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neerajamania4life Mar 21st, 2003 04:56 PM

Ps3 Newz!!!
Their has been some news announced on the relase of the PS3 console!!!!!!!!!
Tokyo, March 10 (Bloomberg) -- Sony Corp., the world's second- largest consumer-electronics maker, will introduce the PlayStation 3 video-game console this year, two years ahead of schedule, to widen its lead over rivals, the Commercial Times said, citing unidentified people at Taiwanese parts suppliers.
YES! people this os official news, but I think its great but also it sucks! We have still got to see the full potentiol of the PS2 and they are announcing a PS3? This stinks! I mean i have just got my ps2 and their will be another one coming out? What a waste of money that is. Hopefully they will take another 2 or 3 years to be released in England like the ps2 was supposedly gonna be released before. Obviously i want to see what its like but i can wait!

Sword 4 Hire Mar 22nd, 2003 06:08 PM

Where did you get this info?

Eh by the way wrong place for the thread...

Preventer Wind Mar 23rd, 2003 03:02 AM

Yeah right. I don't believe it. If this is in the news then it can not be trusted. I have heard about this rumor before. But I read an interview with one of Sony's higher ups and he denied this. Though I have heard that they have already started to mass-produce the chips so it is possible for it to be released in Japan at the end of the year. But I doubt this. Microsoft and Nintendo are not planning to release their systems until 2006. If Sony were to bring out the ps3 (Though this may not be the name of the system) earlier then planned it would not be a huge hit to Microsoft or Nintendo. In fact it would hurt Sony more then it would hurt the other 2.

kupoartist Mar 23rd, 2003 05:25 AM

agreed. Sony would only bring out their next console so soon if they were having serious problems keeping up with the current consoles. A release many years prior to competing systems would be suicide, as they would come up with infinitly more powerful machines by then...

neerajamania4life Mar 23rd, 2003 05:49 AM

I agree with everyone and i no its in the wrong forum, its just that people will reply in this one. I am just tellin you lot the news, it don't mean i believe it does it now????????

merylsilverburg Mar 23rd, 2003 02:28 PM

Re: YER!

Originally posted by neerajamania4life

I agree with everyone and i no its in the wrong forum, its just that people will reply in this one.
Even if you want people to reply, you shouldn't create a thread in the wrong forum for this purpose alone. People will reply to the thread if you put in the proper forum, it just takes time for people to see it, that's all.

MakgSnake Mar 23rd, 2003 04:47 PM

MGS3 is suppose to come out at the end of 2004 on PS2......... so this Ps3 news doesn't make any sense at all to me atleast.

neerajamania4life Mar 23rd, 2003 05:05 PM


Even if you want people to reply, you shouldn't create a thread in the wrong forum for this purpose alone. People will reply to the thread if you put in the proper forum, it just takes time for people to see it, that's all.
I am new to this forum infact . A forum so i am just learning the rulez. People do take their time to reply though don't they? what other room can i post this in??????? To all you people saying that you disagree with the newz so do i, it was a mistake by me saying it was official SORRY!:frust: But it is fake because they have not yet let the ps2 show its 100% potentiol.A

Sword 4 Hire Mar 23rd, 2003 07:30 PM

First of all it makes perfect sense to post it in Other Consoles seeing as this thread had nothing to do with Final Fantasy at it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out

Secondly if you weren't sure on this news and didn't believe it yourself then don't post it, or post it as a rumor not factual news

Oh and welcome to the forums...

Preventer Wind Mar 23rd, 2003 11:44 PM

Agreed Sword 4 Hire. We are talking about a new console. This is a PS2 site after all :laugh:

Read This:

Now Read this:

Now Read This:

Yep. DENIED! Though it was an official rumor (Does that make sense?) It was denied by sony. But who has to believe them? Would you want your secret known world wide. After all they have the chip all done.

neerajamania4life Mar 24th, 2003 02:55 PM

If you never read it "SWORD FOR LIFE" i sent in someting saying it was a rumor and i never made a mistake. Other people might have news on it to post on it so thats why i sent it in for the people wondering why i sent it in!!!

Sword 4 Hire Mar 24th, 2003 03:10 PM

What are you babbling on about now...

oh and it's Sword 4 Hire...

neerajamania4life Mar 24th, 2003 03:21 PM

Sorry about that mistake on your name! i never meant anything personal. I was saying i sent in another message saying i stated it was a rumor before you suggested i didn't. I posted it because other people might have views and official news on the topic so thats why i posted it in to the other guy who said i should not have.

David Mar 25th, 2003 09:52 AM

But if it was announced of the PS3, it would been said at 2007 or something like that. Like PS2s just came out......about 2 years ago, I think. You may look positive in your words, but news like this, heh, be to much. Because of the war is goin on. Processe is slowing down because of it. But not saying you are a lier, it's just that you got this as a rumor.

neerajamania4life Mar 25th, 2003 12:42 PM

True, True but the PS3 would be made in japan and iraq have nothing to do with them so?

dan da man Mar 26th, 2003 10:18 AM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

MGS3 is suppose to come out at the end of 2004 on PS2......... so this Ps3 news doesn't make any sense at all to me atleast.

Where did you get that news??? mgs3 out 2004 fall? the "suppose" does not sound good.

Ps3 is out 2005, along with the new console for microsoft, God knows what nintendo are planning.

David Mar 27th, 2003 03:00 PM


Originally posted by neerajamania4life

True, True but the PS3 would be made in japan and iraq have nothing to do with them so?
Yes, that is true, but if they were made, how will they be transported so easy, even if it got transported, programmers need to make it in english. But the war is kinda slowing things down at the states. And I thought that the SONY Enterprises, was published in America?

merylsilverburg Mar 27th, 2003 05:15 PM


Originally posted by neerajamania4life

I am new to this forum infact . A forum so i am just learning the rulez. People do take their time to reply though don't they? what other room can i post this in???????
It's understandable if you're new to the forum and you didn't know where to create the thread. But you did say that you knew it was in the wrong forum and that you created it there, knowing more people will post there. And yeah, people do take their time posting and creating a thread in a wrong forum, even though you knew it's in the wrong forum, won't do much to get replies. That's all I'm saying.

Sorry, carry on with the discussion.

neerajamania4life Mar 29th, 2003 09:46 AM

I did "KNOW" it was in the wrong forum and i have realiises i shouldn't have put it there! Didn't you look at the other replies which stated this?

MakgSnake Mar 29th, 2003 01:01 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

Where did you get that news??? mgs3 out 2004 fall? the "suppose" does not sound good.

Ps3 is out 2005, along with the new console for microsoft, God knows what nintendo are planning.
Thats what I have been reading in most of the Mags and sites...... Konami is still making it and Kojima is the incharge but it wouldn't be anytime soon. In my opinion Fall of 2004 sounds pretty good, as they'll have more time on the game cause remember Kojima saying he wants to improve the graphics from apar like from what he did from MGS1 to MGS2.

As for Ps3........ all what I have been reading, the next gen consoles will be coming out in 2006. Its only NeXtBox that might come early in 2005. But then people have been saying that it shouldn't come early, after seeing what happened to DreamCast.

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