you already say you met someone like me. Not fair, trust me ;)

blindman Jun 18th, 2003 06:55 PM


Originally posted by Fortune

Greatest difference between me and you is that I probably don't pretend to help someone while I can't even be sure of myself.
The way you talked in that paragraph and the way you wrote that sentence reminds me of this girl i met.
I kinda miss her...i dont know why but we haven't talked in awhile...wonder how shes doing.:shame:
I dont know if its for me to bring this up in such thread.
Judging from your website alone ( i guess) , i can tell you have an unique vision, and a good hand at graphics skills.
The site is also freaky in my eye:laugh: hehe but thats not really for me to judge.

Pu the Owl Jun 18th, 2003 07:22 PM

Can't you contact this girl?

BTW, my vision is not that unique. Nothing is really unique, sadly, but we can always fool ourselves :P

blindman Jun 18th, 2003 07:23 PM

Well, we do have each others emails...our conversations get shorter... and sometimes its more like "just talk to her for the sake" thing.:disturb:

blindman Jun 18th, 2003 09:31 PM

But Fortune, if you think music can be helpful at times...and if you feel like just laying back and wondering about what you are doing...i suggest you download Sarah McLachlan - Silence.
Its a 6 minute song, and its really calm.

Lyric sample: Heaven holds a sense of wonder..and i wanted to believe that, i get caught up, when the rage in me subsides.

I listen to this song when i cant stand the loudtimes and just want to relax while listening to the lyrics at most times.

If you dont understand the lyrics...go to for it is a good lyrics website.

Hope that helped...just a dedication.

Hylas Jun 19th, 2003 07:50 AM

I am quite satisfied and happy. I had some bad moment this year, but now I want to think only about the positive things I have. So yes, I'm optimistic about it, even if being pessimistic nowadays seems much cooler. :mad:

dan da man Jun 19th, 2003 03:01 PM

I would say happy and not, there are so many issues in my life its drives me crazy, but then agian im a good looking lad, family and friends, house, I should be grateful.

merylsilverburg Jun 20th, 2003 06:14 AM


Originally posted by Fortune

No, I'm not, but it's too long to tell you why. It's not only on a personal level, but on in general. There are too many things that aren't like they should be, and I have no power over them. Like anybody else, probably, but some people don't care about it, while I do.
I'm the same way. Just besides my life, the world is filled with things that piss me off when I think about it or when it relates to a situation I'm about to encounter and so on. I won't say what they are because they're probably too negative and maybe too offensive to some people. And many would probably tell me to "loosen up" and "not be so uptight over the small things", but I can't help it. Small things really get to me and these are the things that no one pays attention to.

Redpyramidhead Jun 20th, 2003 10:16 AM

No, I am not content wiht my life right now at all. And I fear I will spend most of it seeking that contentment. Isn't that the curse of people like me? Can I break it by accepting certain things? Let me tell you, though, it is hard to accept things like these. The world is always a worse place than you think and only better once in a great while in very special places..................damn this question...As if I don't hear it enough in my head every minute of every f**king day. Sometimes I feel like i know something subconsciously. Something like I'm not going to live a comparatively long time. People tell me I talk as though I'm running out of time a lot and look at me and say "what's the matter with you? You're only 22!!" And I would have to agree, that is very young, but it doesn't change the way I feel inside.

Btw, I like to help people out, too, but it takes a while to get good at it. To say that you are a natural at giving advice is pretty arrogant...especially if you are so young. No matter what you've gone through, you are not old enough to sort it out what it means yet in your mind much less other people's problems in their mind. And even though I am probably older than you, I am still too young to help people my age with really experienced advice. THere is only so much you can do, like be there for somebody and listen.

Rant rant rant rant rant rant..........

_RED_ stuff

blindman Jun 20th, 2003 11:31 AM


Originally posted by Redpyramidhead

Btw, I like to help people out, too, but it takes a while to get good at it. To say that you are a natural at giving advice is pretty arrogant...especially if you are so young. No matter what you've gone through, you are not old enough to sort it out what it means yet in your mind much less other people's problems in their mind. And even though I am probably older than you, I am still too young to help people my age with really experienced advice. THere is only so much you can do, like be there for somebody and listen.

Rant rant rant rant rant rant..........

_RED_ stuff
If that line was directed to me, i got soemthing to say.
When i do help people is because they have told me enough so i could help them. I dont always know when to to help, but being there at the right time and the right plcce is not too hard for me as long as im ready. Thign is, i know im very young, but theres a lot more than just the age.
I've helped people in the past as much as i could, and i know i tried when they at least said thank you to me. But those peopel wherent youngeters like 10 yuear olds or such, one or 2 where grownup..i may not understand them as much as i do people my own age, but hell at least the trusted me becasue tehyd di beleive i could try and they would not be wasiting their time.
Another thing is, that when i say comes out naturally, means it does come ou without me forcing it, i hardly do.
I've dealt with a lot in the past, and i know ill probably dealt with ltos more. when i sayt hat, i dont only mean physical like, Breaking up or getting beaten up, it goes all the way tot eh mind, i've been through stuff mentally, because i become wak at time and everything seems to come out wrong.
Teenagers have a lot int heir ehads these days. They have to go through a lot of decisions and half come out right the first time. I dont think im the greatest out there, but i know i do care for others when they are in need. Surely it ry to do my best i could even if my mind tells me i cant help them. Sometimes i dont, most times i do. When someone asks me for help of anykidna its hard for me to say no, even if i want to. Its me and cannot be changed.

I'm not perfect, hell and i dont want to be...noone is. But when some "grown up" tells a younger person "oh youre too young to understand, oh you shouldnt be worrying about that" they are right most of the time because of their age, but it does help the fact that kids these days understand more, because a lot of things have evolved since past generations.

If that message was not directed to me, ignore completely.

Reid Jun 21st, 2003 10:00 PM

I'm not terribly content, because I think it's hard for me to get really happy with whichever situation I find myself in.

Sometimes situations that others would think of as being quite good (no matter what context, be it with family, relationships or with money) can not be satisfying for the person in them because of other complexities.

I'm usually fairly optimistic outwardly although I'm pretty pessimistic when it comes down to it, I suppose. I think I just can't get from one time and place to another with complete happiness.

But sometimes I can be quite content with just not being content and enjoying the ride.


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