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kupoartist Aug 5th, 2002 12:23 PM

Kingdom Hearts US Release date... and news on extras
The Kingdom Hearts release date is September 17th in the US. More significantly : new difficulty levels (normal and expert) and new bosses will be added. No doubt a few people will be thrilled to find that one of them is FFVII's Sephiroth...

AsylumEscapee Aug 5th, 2002 04:12 PM

Sellout, says I.
Ugh, I don't want to see Sephiroth and Donald Duck in the same screen. It's just, odd.

merylsilverburg Aug 6th, 2002 05:13 AM

I'm excited about this game...can't wait to try it, thanks for the date, the_artist. :) This may be off topic, but does anyone else here feel disgusted about some of the voice actors being used for some of the characters in the game? Like....Mandy Moore or Lance Bass, for example? :disturb:

AsylumEscapee Aug 6th, 2002 10:40 AM


Originally posted by merylsilverburg
I'm excited about this game...can't wait to try it, thanks for the date, the_artist. :) This may be off topic, but does anyone else here feel disgusted about some of the voice actors being used for some of the characters in the game? Like....Mandy Moore or Lance Bass, for example? :disturb:
It just keeps getting worse. I don't see why people are exited about this game.

kupoartist Aug 6th, 2002 12:49 PM

It's a matter of personal taste. Those who're looking foward to it like the idea of Disney and Squaresoft comming together, or that Squaresoft are actually doing somthing other than Final Fantasy for once... People who don't think much about it, simply don't like the idea. Though I can't honestly see why anyone should totally berate the game altogether. Hands up all who've played it? Exactly.

As for the voice acting... It seems strange to me why Squaresoft have such trouble getting excellent voice talent... though perhaps Haley Joel was too expensive ^_^ "I see Bambi's mom... all the time..."

merylsilverburg Aug 7th, 2002 02:48 AM


Originally posted by the_artist
It's a matter of personal taste. Those who're looking foward to it like the idea of Disney and Squaresoft comming together, or that Squaresoft are actually doing somthing other than Final Fantasy for once... People who don't think much about it, simply don't like the idea. Though I can't honestly see why anyone should totally berate the game altogether.
Well, the reason why I'm excited about it is because the game just sounds interesting to me and it's a unique and fresh idea. I don't have a problem with Disney, I don't think it's too "kiddish". I'm not tired of Squaresoft doing FF all the time, I just think this game is unique and pretty cool. Besides, I've watched a lot of the Disney animation, so I think it'll be cool to see all the villains and characters I know in a game that's looks nicely done so far. :)


Hands up all who've played it? Exactly.
To tell you the truth, when it came out in Japan, I was thinking of getting the Japanese version since it seemed great and it has the Japanese voices in it. But since I can't understand Japanese, it'd be a total waste. :P


As for the voice acting... It seems strange to me why Squaresoft have such trouble getting excellent voice talent... though perhaps Haley Joel was too expensive ^_^ "I see Bambi's mom... all the time..."


kupoartist Aug 7th, 2002 01:24 PM

lol! one of the new bosses is named after some person called "KURT ZISA" , who won the Contest on the KH website ^_^

MakgSnake Sep 15th, 2002 08:57 PM

I Have The FULL 2 Episodes Of This GAME's BEHIND THE SCENES

And After Watching THAT. I Cant WAIT To PLAY This Game And Experience The MAGIC

This GAME Will Be An Amazing ONE

Although, Not Many People Know, But Its NOT Exactly An RPG. But An Action/Adventure Game With RPG Elements In The GAME!.!

This Game Will ROCK Too!.!

Sword 4 Hire Sep 15th, 2002 09:51 PM

Sephiroth is in the game?!?!?!

Dear Lord that game is mine...

DragonSphere Sep 15th, 2002 11:15 PM

Yup; in fact, I think there's a small strategy in the latest Entertainment Weekly magazine of how to fight him.

mysterio4gcc Sep 16th, 2002 10:50 PM

Kingdom Hearts should be a game only thought about in Dreams...i have high expections on this one!!

Homeless Psycho Sep 17th, 2002 11:53 AM

I heard this game was great!

Is there any secret characters or anything like games, side quests, original folkz from squaresoft RPG's?

update guys

:evil: :evil: :evil:

macario Sep 20th, 2002 01:16 PM

I just got the game on september 18. and let me tell you that it is easily one of squares best rpg's. I mean its amazing the way the battle systems handles and the graphics are something to talk about with your friends. I mean if you like zelda then youll love kingdom hearts because I think that kingdom hearts is a much better game then zelda. (now thats just my opinion so dont start bad talking me you may think something completly different and thats ok mith me:peoples: )

Sword 4 Hire Sep 20th, 2002 04:56 PM

I'm playing Mysterios copy right now...its pretty cool just a lil odd.

Oh yeah and Sephiroth's voice is done by Lance Bass from Nsync

...nough said :disturb:

Sleazy P Martini Sep 20th, 2002 10:14 PM


Originally posted by Sword 4 Hire
Oh yeah and Sephiroth's voice is done by Lance Bass from Nsync
...nough said :disturb: all I'll think about is that little panzy when I see Sephiroth.

Sword 4 Hire Sep 21st, 2002 02:01 PM

Yeah I'm sorry but I think that I should give everyone the truth because that really pissed me off! I mean Sephiroth is one of if not the most badass characters ever. I mean I've had discussions with my friends about what if Sephiroth had a voice...what would it sound like. And then I hear news of this, I've yet to hear it but the very fact that they would recruit someone from a boy band to give ol Sephy a vocal chord really makes me mad. I mean in the Playstation version of Lunar they made the lead characters voice some guy from O-Town, and now I hear this...I mean what's next? A Backstreet Boy doin the voice for Auron or a Hanson brother doing voiceovers for Seifer...?!

Come now...all boy bands should stay away from my favorite RPG characters or videogames in general!!

Sleazy P Martini Sep 21st, 2002 05:39 PM

I rented the game tonight. It's not too bad at first.....but as the game progresses you soon find out that the game is 85% Disney and the Final Fantasy characters are very sparse. The fact that the combat is real time instead of turn based was a letdown too. Rent it first people.

Sword 4 Hire Sep 21st, 2002 09:21 PM

Yeah, but as you progress you learn more moves and what not so its not too bad. But I like the story...the innocense of it is appealling and seeing my favorite disney characters from way back interact with my favorite characters now (altho I wish Auron made an appearance) is just awesome. And I like how they intertwined stories with the two different types of characters and it seems to work. The only thing I dont like as I said before is the voiceover picks but I guess I'll live. I say its a must buy.

Oh yeah and Cloud and Squall are the biggest badasses ever in this game...its worth buying to see these guys trust me!

Sleazy P Martini Sep 21st, 2002 10:29 PM

How far are you in the game S4H? I'm trying to find Alice...I just lit the two lamps but now I'm trying to figure out what to do next. There's this door waaay up at the top of the forest and I can't seem to get there. Can anyone help?

mysterio4gcc Sep 21st, 2002 11:51 PM

i'm wy father than that so just go back to the right side up Bizarre room and you'l know what to do! GL!

PS i lvoe this game!

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