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Mana Feb 13th, 2002 04:43 PM

End of Evangelion
I was wondering if someone here knows anything about the movie (or two movies, I'm not sure).
Is it possible to understand Evangelion without watching the movie? I've only watched 20 episodes more or less, and the story is very complicated and not clear at all.
I've heard in Japan they needed a booklet to fully understand End of Eva.
So, do you think I should purchase the movie or there's no need I buy it because it's optional?

Cannibal Clown Feb 13th, 2002 05:57 PM

I'm currently buying the series on DVD and only have the first two at the moment, so I haven't seen much of the series. But i still love it and after I finnish the series, I'm getting thew movie, simply because it's Evangelion and worth it In my case. But It's up to you if you want to get End of Evangelion, and Death and Rebirth. It's worth the money, but only if you really love the show.

Mana Feb 13th, 2002 06:12 PM

I'm really interested in getting the movies, but it's not easy to find them where I live. So I'll probably get them from the web when I have the opportunity.
I was only worried because I've heard some of the events regarding the release of those movies in Japan: something like Gainax proposed a first movie but Japanese audience didn't really like it, so they made a second movie.
I don't nkow if it's only a rumour, but I've read this in some EVA site.

Faile Feb 13th, 2002 06:17 PM

The End of Eva movie is quite powerful viewing. Made me cry at one point .

and thats a sign of good quality

Cannibal Clown Feb 13th, 2002 06:53 PM

The reason that the Eva movies didn't get a good report from japan is because of the fact that the series lost its populatity a while ago to the japanese public. But it's growing in popularity in America. But I wopuldn't expect anything new other than the movies to come out from the series. In fact, it was anounced that the last product from Eva would be the 2002 Eva calander. It's sad but true.

So don't believe that what you heard about Egvfa in Japan will have any effect on the American Public. I said American becaus I'm from the states.

But I also can't get anime where i live. I'm not aloud to buy off the internet, so I make due with the supply I got.

And you say there isn't anime where you live, then where do you live, just curious.

Mana Feb 13th, 2002 07:00 PM

I live in Belgium and I assure you it's not a great place to get anime goodies.
I can find some DVDs and imported stuff, but not EVA movies. They seem not interested in getting such specifical things. :(
I know some good store on the web, especially in Hong Kong they sell DVDs at very low prices, so I'll probably get my copies of EVA movies from there, when I have the money.

BowevelJoe Feb 14th, 2002 08:00 AM

aye, anime shortages suck, if we bought more and more anime this stuff would go mainstream, and then it would be cheaper and easy to find, but...that will never happen everyone would rather buy an N Stink cd or some other crap instead of anime... $30 a DVD is a bit crazy but ah well you get used to it. Thats why i give anime to those in need, the prices are friggen outrageous! hah(sp?)

Hylas Feb 15th, 2002 03:44 PM


Originally posted by Cannibal Clown
In fact, it was anounced that the last product from Eva would be the 2002 Eva calander. It's sad but true.

I think this is not completely true: in fact I have a friend in Japan and he told me the manga of Evangelion is still being published because Yoshiuki Sadamoto, the author, is still working on it.

Cannibal Clown Feb 15th, 2002 05:23 PM

I'm glad to hear that, because I really love EVA.

BowevelJoe Feb 15th, 2002 09:36 PM

yeah Eva is deff one of my top 10 all time favs

Pu the Owl Feb 15th, 2002 09:39 PM

Off topic, but I'm curious to know the other top 9 of your list :D

Cannibal Clown Feb 16th, 2002 12:26 PM

I'll post to this one too.

1) Birdy the Mighty<==Know one seems to know about it, but it's my fav.
2) Neon Genisis Evangelion
3) Cowboy Bebop
4) Escaflowne
5) Akira
6) Outlaw Star
7) Tenchi Muyo
8) Shadow Skill
9) 08th MS Team Gundam
10) Bio Hunter

That seems pretty right. 1 being the bets 10 being the least.

BowevelJoe Feb 16th, 2002 11:50 PM

2.Neon Genesis
3.Cowboy Bebop
4.Serial Experiments Lain
5.Outlaw Star
6.Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
8.Macross Plus
9.Rurouni Kenshin

Yeah! ive seen Birdy, Birdy double trouble, its when that girl gets inside of that guy, i remember seeing a movie of it on the Action Channel awhile back..

Cannibal Clown Feb 17th, 2002 12:21 PM

I'm so glad I know some else who's seen it now. I've only seen it on Encore Action Channel as well. But they only played the first two episodes and left out the last two. It's not in any stores around here and It's not available on DVD yet so I wont get a chanse to see the second half for a while. But it's still my favorite anime.

BowevelJoe Feb 17th, 2002 03:43 PM

haha yeah, want me to check up on that for you, see if i can dl it and burn it for you ?

Cannibal Clown Feb 17th, 2002 06:23 PM

Yeah that would be awesome. I've been trying to get that movie for the longest of time, but never could. If you couyld burn it for me you'd be my hero.

BowevelJoe Feb 17th, 2002 08:22 PM

haha wow...well ill see what i can do :)

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