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silenthill3 Jul 18th, 2002 05:28 PM

is GC that much better then ps2? please give imparcial opinion, no fanboysm
please answer
(ive been meaning 2 say this 4 a long time) te people in this foruns are the best ive ever seen compared to other site boards

KraftSLU Jul 18th, 2002 06:01 PM

Graphics-wise, yeah. Gamecube is better and will probably remain better than the ps2. But then again it also had a lot more deveopement time than the ps2 and was released later so if the graphics weren't better then I would have been upset.

PS2 wins on developer support though. It can be argued that ps2 does have volume but not quality... but either way, there are tons of ps2 games and something for everyone. The only step up nintendo has in the developer area is themselves, and all of their exclusive game licenses.

I think the gamecube is also being marketed more effectively as a 'party' machine that is easy to take places, easy to hook up and has great multiplayer games. PS2 has some decent ones, but that whole 2 control port idea... sony missed the mark by not putting in 4.

Anyways, I guesss what I am trying to say is the GC is better depending how you look at it. I love adult oriented games and all the GC can offer me now is eternal darkness... so I would buy a ps2 or a box long before i buy a cube on that level. But if I all of the sudden decided I need some mario in my life, there is no other option: I have to have a gamecube.

AsylumEscapee Jul 18th, 2002 08:15 PM

Its not just volume that PS2 has. Its not like 90% of their games are garbage. It wasnt until I signed up for Govojo, and had a chance to play them, all that I realized that I was dying to play so many titles. As for graphics.. jaggies are the biggest problem with the PS2, I dont think youll see em on the Gamecube.

Personally, I wouldnt even consider buying a Gamecube. Not until I have both the PS2, AND the Xbox. Theres just not enough titles that I want to play on the GC.

But if games like Mario Sunshine are your bag... Well, you need to be shot.. No, wait. Then you should get a Gamecube.

Uchiha Sasuke Jul 18th, 2002 08:27 PM

Ok i got both systems.The GC has the graphics but the ps2 is much more broader system.It has much more developer support and way better games at this point.I know GC will be hitting its cycle later this year,but the ps2 has it out gunned right now with its up coming titles.

P.S.No console bashing or this thread will be closed.

Spank-A-Thon Jul 19th, 2002 06:48 AM

Ahhh, the tired old question of Is X console better than Y...

Since video gaming began, we've had this endless debate and I've seen all the wars. Commodore 64 vs Sinclair Spectrum. NES vs Master System, SNES vs Genesis, Amiga vs Atari ST, PSX vs N64... and now PS2 vs GC vs XBox....

The question of which machine is better is purely subjective. What's better for me is not necessarily better for you. If I answer, I am merely giving my opinion. Opinions are like @ssholes - we all have one, and no one @sshole is more valid than another...

Instead of relying on people to give you their opinion, form your own. Go out there and play both machines and see which you think is better.

Don't get me wrong, it's good to get other folk's opinons on stuff, but when it comes to video games you can have a hard time finding a blanced, impartial opinion.

- S

Daniel Legge Jul 19th, 2002 10:16 AM

If you want good graphics then go for GC.
In terms of games it depende what type of games u like, for GC u get many games that seem to be aimed for children like Mario Pikmin and things the like.

PS2 has games for everyone it has games such as GTA3 for the more mature audience even tho a hell of a lot of kids have this game (including myself)PS2 also features games for kids as well like Jak and daxter and other games like that.
For multiplayer GC does have 4 controller ports and PS2 only has 2
but both have great multiplayer games like wave race for GC,
PS2 has Pro evo soccer (and PES2 is coming out soon)
ANother good thing is TIMESPLITTERS 2 this is coming out on PS2,GC and xbox.
it all depends on what type of games u like really
(i have a PS2 and im proud of it and dont regret it)

RobHardo Jul 19th, 2002 11:47 AM

I admit Nintendo probably has a bigger fan base than Sony, but Sony has Hundreds more games an dyo ucan play regular playstation games on ps2 Nintendo hasn't figured this out yet, to make them compatible, but Ps2 would be the best way to go

AsylumEscapee Jul 19th, 2002 03:25 PM


Originally posted by Spank-A-Thon
Ahhh, the tired old question of Is X console better than Y...

Since video gaming began, we've had this endless debate and I've seen all the wars. Commodore 64 vs Sinclair Spectrum. NES vs Master System, SNES vs Genesis, Amiga vs Atari ST, PSX vs N64... and now PS2 vs GC vs XBox....

The question of which machine is better is purely subjective. What's better for me is not necessarily better for you. If I answer, I am merely giving my opinion. Opinions are like @ssholes - we all have one, and no one @sshole is more valid than another...

Instead of relying on people to give you their opinion, form your own. Go out there and play both machines and see which you think is better.

Don't get me wrong, it's good to get other folk's opinons on stuff, but when it comes to video games you can have a hard time finding a blanced, impartial opinion.

- S

Eh, you couldnt really recommend a sega saturn back then. And the PS1 won the console war.

Besides, my *******'s better than yours.

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