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Spank-A-Thon Dec 16th, 2002 09:23 AM

Ideas for MGS On-line
There have been a few mentions of MGS On-line here and there but I ain't seen a thread dedicated to it yet... so here it is...

I was thinking about what type of on-line experience would suit MGS. Something like your standard deathmatch has been done to death by many other games, and is not a route I would feel worth pursuing. So I began to think what was the key thing about MGS - what parts of the game got me the most excited...

It wasn't the gunfights, and it certainly wasn't the Boss fights (in fact they're my least favourite parts of MGS games) - it was the stealth... and thinking about this I think I've hit on a winner for at least one on-line game mode.

You have two teams, one that is the terrorists, and the other members of a counter-terrorism unit. The idea is that the goodies have to infiltrate a building or something and retrieve an item (or maybe person) - but they have to escape too.

Meanwhile, the terrorist team's goal is too hunt down and kill/capture all the good guys. And to encourage capture rather thank kills, you would get more points for captures...

Now here is where it gets more complicated.

You have one chance - and if you are caught, that's it - you are imprisoned in a cell for the rest of the round. But what if you could be rescued? This would add an extra element to the game. Do you take a risk and go straight for the goal, or do you go and save your buddie(s) first..? After all, they may be able to help. Imagine not only getting the item and escaping but also saving your buddies too.... now that's something Solid Snake would do!

At the end of each round, the on-line players swap roles, so those who were terrorists now have to sneak in, whilst the counter-terrorists now have to hunt out the goodies.

Throw in some headsets so each team can talk to each other and we're set.

Anyway, that's my idea. If anyone wants to expand on mine, or throw your own in, then please do! You never know - Kojima-San might just be surfing the 'net looking for ideas! Lol!

- S

Beretta55 Dec 16th, 2002 10:38 AM

maybe bomb dufusal....i dunno. like two good guy's have to go into a building and defuse 5 or 6 bomb's. the whole building is full of baddies but you just dont use coolint you really have to deactavate. wire's and all if you make one wrong move boom.....your dead.

dan da man Dec 16th, 2002 11:06 AM

Re: Ideas for MGS On-line

Originally posted by Spank-A-Thon

There have been a few mentions of MGS On-line here and there but I ain't seen a thread dedicated to it yet... so here it is...

I was thinking about what type of on-line experience would suit MGS. Something like your standard deathmatch has been done to death by many other games, and is not a route I would feel worth pursuing. So I began to think what was the key thing about MGS - what parts of the game got me the most excited...

It wasn't the gunfights, and it certainly wasn't the Boss fights (in fact they're my least favourite parts of MGS games) - it was the stealth... and thinking about this I think I've hit on a winner for at least one on-line game mode.

You have two teams, one that is the terrorists, and the other members of a counter-terrorism unit. The idea is that the goodies have to infiltrate a building or something and retrieve an item (or maybe person) - but they have to escape too.

Meanwhile, the terrorist team's goal is too hunt down and kill/capture all the good guys. And to encourage capture rather thank kills, you would get more points for captures...

Now here is where it gets more complicated.

You have one chance - and if you are caught, that's it - you are imprisoned in a cell for the rest of the round. But what if you could be rescued? This would add an extra element to the game. Do you take a risk and go straight for the goal, or do you go and save your buddie(s) first..? After all, they may be able to help. Imagine not only getting the item and escaping but also saving your buddies too.... now that's something Solid Snake would do!

At the end of each round, the on-line players swap roles, so those who were terrorists now have to sneak in, whilst the counter-terrorists now have to hunt out the goodies.

Throw in some headsets so each team can talk to each other and we're set.

Anyway, that's my idea. If anyone wants to expand on mine, or throw your own in, then please do! You never know - Kojima-San might just be surfing the 'net looking for ideas! Lol!

- S
100% awsome!!!! and it would work well when the goodies have to get ames and the baddies have to defend him cool!:cool:

mark0™ Dec 16th, 2002 11:18 AM

It will probably be like the VR Missions, but with multiplayer :D:D:D I agrre that the capture the flag style game will probably definately appear :D But do you think a solo stealth or a big stealth team would be better?

dan da man Dec 16th, 2002 11:26 AM

i dont know both would kik a$$
but they could be a game mode when a bunch of solid snake have to go and hide, and the terroists have to track them down and kill them, that would be all about stealth

Spank-A-Thon Dec 16th, 2002 01:07 PM


Originally posted by mark0

It will probably be like the VR Missions, but with multiplayer :D:D:D I agrre that the capture the flag style game will probably definately appear :D But do you think a solo stealth or a big stealth team would be better?
Team stealth has endless opportunities - not least for some true comedy moments!

Imagine sneaking about the enemy base and you hear enemy footsteps.. You spot a single locker and decide to hide in there... And as you open the door you see one of your team-mates already in there! That would be so funny!

Ultimately though, any MGS on-line game has to offer something different to what's already out there.

- S

Frozen Dec 16th, 2002 02:22 PM

Re: Ideas for MGS On-line

Originally posted by Spank-A-Thon

There have been a few mentions of MGS On-line here and there but I ain't seen a thread dedicated to it yet... so here it is...

I was thinking about what type of on-line experience would suit MGS. Something like your standard deathmatch has been done to death by many other games, and is not a route I would feel worth pursuing. So I began to think what was the key thing about MGS - what parts of the game got me the most excited...

It wasn't the gunfights, and it certainly wasn't the Boss fights (in fact they're my least favourite parts of MGS games) - it was the stealth... and thinking about this I think I've hit on a winner for at least one on-line game mode.

You have two teams, one that is the terrorists, and the other members of a counter-terrorism unit. The idea is that the goodies have to infiltrate a building or something and retrieve an item (or maybe person) - but they have to escape too.

Meanwhile, the terrorist team's goal is too hunt down and kill/capture all the good guys. And to encourage capture rather thank kills, you would get more points for captures...

Now here is where it gets more complicated.

You have one chance - and if you are caught, that's it - you are imprisoned in a cell for the rest of the round. But what if you could be rescued? This would add an extra element to the game. Do you take a risk and go straight for the goal, or do you go and save your buddie(s) first..? After all, they may be able to help. Imagine not only getting the item and escaping but also saving your buddies too.... now that's something Solid Snake would do!

At the end of each round, the on-line players swap roles, so those who were terrorists now have to sneak in, whilst the counter-terrorists now have to hunt out the goodies.

Throw in some headsets so each team can talk to each other and we're set.

Anyway, that's my idea. If anyone wants to expand on mine, or throw your own in, then please do! You never know - Kojima-San might just be surfing the 'net looking for ideas! Lol!

- S
Damn, that would absolutely kick ass. Sounds to me more suitable for X Box live. :D

dan da man Dec 16th, 2002 03:02 PM


Damn, that would absolutely kick ass. Sounds to me more suitable for X Box live.
no way:frust: i want it for ps2 online, well i hope so.

ssjtrunks13 Dec 16th, 2002 03:17 PM

I would rather it be for PS2 also and I think the ideas other people have given would be a change for the better!

Plug 4 Dec 16th, 2002 03:29 PM

seriously when i think about it i dont think that MGS and the online gameplay goes's damn sure it's gonna be smart and good....but nahh...well we will see how hideo kojima his going to deal with it.

Vicious Dec 16th, 2002 04:32 PM

It'd be cool if you could have death matches using Metal Gears.

MakgSnake Dec 16th, 2002 10:30 PM


Originally posted by LiquidSnake1231

It'd be cool if you could have death matches using Metal Gears.
Hmmm....nice, Mechassault eh...... :laugh:

But as for it being more of an Xbox Live game and all....... I dont know... Network Adapter is pretty damn good thing too, and by the time MG Online comes out, I think Sony would have released the seperate Head Sets (That is if the game features that)....

But yeah......If Metal Gear Online comes out, I want it to be "Broad Band only" that everybody would have equal chances...... but most of the UK and Middle East people dont have BroadBand connections...... so that'd be a bad thing. BUT, if you want 16 Solid Snakes roaming around, it has to be Broadband connection, Narrowband cant take that much load at all!!

As for the idea, the one mentioned above is pretty nice...and sounds amazing....

And like mentioned before I want "Dead Cell Vs Foxhound Vs Philanthrapy" type of thingie............ three groups instead of the usual 2. Like that.......there would be bigger challenge, as there would be two clans you would have to go against....

I'll give out a stupid example.......

One specific point has to be taken over by Either Dead Cell or Foxhound.......... so there is the first challenge for the Two Baddie Orginizations, then Philanthropy would have to stop BOTH of these teams to let it happen (You are being the good guys here, so ofcourse you would get more challenge, you cant be SOLID SNAKE and have a normal mission objective..??)

So there you go......"Two" teams trying to take over a place, by killing one team who wants to take your place and one who wants to wipe you out completely. and "ONE" team trying to stop both of baddies......

Now "Dead Cell" and "Foxhound"......can have an option to team up instead going against each other as well, but only if all members agree with the decision. There has to be 5 Team mates in each Organization 5+5+5 (15 players in total for one massive mission). So if Dead Cell decides to team up with Foxhound, all the 5 team mates of FoxHound must agree with the decision in order to merge into ONE un stoppable TEAM!

Then again, if you think Philanthropy would lose in a situation like this, ...... think again..... You are being "Solid Snake" "Raiden" "Grey Fox" "Meryl" "Olga" you need more challenge to prove yourself worthy enough to be in Philanthropy.

So Spank's idea could be one of the ways to play it online as it sounds pretty my opinion and one way could be this way......... I dont know.......I just keep thinking how this gem is going to be.

Spank-A-Thon Dec 17th, 2002 04:57 AM

Just thought of a better way to handle how to encourage 'caputuring' people rather than 'killing' them...

If you are killed, your character respawns at the start. If you are caputured, that's it - unless you get rescued.

This way, you can still make emergency kills (i.e. if someone is right near the goal and there is no time to capture that person), but ultimately capturing people would swing the balance in your favour because there'd be less agents to deal with...

I think I missed my calling in life! lol.

Anyway, I just don't want MGS Online to be just another deathmatch type game.... Finger's crossed!

- S

dan da man Dec 17th, 2002 11:42 AM

death match might be one of the ideas but for sure capture and rescue will be it!

as for people who dont have broadband and want to get it might be ok-
englands prime misnister tony bair said by 2005 we will be one of the biggest western countires in the work with broadband!
so when u think about it mgs online wont be out till 2004! u have plenty of time to get boadband, if u want play mgs online!

ssjtrunks13 Dec 17th, 2002 12:03 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake
But yeah......If Metal Gear Online comes out, I want it to be "Broad Band only" that everybody would have equal chances...... but most of the UK and Middle East people dont have BroadBand connections...... so that'd be a bad thing. BUT, if you want 16 Solid Snakes roaming around, it has to be Broadband connection, Narrowband cant take that much load at all!!
I have a question about that, we have broadband where I live but it still goes as fast as the 56K modem in the computer. The only difference it is online all the time and I thought it was supposed to go faster. Can anyon help me figurre out why this is so?

Back on topic, I sure hope it's not going to be another deathmatch type thing. So, wouldn't the ability to respawn be like a deathmatch type game? I don't know if anyone brought this up but I think it should have a capture the flag type theme to it along with other options.

dan da man Dec 17th, 2002 12:11 PM

on the respawing

well if u ever played mgs when u die, u have the choice to continue or quit, so i think it will be that, even though when u continue u will probally start at the beggining!

ssjtrunks13 Dec 17th, 2002 12:13 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

on the respawing

well if u ever played mgs when u die, u have the choice to continue or quit, so i think it will be that, even though when u continue u will probally start at the beggining!
That's a whole lot better than respawning and starting from where you left.;)

ToxicUK Jan 8th, 2003 02:31 PM

ssjtrunks13 r u on sattelite uplink or cable broadband because if ure on sattelite uplink it could just be satellite problems but if youre going through cable its your phone line provider. Either way give your provider a ring and see what they can make of it but that is some really weird s***!!

ssjtrunks13 Jan 8th, 2003 02:39 PM

Actually I've got MSN broadband and you never know it could be one of the things you mentioned. Thanks!

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