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Sword 4 Hire Nov 21st, 2002 06:45 PM

Ugh...So Confused... around 4 today I got home from school and hit my couch hard. I fell into a very deep sleep and when I awoke I was shocked to find myself in my clothes, with it pitch black (the days are growing much shorter here) and the clock radio at 6:00...I flipped out thinking I had slept through the night and into the next day, I rushed to get out of my old clothes and into my new, I couldn't remember anything. Luckily for me I noticed the PM on my clock before I had gotten a new shirt on...I've been up for a little while now and I'm still so confused. Hence the point of this thread...

Do you ever just fall asleep somewhere and fall into crazy deep sleeps and when you awake its like the whole world has passed without you...and your so confused that your practically walking into walls. These occasions are rare for me, how about for you...?

Beretta55 Nov 21st, 2002 06:57 PM

oh yes i have been there many time's. sometime going to school can get me bummed cause of the stress. but yeah it happened to me once i got home like at 4 and woke up at i dunno 7. it was very weird i could hardly walk around i was just dazed:laugh:

Hadoken Nov 21st, 2002 07:02 PM

yeah, that happens to me sometimes. but its usually a sign that i'm getting sick.:laugh:
one time i took a nap, woke up, got into my car, started it up... then i realized i had no memory of the time between waking up, and walking out to the garage and starting my car... then i asked myself "what the hell am i doing in my car?!" . i didnt have to go anywhere. it was just :roll: .
but later that night, i had a fever.. so u know. plus i was tired throughout most of the day already. so i guess that could kinda explain it.

Lost_myth Nov 21st, 2002 07:08 PM

Yeah, that's how I walked into the wall.

Hylas Nov 21st, 2002 07:12 PM

I know what you mean. To me, falling asleep in the afternoon is just a terrible experience, especially when winter is approaching and days are shorter. I hate that feeling you have when you wake up, and you don't even know if it's day or night, thanks to the fact it gets dark at 3 pm. It really sucks, and it almost ruins my day, when it happens ...

Sword 4 Hire Nov 21st, 2002 07:19 PM

Yeah one day I got home from school and just laid down on my bed at around 3...then I woke up at midnight...everyone was in bed and I just walked around the house wondering what the hell was going the morning I asked my Dad why no one waked me up and he explained to me how he had tried but I was out cold...I'm not usually that deep of a sleeper...

Beretta55 Nov 21st, 2002 07:23 PM


Originally posted by Sword 4 Hire

Yeah one day I got home from school and just laid down on my bed at around 3...then I woke up at midnight...everyone was in bed and I just walked around the house wondering what the hell was going the morning I asked my Dad why no one waked me up and he explained to me how he had tried but I was out cold...I'm not usually that deep of a sleeper...
ugh i hate it when i get into a deep sleep and i dont wake up for like hour's and hour's. my family tries to wake me up but no success. so when i wake up finally and asked them why they didnt wake me. they say your were in a deep sleep and i just say hit me with a golf club or scream in my ear:laugh:

goodman Nov 21st, 2002 07:27 PM

I expect most everyone can relate to this thread, definitely i can. Over the years i have had similar experiences, and as you get older it gets easier to fall asleep. Being single and living alone i have had more than a experience or two of falling asleep and waking up the next morning, getting about ten hours sleep without having planned it. But these things happen sometimes.....

Pu the Owl Nov 21st, 2002 08:26 PM

This used to happen to me a lot, especially when I was in High School. All of a sudden I used to fall asleep in the afternoon or in the evening, and I used to wake up many many hours later. This caused me some panic attacks too, because I was feeling guilty for wasting my days like that, but I couldn't really resist: I had to sleep and I couldn't wake up. After that, I felt confused and a bit out of place. Also, I didn't have some reasonable explanations to give to my parents, when they asked why I was so sleepy everyday to not be able to wake up.

PerfectD1184 Nov 21st, 2002 09:03 PM

Yep, happens to me in Electronics class.

sk8er_kyle Nov 21st, 2002 09:12 PM

One time My parents woke me up for school. When they left for work I decided to get a few more minutes of sleep.I lied down in my bed.Then I got up and looked at the clock it said 3 pm. I had completely missed school. I got in big trouble for that.:ghost:

Sword 4 Hire Nov 21st, 2002 09:23 PM


Originally posted by sk8er_kyle

One time My parents woke me up for school. When they left for work I decided to get a few more minutes of sleep.I lied down in my bed.Then I got up and looked at the clock it said 3 pm. I had completely missed school. I got in big trouble for that.:ghost:
:laugh: That's awesome!

Good work

sk8er_kyle Nov 21st, 2002 09:27 PM

That was funny. But I dont think i want to do that again. Not for the amount of trouble I got in.:ghost:

Darkness 4 Hire Nov 22nd, 2002 12:34 PM

man i always hear the alarm clock ringing but i dont know if i'm sleeping or if i'm awake when i get up turn it off and then i wake up 2 hours later saying oh shit!

Sword 4 Hire Nov 22nd, 2002 04:24 PM

Man a couple of nights ago I just woke up and sat up in bed half asleep looking at my clock...and it read 1:11 but I was just so out of it I wasn't quite sure what it was telling me lol

So for like 5 minutes I sat there trying to decypher the meaning to the digital clock and what it was trying to tell me...finally I realized that it was the time and I still had 5 more hours of sleep to go :laugh:

Redpyramidhead Nov 23rd, 2002 12:09 AM

I find that when I sleep during the day it's much harder to decipher between dreams and reality upon waking up, especially if I wake up when its dark out. This happens when I sleep normally too, but not as much. Some things I dream about are every day things and I can't tell if they happened or not and other things are more unrealistic, but on top of the confusion caused when I wake up I still can't figure out what's real for a while. Often, the effect a depressing dream or nightmare has on me is prolonged this way. Does anybody else get confused by dreams like this?

_RED_ stuff

DragonSphere Nov 23rd, 2002 12:37 AM

I usually get confused when I start to day-dream or be in deep thought. Like when I'm thinking on a certain subject a lot, my body keeps on going (that is, walking around) without my mind paying attention whatsoever. So when I finally stop and am actually conscious of my surroundings, I completely forget what happened during the lapse of time when I was thinking.

But as far as sleeping goes, I seem to have no problem with it like the other members. Though, I do tend to take 10-12 hours of sleep during the weekends. :P

Frozen Nov 23rd, 2002 02:02 AM

It used to happen to me with certain frequence, although it's been a while since hte last time. Which is fortunate, since I hate that to happen.

This reminds me of something that happened about 3 nights ago... I fell asleep while playing Grandia II!!! That game has a nice storyline but unfortunately the development of the game and the way you play it is damned repetitive and some times gets boring, and this was one of those imes :laugh:

Miki Nov 24th, 2002 09:33 AM

This happens to me when I'm stressed for something: for school, for family problems and so on. When I have something like that to keep me worried, I fall asleep, and I can be so tired that I can't keep my eyes opened. And this happens everywhere and everytime, not only when I'm into some boring experience ( like the one mentioned by Frozen :laugh: ).

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