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Hylas Feb 21st, 2003 10:38 PM

Share the dreams of your childhood!
I've read today something that made me think about it and I wanted to ask you this: what did you want to do in your future when you where younger? Like for example, did you have a job or an activity you wanted to start or you were planning to start when you were a kid, even the most incredible and bizarre in the world?

When I was kid I wanted to be a dancer, like most of the little girls on this planet, (duh...) or a martial arts champion... then, I also liked the idea of becoming an acrobat. Pretty silly, I know :heh:

DSgamer Feb 21st, 2003 10:54 PM

hehehehe, my dream is 2 become a navy seal, that's y im allways working out during school, after school, and even during my weekends. I'f i don't become a Navy seal, then i would probably just become a videogame designer.

those r just dreams, i hope for them 2 become real :)

although they probably won't :(

I just want a good life

Gadzoox Feb 21st, 2003 11:09 PM

I always used to want to be a veteranarian, or a zoo keeper. Until, of course I realized that I'd also be 'putting down' animals, and all the education involved. haha. Animation, here I come!! :happy:

Beretta55 Feb 22nd, 2003 01:04 AM

When i was little i wanted to be in the army or be a videogame designer. now all these war movie's i have seen (we were soilder's,saving private ryan,black hawk down) now make me have second's thought's......but still.

Seraph Sephiroth Feb 22nd, 2003 03:31 AM

When I was little, by dream was to become a Horse Jockey.. because I've always had a thing for Horses... as I got older, I wanted to become an artist... then in my early teens I wanted to become a psychologist. Now, I still want the psychologist job, but I'm heading more for my new career in WebDesign.

Maybe one day I'll have a horse.. but not now. lol

merylsilverburg Feb 22nd, 2003 06:02 AM

When I was a kid, I wanted to become a lawyer. Yeah, no joke. My family said I argue way too much for my own good and I was taking some mini-courses on law in elementary school, so I thought "Hey cool, this is for me." Of course, as I grew older, my IQ also went down, so now I'm striving to be a mangaka (Japanese comic book artist). :)

mark0™ Feb 22nd, 2003 09:10 AM

I've always wanted to be in the Film industry, noy Directing though, too creative for me, Producing sounds good.

Or maybe i'll become a Critic, that sounds like the best paying job ever, to watch movies and write about them... I hat the critic in my local paper, he hates everything, I swear.

dan da man Feb 22nd, 2003 12:16 PM

I wanted to be in the in the SAS or be a sprinter in athlectics, I could become a sprinter becuase im in a club and everyting and been doing it for years but, nah..thats not for me, im going to join up with a acting class soon and hope to do my kung-fu in films.:)

kupoartist Feb 22nd, 2003 12:38 PM

in no particular order: cartoonist, train driver :laugh:, nellie the elephant ^_^, a pop-star, a post-office worker, somthing you can laugh at (haha! comedienne!), motor-racer, "someone bossy" (i already was, why stop at childhood ^_^), or a Normal Person...

hmm... i seriously doubt my capacity to be any of those :laugh:

Edit: and as everyones putting their's, here are the things i'd want to be now: Cartoonist, Illustrator, Journalist, Acting Person, Squirrel, Biscuit, and a Level Designer (Must.Learn.How.To.Make.Static.Meshes.NNOOOO!!!!)

oh and a normal person would be nice as well!

REChick14 Feb 22nd, 2003 02:42 PM

Well lets see here. I know a few things I wanted to be when I was young. I wanted to be a waitress, police officer, Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader ( from watching football with my dad), also a veternarian. Now that im older I think im striving toward game design. Gaming is my passion, and Im really looking foward to do it. I just hope that dream becomes reality.

DSgamer Feb 22nd, 2003 03:18 PM

it probably will, cause ur smart

sk8er_kyle Feb 22nd, 2003 03:28 PM

I while ago I wanted to be an undercover cop. On TV that job looks really cool. But now I wanna Be a rock star. I play the bass guitar in a band. I hope I get famous because that would be the best job ever. You get lots of ladies and you get payed money to do something you love.

Valkrie Of Light Feb 23rd, 2003 01:11 AM

Mine was for the longest time for my parents to die. Then when I lived on the streets it was for some musical kind of event to happen, where some rich family finds me and adopts me and lives happily ever after lol. Now it is to get a decent burger in this damn town..

ssjtrunks13 Feb 23rd, 2003 03:38 PM

Are my eyes deceiving me?, or has Valkrie of light returned for awhile longer.

Anyway, when I was younger I wanted to be a video game tester because I always loved video games and I wanted to make good money to get the stuff I wanted but couldn't or a professional baseball player(Cal Ripken was my favorite player, until he retired). Later I got interested in what it takes to make a game and added it to my list. Now I want to either become a video game tester, designer, or be on a video game hint line. If all else fails I would be happy working at Best Buy.:cool:

David Feb 23rd, 2003 06:38 PM

I always wanted to be a policeman when I was a kid, but now I want to be a "Game Designer", because im so hooked with games, and I have a wild imagination. I wanna design my own game world.

Piggle_humsy Feb 23rd, 2003 07:04 PM

I must be really boring! Or just stuck in reality as I never dreamed of being famous or doing anything other than one thing, Working with kids! And WOW dreams do come true as I am a live-in nanny as most of you know!(And I've never done anything different!) I've worked in nursery after nursery then this!
I've always wanted to work with kids ever since I was about 6 but I think that had something to do with my mother as she always had a big love for kids and I think that passed on into me and also when my mum died, when I was six, I think maybe I felt a loss that working with kids could fill!(as its a very rewarding job!)
Or maybe I felt closer to my mum if I was doing something she would have loved! I dunno?!
But working with kids is what I do best and I love it and thats all thats important!

Piggle :roll:
x x x x

p.s It might also have something to do with me and kids having the same I.Q! :laugh:

David Feb 23rd, 2003 07:08 PM

Are you a baby sitter Piggle, just wanna know. I know it's probably an off topic thing.

ssjtrunks13 Feb 23rd, 2003 07:38 PM

I forgot, I also used to want to work with kids. But that time soon passed.

Preventer Wind Feb 23rd, 2003 09:58 PM

I want to play baseball. I could certainly find a college that would let me play. And I probably could make it to the minors (AA or even AAA) if I worked out more then 3 times a month. I throw around 80, hardly strike out and can field (But no power :() However, I have no drive. (Hey I'm a gamer not a lover... or an athlete)

And another wacky dream is to become a general. You know like Alexander or Julius Caesar. But hey that's just cause I read too much about ancient Rome and Greece.

A more realistic dream would be to become a teacher. Yeah it's strange. I hate mostly everything about school but would still like to teach. Probably Math or History because those are my best subjects.

And of course I wouldn't mind getting involved with games. Either writing about them or designing them. Or I could get involved with web designing. I'm not too bad at flash and I know just about every html code by heart.

Piggle_humsy Feb 24th, 2003 04:16 AM


Originally posted by David

Are you a baby sitter Piggle, just wanna know. I know it's probably an off topic thing.
I'm a Live-in Nanny! Are u asking what a Nanny is? I would be called an au-pair if I was working in another country, but it's like being a 24/5 babysitter, I say 24/5 coz I go home on weekends luckily! ;)

Hope that answers your question!

Piggle :roll:
x x x x

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