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happy_doughnut Jul 17th, 2002 11:34 PM

' Member Opinion Thread ' p.II .

Okay, I happened to like this thread, and since the old one is too old to revive... I'll make another. Besides, we have more members now... sooo, mmk ?

* For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about*
This thread is to express your thoughts and opinions about your fellow members. Y'know... things you wouldn't say in a normal convo.
Anyhow, no flaming or anything of that sort, alright ?

Meh, I'll go first I guess :

Hadoken : He was the first ' buddy ' I made here. He's always fun to talk to and is very understanding. Even though we don't talk as much now, I still regard him as a good ' online buddy ' . He's very cool. . . and cute ! :love:

Meryl : Everyone likes her, and there's no doubt why. A girl who seems to be much like me, and one who is always willing to listen.
Very kind, patient, witty and funny ( rednecks lol ). Just everything you'd look for in a perfect friend.

BlackThornn : An accomplished debater. He's very wise and reasonable. His posts are always enjoyable. Meh, he's too smart :disturb: . Heh, nah... he's someone that's quite admirable, actually ! Plus, he has a widdle Chihuahua !! Aw!

Qjij : The weiderst name on the entire site ! o.O I really enjoy his ' dark ' sense of humor. Even though he's kinda a ' loner ' *cough* , he's very kind and mellifluous. He has the most wonderful charisma !

S4F-er-I mean, S4H ( lol ) : Heh, he's one hilarious 'dude ' . Always coming up with the funniest ( and unexpected ) things to say. He always manages to make me laugh, which is cool. I really enjoy conversing with him cuz well, he's really nice. One merryful ' dude ' everyone must like !

Merc : Great gamer. He has a very polite way of speaking which is interesting. He loves Zelda which places him high in my book. Yeah, indeed a great member.

JB: I think I'm the only one who calls him JB o.O . Just gotta say that I loved his story. He's a very good writer with an excellent combination of wit and seriousness.

Frozen : My good ol' buddy. I've know him for a while, and even though he doesn't post much, his posts are always well-informed. He's one of the nicest people I've ever met. Always willing to listen without asking for anything in return. Great guy.

Barreta55 : A nice lil n00b. He's very active which is cool. Heh, he brings a nice lil spark to these forums. Nice chatter, cool person.

The_Artist : OMG ! Her knowledge of FF is astounding ! She too is an excellent gamer. Her posts are always very informative and have a certain twist to them. She's also a magnificent artist. Quite a unique style for quite a unique girl.

The Rhythimo : Funny n00b. He's cool and very mature. A nice person to talk to whom has a name which is unpronounceable by the human tongue. Heh.

Rei : A great Admin, what else can I possibly say !? She always has time for her tiny minions-er, members o.O . She's quite funny, actually. Besides, she gives ya cookies !

Sleazy : Coolest name here. Catchy catchy. He's also one of our ' quality posters ' . He always has interesting sigs. He seems to be quite nice... and forgiving after that big mistake I made ( sorry ! )
Heh, ' dad '... lol.

Woah ! An there you have it ! My encyclopedia :laugh: .
I don't think I forgot anyone... but to everyone else :
You're all great :happy: .

EDIT : I did forget someone.

Gadzoox : She is one awesome artist ! I love the way she draws !! Love it love it !

Beretta55 Jul 17th, 2002 11:53 PM

im evil!! but i have a nice side once you get to know me heres the people i like but everybody here is awsome.

mena:its cute lil mena!!! she is nice and cute! she knows more than me on stuff........and she has wonderful anime knowlage.

S4H:he is a cool dude he is a seifer fan woot! he seem's to know his way around the forums he is just cool. okay S4H can i have my 20 bucks now? just playing dude:laugh:

kamari-ice:he is a good overall guy he was nice of enough too make my sig thanks dude.

gadzoox:a cool little noob! she is funny but her post's are sometimes weird but interesting though.

Qjij:he is nice i have funny discussion's on here with him so he is a cool dude.

meryl:she is a anime guru!! she is a nice person and cool!! but her anime knowlage is amazeing!

blackthorn:hey he has a cool name but he is also a cool guy i wish to get to know him better so rock on buddy!

frozen:hey he is a cool person to talk to and yes soul reaver rocks even though i have not played it but he is just a cool dude.

sleazy:the name is so catchy i cant get it out of my head but he is a cool guy his post's are cool and his sigs are awsome.

but if i didnt list you dont be offend i think you are all great people.

wait i forgot somebody

lost_myth:she is a cool gal i have funny chats with her so she is wicked!

Gadzoox Jul 18th, 2002 12:00 AM

Aww! Mena rules! *hug* :D

I have only been going here for about a month so I don't know you all very well so i'm going on my INSTINCTS here! ;)

Mena~ Sweetheart!! Always has something nice to say, even if it's mean, it's somehow put nicely. Keep huggin' those trees!

Kamari-ice~ Another sweety who is always giving and never wanting anything in return.

barreta55~ Funny guy who is fun to be silly with! heehee

Qjij_jijQ~ Fellow Canadian who I'm glad to have met!

The_Artist~ Fellow artist girl who draws /super/ amazingly and I'm jealous of!

Asylum Escapee~ Cool in my books for having such a strong opinion and sticking too it no matter what! He also points out the obvious without a second though. But he is also quick to cool down and take a breather during a debate.

TrikTopz~ Has VERY different topics to post here in the general chat!! Different is always good though!

BlackThorn~ Seems very intelligent and IS a amazing debater.

S4H~ Cool guy who has interesting opinons.

Solid: Snake~ Seems very laid back and cool! An all round nice guy.

Hylas~Illogical Redhead!! Coolie who seems very intelligent in her arguements.

Sleazy P. Martini~ I love the name too! Really does have interesting things to say.

Lost_Myth~ From another planet! hehe

Fortune~ The Queen of kick-ass wallpaper making! *bows*

Ruby Moon~Very nice girl.

The rest of you guys~ You are all cool! Hope to get to know you better soon too!

Well that's all I can say about you gus for now, when I get to know you better I'll have more to say! :happy:

AsylumEscapee Jul 18th, 2002 01:37 AM


Asylum Escapee~ Cool in my books for having such a strong opinion and sticking too it no matter what! He also points out the obvious without a second though. But he is also quick to cool down and take a breather during a debate.
I demand to know what you meant by "He also points out the obvious without a second though."!!! I did no such thing!

...Yes, well anyways... I haven't really gotten to know any of you. From what I've seen so far most of you are ok, If not overly nice, and too quick to get offended.

Ruby Moon Jul 18th, 2002 04:01 AM


Originally posted by AsylumEscapee
and too quick to get offended.
That's a very good point, but anyway, I think it's a problem you may have with Internet relation, because you can't include in the post the tone of your voice, so it's difficult to understand when you're joking. At least I suppose for many people this is the reason for getting offended. :right:

Pu the Owl Jul 18th, 2002 04:11 AM

:heh: sorry for my lack of posts, but I'm waiting for the new Internet account to be activated within few days. It seems it's taking a longer time than I expected. I can post sometimes of course, but the connection I'm using is so slow that I can't really do anything else :P

As always, I'd like to post many things about members here, but I'm worried that I could forget someone, so I'm only giving a global-hug to everyone :)

And special thanks to Carlito and Harry for the help. During these last days I've asked you help many times because of those Internet connection troubles... It must be boring to give me suggestions all the time :laugh:

AsylumEscapee Jul 18th, 2002 02:12 PM


Originally posted by Ruby Moon

That's a very good point, but anyway, I think it's a problem you may have with Internet relation, because you can't include in the post the tone of your voice, so it's difficult to understand when you're joking. At least I suppose for many people this is the reason for getting offended. :right:

When in doubt, you should always assume I'm yelling. Yes, even now.

happy_doughnut Jul 18th, 2002 02:49 PM

^ :peoples:

Heh, seems like I did forget someone :right:

Kabuki : . . . lol. Words cannot express the way you are XD . You're nice and really fun, but I'm sure I'm not the first one to say it :) .

kupoartist Jul 18th, 2002 04:25 PM

hehe... just like my school report, anyways.. here goes :

- Fortune : A jack of all trades... and a master of them as well ^_^. Shes Fortune, the omni-present moderator who's everyone's friend. Great contributions to the commnunity, and a superb artisic talent. And some how, she seems to keep time running at the same time :happy:
- Harry : The big bad guy who dishes out the bans ^_^ ... of course he isn't just that. Harry isn't exactly the PS2fantasy bouncer or nothing (though the avatar he used when I was first here, sure got me scared ^_^), he's just the great inteeligemt guy that rules over us all ^_^... hooray for Harry!
- Carlito : He's full of praise and good points, and is always very complimentary. Well, he might not be, and that would explain why he posts less than most people, but what the hey... he's still a great guy!
- Meryl : well... its Meryl duh ^_^... theres a good chance that if you dislike Meryl, you're a bitter twisted person living in some kind of bubble. I see less of her around here nowadays, but she knows she always has friends around here ^_^
- Mourdor / DragonBane : whatever the name, he's the guy who knows RPGs. one of the peeps active when I first logged on, he was clearly the guy with the big bulging RPG brain ^_^ also has the redeeming feature that he's a likeable and groovy guy as well ^_^
- Mena : always starts her threads with a frown icon, but she seems happy enough ^_^ Great fun to have around, and always keen to show off any inner strangeness through her Avatars and Signatures ^_^... In the past she created a lot of cool art, but seems to have lost confidence in her amazing abilites... keep trying Mena!
- Blackthorn : He's open to ideas, but arguementative as hell. (isn't that a contradiction?) hehe... anyways he's just a nice guy when it boils down to it, and hes just full of intelligent and well thought out arguements.
- Spank-A-Thon : he probably doesn't know the meaning behind "mindless spam". I don't think i've ever seen a post from him that doesn't make your brain feel inadequate and puny. Always has intelligent arguements, but he definatly isn't a bore or anything ^_^
- Gadzoox : Groovy Newbie ^_^ Always look foward to seeing her art, as its simply fantastic (she definatly knows her stuff better than me). And she's also completely mad :laugh:
- Soul_Angel : Keep seeing less of her, which is sad, but we can still look foward to those occasions ^_^
Rei : Rei's posts always seem tobe colourful and intelligently written, and I always look foward to them.
- Cannibal_clown : recently, perhaps he's redefined "colourful" with his language ^_^, but he's always CC and will always have his place in the forums (as an anime guru, not that i'd know to much as i rarely go there :/)
- Spirit : he perhaps posts a little less, but he's always updating us on his excellent artistic endeavours ^_^
- Sword 4 Hire : worshiper of in-game bad-asses he has that badass aura around himself. a general cool guy ^_^
- Kamari-ice : perhaps he's easy to lead on and a bit excitable, but he's very pure at heart and a great guy to have around. seems to be slowly learning in just about every department :)
- The Rhythimo : as a newbie this guy instantly hit me as a good guy. problem is, he seems to have vanished, though I'm prolly' not looking in the right place or somthing ^_^
- Kabuki Magnifico : When things get a little to serious, and tempers start to rise a little to high, you can always count on Kabuki to enter into the conversation with something plain stupid - but we're sure thankful for that ^_^
- Sleazy_P_Martini : ye olde forum mainstay, it definatly wouldn't be the same without this guy. Has decent opinions, and a wide intrest in a lot of things. Also has a name thats pretty damn catchy ^_^
- Hylas : PS2fantasy's likeable red-head ^_^. Amusing, Intelligent and just generally great to have around. Always looking foward to her visits...
- Ruby_Moon : at a certain time every now and then, Ruby Moon seems to be the name plastered over the majority of the threads. Always has intelligent feedback and arguements to give, and I always anticipate her "return" :happy:
- x157anz : a cool guy that's been around for a while. Contributes some good stuff, in a lot of different places.
- Qjij_jijQ : You get a mention, because your name makes my head hurt ^_^ ... our paths cross rarely, but you're still a nice guy ^_^
- Female_Vivi : or "The illegal FF merchandise girl" ... only kidding ^_^. She's nice to have around and is another great person in our ickle forum family ^_^
- Macceh : a decent guy with a love for Final Fantasy. that makes him worth mentioning to me ^_^
- JC_Denton : He's on holiday. He's hardly ever here, so I may as well say somthing nasty knowing that he won't notice right? ... I can't do that, so I'll just say that he's worth a mention as he kind of introduced me to this place... kind of... (running low on Justification points :( )
- NanjiJ : See above. except he isn't on holiday. oh and "hardly" is much the same as "never"

And then theres the rest of you. I'm sure I've missed some important ones, but then just about everyone here deserves a mention. you're all a bunch of groovy guy and girls ^_^ (this didn't look so long in notepad O_o)

Gadzoox Jul 18th, 2002 07:27 PM


Originally posted by AsylumEscapee

I demand to know what you meant by "He also points out the obvious without a second though."!!! I did no such thing!

Well you do! In a good way though! :D

Heehee Thanks Artist! I am the queen of mad-town! Bahahaa! :roll:

007_JamesBond Jul 18th, 2002 07:52 PM

Lost myth- great writer, awsome ideas, sweet outlook on life

CC- never siezes to amaze me

SSSnake- one I would regret not knowing

Mena- always there to back some one up

Asylum- sticks to his opinion, I respect that, even though we have disagreements

Neo- one of the best friends I have ever had, ha ha ha

Uchiha Sasuke Jul 18th, 2002 08:23 PM


Originally posted by 007_JamesBond
Lost myth- great writer, awsome ideas, sweet outlook on life

CC- never siezes to amaze me

SSSnake- one I would regret not knowing

Mena- always there to back some one up

Asylum- sticks to his opinion, I respect that, even though we have disagreements

Neo- one of the best friends I have ever had, ha ha ha

Wow 007 your the only one who listed me man what can i say now that im appreciated.

Vicious_2003 Jul 18th, 2002 08:49 PM

Havent been here long enough to have formed opinions on each person but ill say this. I can look to all of you guys for educated, mature opinions an just about any subject and you dont get all pissy if I say soemhting you dont like. That alone makes you all pretty great people in my eyes

007_JamesBond Jul 18th, 2002 08:56 PM

no problem SSSnake it is the truth

AudioBoxer Jul 18th, 2002 09:57 PM


TrikTopz~ Has VERY different topics to post here in the general chat!! Different is always good though!
Gadzoox was the only one to post me. Probably cuz I am more new. All I really have to say is the_artist you are the only one that I can tell that take your time to write posts, all of your post have been sooooo long and thats good, in my book. But everyone else is sweet and keep up the good work. Exepct the SPAMMERS STOP. ok done. :ghost: :ghost:

Gadzoox Jul 19th, 2002 12:01 AM

EEp! Can't believe I've forgotten Black Heart AND Kabuki!!

Black Heart~ 'Nother sweety who's always one of the first to reply to my pitures in the gallery!! Thanks!! :D

Kabuki~ Funky name and always makes me laugh... even though that's not a very hard thing to do... but this laughter is to the point of LMAO istead of just a LOL! ;D

Black Heart Jul 19th, 2002 12:43 AM

I'm not a great poster and I'm a sort of newbie, so I don't know very well people around here.
But some of you really impressed me, even if in general I like reading everyone's posts.

Fortune: a very kind girl and a patient administrator. Plus, very cool graphics designer.

Harry: I'm always looking forward to his posts, because they're so "professional" :laugh:

Hylas: she's funny! I can't add anything else! She must be acute girl too ;)

Gadzoox: her drawings are fabulous! I'm sorry that the first time I thought she was a guy :laugh:

Kabuki Magnifico: I enjoy reading his threads, always really interesting stuff.

Sleazy P Martini: a great Star Wars fellow! I like his Star Wars wallpapers very much.

the_artist: knows nearly everything about FF games plus draws cute pics.

BlackThornn Jul 19th, 2002 11:42 AM

Well, I'm probably gonna forget a BUNCH of people who deserve mention from me, but here'goes.. (I'll update after I have a couple of cups of coffee and can remember more :D)

In no particular order..

Mena- Her threads are ALWAYS worth responding to. She has a great, goofy sense of humor and isn't that bad of a debater herself. ^_- Good thread here as well, Mena.

Meryl- I haven't really seen her around lately but she's been a staple of this forum since I started here. She's really nice, and outgoing on here. Hon, I hope some of those guys who were bothering you got dealt with. If not call me and I'll beat the crap out of em.

S4H- A buddy I made when I was still a newbie on this forum, has remained as much to this day. He voices his opinions (most of the time ^_^ ) and from what I have seen never spams, which is a good thing.

Sleazy P. Martini- Well, I'm gonna join the trend and say this guy has THE catchiest name on the site. He's one of the guys that might not post exhorbidently, but when he does it's always to the point, and valuable. Plus he's getting his IT credentials, and I know how tough that is.

Spank-a-thon - Without a doubt THE smartest guy on this site. Like some he doesn't post all that often, but when he does it always, ALWAYS puts everyone else's replies to shame. This guy can argue anyone under a table, too. Maybe he should become a politician......... maybe not.. *chuckles* Given that most politicians suck. :-D

Gadzoox- I don't know her very well but from what posts I've seen from her she's a valuable member of the PS2Fantasy community.. I haven't seen the art yet either, but I will take a look.

Kabuki Magnifico- The great disarmer. When a thread gets too heated count on this guy to post a pic of a dancing gizmo or something to do with a couple of dolls that is too horrible to mention. :laugh: Anyway.. another guy from the boards with a great sense of humor, plus he directed me to a kickass smiley site.. *is still laughing at that*

the_artist- Needless to say, a great artist. :D But also a really intelligent person. I hadn't seen her debate skills much before a couple of weeks ago, but she's quite good at it. (And yes, hon, that's a contradiction, but it's possible. :))

barretta55- Another guy that's been around here a while, tell the truth I haven't really gotten to know him much, but I also hope that'll change. :cool:

Weell.... I'm sure I've forgotten a BUNCH of people, so I'll probably update later. ^_^ That's it for now though.

Hadoken Jul 19th, 2002 05:17 PM

well i dont have much of a list, since i dont know many of u that well besides on here.

Mena- your one of the few i still talk to on here. i know i've been bz, but i guess its going to stay like this for a while now. i'll talk to u whenever i get time.

Farfus- i didnt see anyone else list him. lol, so i decided to. well neways, erm.. he gives good advice! so need help? go talk to farf. lol

Traddles- yeah, doesnt post here much, but still a member. i've known him for a bit now. good kid, real smart too. lol
keep up the good work with scripting and other computer stuff.

well, erm. thats the list. i told u it was short. lol

MakgSnake Jul 19th, 2002 08:25 PM

I Like Everybody. Yeah...Everybody Here Is Very Nice And Kind. And We All Would Go To Heaven!

Or I'll Try To Find The Last Thread Like This....And Copy/Paste Everything. Cause I Havn't Changed And Neither Have Any Of You!

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