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tommy gunnz Dec 11th, 2002 03:54 PM

Post here if you've played the new Mortal Kombat
Well, I think I have the correct forum here, it says on the outside 'fighting games' so I assume this is where to post about the new Mortal Kombat game Deadly Alliance. I haven't played it yet, but I'm not sure whether to buy it or not. The previews look great, but I can't believe that there is only one fatality per character and no level fatalities. Maybe I should just rent it. I hate renting games. Has anyone played this yet and can offer any info , post here.

MakgSnake Dec 11th, 2002 03:59 PM

There was already a thread about Mortal Kombat on Ps2 and all, you might wanna check this out. :)

I have bought the game and I love it, there is soo much to unlock it, and you will not be able to do it if you rent it, this game is to own, seriously. Ok yeah 1 fatality per character, but still those one are pretty damn good ones. I still have to unlock many other characters to check theirs out. :)

Daedaelus Dec 11th, 2002 08:00 PM

Why don't you guys do a search before posting? Jeez, it's in the Rules and Regulations.

Anyway, yes, I have rented and played Mortal Kombat after a lot of people in the topic Makg menioned said it was good. I personally thought that the blood effects were taken a little too far, but overall, a fun game for someone who likes bloddy fighting.

Infernal Mass Dec 12th, 2002 01:33 AM

i didn't like it ..

i guess playing games like vf and tekken have changed my views on how well a fighting game should perform. I use to be(and to a certain extent still am) an MK fan. Although it's not hard to notice that the collision detection in MKDA isn't as smooth as it should feels a bit clumsy actually. If you take a game like doa which has excellent collision detection you can see just how lazy the development of MKDA was.

Vic Viper Dec 12th, 2002 02:02 AM

forgive my ignorance, but can u explain to me whats a collision detection ?? kabuki !? or anyone that knows what kabuki's talking about !? ;) thx:)

Infernal Mass Dec 12th, 2002 03:29 AM

when a fighter hits another fighter..that's basically what collision detection is.

Imagine two spheres in the arena instead of fighters(or bubbles around the fighters)..when the two spheres get close enough you get a reaction...that reaction is the result of collision detection. Whether it be a punch or kick, all that depends on what button you press. In MKDA it just seems sloppy..when i compare it to games like DOA,VF4 or tekken.

Vic Viper Dec 12th, 2002 03:34 AM


Originally posted by DigiMortal

honestly're joking right?

okay take a wild guess? I'll give you a hint...

It's exactly what it sounds like.
no im not joking..

but i got it. thx. :)

Infernal Mass Dec 14th, 2002 10:12 PM

One of the other things i didn't care for much was.. the one fatality per character.. :(

This would have been acceptable 2/3 years ago. Although Midway was dealing with hardware capable of making one fatality per each individual character encounter.(xbox version especially). What i mean is Midway should've made custom fatalities depending on what characters were fighting. Imagine Sub-zero killing scorpion in a special way diffrent from everyone else. Surely they could've included 2 or 3 such fatalities. But no thier lazy asses decided to cram the krypt with bullshit concept art which does nothing more than take up valuable space..which could've been used for more improvements to the game.

It's a good game, but it could've been much better if they spent some more time sorting shit out.

Frozen Dec 15th, 2002 01:34 AM

Well, that has been the eternal problem with the guys at Midway... their non-limit lazyness. This time I believe they put more effort than in previous games, still, it seems they still don't learn :(

I haven't played the game yet, though, can't say much about it yet.

Infernal Mass Dec 15th, 2002 07:07 AM

which version are you gonna try frozen? I hear the xbox version looks best. I played the ps2 version myself.

Frozen Dec 15th, 2002 11:35 AM

I've been told that the X Box version is just slightly better looking, but then it appears to have some bugs teh PS2 version does not have, and the PS2 controller seems to be more comfortable for this game. I believe I'll get it for PS2.

MakgSnake Dec 15th, 2002 02:34 PM

Yeah I wasn't that happy with one Fatality per character either, and well, thats all there is to it.

One more thing I dont like that......I dont know if there is or there is not in the game.

Shang Tsung, I cannot change into other characters with him, even when I took the Konquest, they didn't teach me anything about Morphing into other characters, makes me think that I cannot morph into other characters in this game. I am still searching on the net if there is a away or not, if there isn't....this is a VERY VERY BAD THING for Ed Boon to do. Seriously.

But still I am loving the game anyway, I just think its a great game..... and unlocking characters and some funny videos is always fun for me atleast. I love this game still.

Infernal Mass Dec 15th, 2002 06:24 PM

If i can find the game for alot less i'll probably get it. I wouldn't pay 50 for it though, there's so many other games out now that'd i'd rather have.

That whole Shang Tsung deal you mentioned is terrible..Shang Tsung without the morphing is like Scorpion with no's like Kool-Aid with no sugar... it's like pizza without the cheese.

MakgSnake Dec 15th, 2002 07:08 PM


Originally posted by DigiMortal
That whole Shang Tsung deal you mentioned is terrible..Shang Tsung without the morphing is like Scorpion with no's like Kool-Aid with no sugar... it's like pizza without the cheese.
Yup, you are right about that, Its like Solid Snake without Metal Gear.

But yeah, I bought this game because I was a huge MK fan when I was young, I just wanna have all the games on Ps2 that I was crazy about in the past! Remedies.....

I am gonna get "Need 4 Speed" too, and when "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" Comes out, I'll get that too.

ssjtrunks13 Dec 15th, 2002 08:00 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake
I am gonna get "Need 4 Speed" too, and when "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" Comes out, I'll get that too. :)
They're making a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game? Cool!
Have any ideas on what the name is?

MakgSnake Dec 15th, 2002 08:55 PM

I have no idea right now, its suppose to be Action/Adventure. And it'll be based on the new FOX series which will start early next year. I loved Ninja Turtles, and they didn't have a single game on PsOne, so I am quite happy to know that there is something coming up on Ps2. :)

ssjtrunks13 Dec 15th, 2002 10:09 PM

I know what you mean.
Is the new series a cartoon or is it people in suits?

MakgSnake Dec 16th, 2002 01:13 AM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13

I know what you mean.
Is the new series a cartoon or is it people in suits?
I have not clear idea, but I think I read that its the new Animated series, so if its that, it'd be cartoon, which I dont mind at all. :)

ssjtrunks13 Dec 16th, 2002 09:44 AM

I would like it better if it was animated. WHAt's your favotite character?

Mine is Raphael because of his attitude.

MakgSnake Dec 16th, 2002 09:02 PM

Well I know we are going totally off topic, but oh well, as for my Fav character, it was the most popular one, Michaelangelo (I hope thats the way you spell it). But he was really funny and, extra coool and sweet. So yeah that was my fav Ninja Turtle, I really wanna play a TMNT game.

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