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MakgSnake May 31st, 2003 11:19 AM

Dangerous Alone, Deadly Together.
I picked up the copy of "BRUTE FORCE" day before yesterday and just wanted to see how many of you have picked or tried this game till now. I know it didn't get the reviews we thought it would get. But I "REALLY" love this game. Its a beatitful game with excellent gameplay, especially the special abilities of each characters. And 4 Player Co-Op is outstanding.

My fav character is TEX for the time being. He is corny funny and sounds like Duke Nukem. :laugh: But I play with Hawk the most...her camaflouge feature is amazing.

Although I have to say that this game is identical to HALO but just converted into third person. Everything is like HALO, the team behind the game didn't try to do anything different....may be thats one of the reasons this game didn't recieve well. But its one hell of a game. Excellent.

Azuma_Ninja May 31st, 2003 08:56 PM

this games sounds fun. I think I'll have to check it out. Did you say that it was 4 person co-op? If so then I'll def pick it up. Who wouldn't think it fun to play with 3 friends?

Vicious_2003 Jun 1st, 2003 04:43 PM

I rented this game the day it came out. Ive played through quite a few levels on singler player, and PreventerWind and I played through more on co op. I dont think its nearly as good as it was hyped up to be (People were saying it would be the next Halo). Although it is a good game. The thing I really dont like about it is the storyline. VERY weak. Its just a special ops team sent to retrave some things and kill guys on the way. And come on...your fighting dumb looking mutants and magicians half the time, oh and not to mention the unexplained super mutant boss . I think id give this game a 7.5 out of ten . Not a bad game but its Definately no Halo. The controls are very well done and the environments are nice as well, but other than that its just a plain old 3rd person shooter . This game didnt really wow me at all

Azuma_Ninja Jun 2nd, 2003 04:45 PM

I agree with you Vicious. This game is fun playing with your friends but the more people you put on the screen the harder it is to see anything in the game. The story and dialouge is really awful too as was mentioned above.

Sleazy P Martini Jun 2nd, 2003 08:51 PM

I rented it yesterday and it is a "must buy" in my opinion. The game really sucks you in. Fun missions, Beautiful graphics, and although the game is not Live enabled, it won't deter me from enjoying this top notch title. Two thumbs up!!

PS - Hawks steath ability is the best!

MakgSnake Jun 2nd, 2003 09:05 PM


Originally posted by Sleazy P Martini

PS - Hawks steath ability is the best!
Yup, I totally agree with you. I am loving this game even more now. And the most I notice the graphics the more I love it, Brutus Vinegar effect..... -> Wow!.!

I know the dialouges aren't that great but they are corny funny type. I dont mind...... this game is all based on gameplay. Aliens trying to take over, destroy them. Similar to Halo in some ways.

PS: Flints special ability is the worst.

Sleazy P Martini Jun 2nd, 2003 09:40 PM

Yeah Flint's speacial ability isn't anything special. What I like to do is use Brutus' Vengar to spot enemies, and then switch to Flint and pick them off from a distance. I don't use Tex very often......only when there's a big group of enemies that need a serious ass whoopin :D

MakgSnake Jun 2nd, 2003 09:46 PM


Originally posted by Sleazy P Martini

Yeah Flint's speacial ability isn't anything special. What I like to do is use Brutus' Vengar to spot enemies, and then switch to Flint and pick them off from a distance.
Hmmm, I havn't tried that, sounds pretty cool but hard. I'll try that. I think I use Hawk's ability to most to take most of the people out. Although I try to avoid using the strategy --> (Making the rest three gaurding an area) and go ahead one by one, cause thats no fun. I always use TEX to clear the way with his ability, as I sneak up with Hawk. I think Brutus is the most dumb one, he always gets killed when he is on his own. :mad: :laugh:

Vicious_2003 Jun 2nd, 2003 11:21 PM

Sure Flints ability isnt as flashy or as entertaining as the other characters but it is HELLA effective in comparrison. Vengar will show U hidden enemys and U can charge one of them witha one hit kill, but all the while youre being shot at. With Flints ability you dont even need to see the enemy it just auto targets them and U fire, you can take down tons of enemys long range in seconds.


What I like to do is use Brutus' Vengar to spot enemies, and then switch to Flint and pick them off from a distance
You dont really need to do that, I mean slap on Flints advanced targeting ability and she auto targets anemys from really far away. Just fire the gun once and they are dead, very effective. The games levels get pretty cheezy and repetative as you go further into the game. I am sick of friggin volcanic levels, they all have the same enemys (Those fire spitting dogs are a bitch) . And if it isnt in the swamp its in a volcano place, if not that your in a tropical locatin, and thats about it ( and they all looked the same ot me). I dont mean to bash the game becuase it is good, its just kinda shoddy to me. You can tell they were expecting to ride the hype for this one a lil, it could be ALOT more than it is. I think all the characters are pretty weak and corny (Especially the supergeneric enemys like the retarted looking mutants), the only one I cared for was flint, Tex is a generic wanna be Duke Nukem, the lizard guy doesent look nearly cool enough to be pulled off, and Hawk is just a weak version of Flint who cant snype and whos special ability I found to be near worthless.

I know it sounds like im bashing the game too much, and perhaps I am but I think you guys have pointed out its good points well enough. I would almost go as far as to call this a mediocre attempt to simulate the greatness of Halo.....almost ;)

Preventer Wind Jun 3rd, 2003 12:10 AM

This is what you get when you take vehicles out of Halo....and beat the story down...and the voice acting. The graphics are almost identical. You even revisit old levels or levels that feel and look the same ala Halo. I didn't enjoy the game that much. It was just the only game I could play with my ps2 whacked out. It tries to be Halo in almost every way possible. I would give it a 6-6.5.

As far as the characters go well I think Tex was the best. But Flint is far supperior in every way possible then Hawk. She has a better sniper rifle and second hand weapon. Her Health bar is almost twice as long and her special ability is much better.

Sleazy P Martini Jun 3rd, 2003 12:45 AM

^This is why I think a lot of people are disappointed with BF.....they want another Halo. And you will get one in 2004. The only similarities I've found with Halo is the controls. Stop comparing and enjoy the game for what it is.....a great shoot em up.

Edit - Another cool thing I've noticed. When you're close to death, the screen becomes a bit out of focus. Nice touch

Beretta55 Jun 3rd, 2003 12:48 AM

I'm a little iffy on this game it looks damn good. But i dont know if its worth blowing out my last 50 bucks. I'm saving up for future games but i could get this but i dont want it to seem later like a useless buy. When alot of other games i want come out. But hey there is always renting:cool:

Sleazy P Martini Jun 3rd, 2003 12:58 AM


Originally posted by Beretta55
But hey there is always renting:cool:
Thats what I did. I'm convinced that between playing xbc and squad deathmatch with my brother in law...I'll have all the replay I need.

Edit - As for Flint's ability.......I now find it quite useful. Not for long range as Vicious_2003 suggested, but for taking out multiple enemies at close range. Very effective.

Vicious_2003 Jun 4th, 2003 09:58 PM


Not for long range as Vicious_2003 suggested, but for taking out multiple enemies at close range. Very effective.
Yeah It is effective close range as well, but not when your facing the stronger enemys, it just takes too long to kill them that way unless your landing head shots every time

dan da man Jun 22nd, 2003 11:20 AM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

PS: Flints special ability is the worst.

:peoples: nah it rocks.

The game was released on Friday, so I picked it up on saturday, and its really good, a bit like halo and conflict, I really love it, the best characters are Tex and Flint IMO, brutus is never does nothing, until there's ony two of the team left, and hawk is ok, the stealth mode is good with her blade, but when it comes to weapons, she only holds some, so its a bit releastic in that way. Im on the mission when you have to shoot a guy (with a red arrow above him) before he gets in the chopper and escpaes, any tips? He's got a big army lines up for you.

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