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AsylumEscapee Jun 2nd, 2002 10:25 PM

I don't like GTA3.
I can't understand why everyones in love with this game. To me, all the missions are just ways to exploit the game's flaws to make the game challenging. Cars drive right in front of my speeding car. People JUMP in front of my speeding car.

Let me give you an example.
The "Uzi runner" mission.
In this mission you have to drive someplace and kill a bunch of diablos with your uzi. If you stay out of the car for 5 seconds, the mission ends.
Some guy threw me out of the car. Theres no way to get around them and get back in. I couldnt kill them because the auto lock feature and the camera angle (when on foot) both suck. And if I stay out for 5 seconds the mission ends.
It makes no sense. The game's flaws make it hard and frustraiting.

Fighting with weapons on foot sucks.
The driving physics are ok. But the other cars are just so stupid.

Andi Jun 3rd, 2002 05:05 AM

Waste of Space
Good for you!
But it is not worth starting a new thread is it ?:disturb:

Beretta55 Jun 3rd, 2002 05:12 AM

well thats what you think i love the game i got skilled and i havent been pulled out on that misson much.

Andi Jun 3rd, 2002 05:27 AM

What the F**K are you going on about you either like it or you don't!
Make up your mind!:shock:

Beretta55 Jun 3rd, 2002 05:34 AM


Originally posted by Andi
What the F**K are you going on about you either like it or you don't!
Make up your mind!:shock:

your right its just plain in simple if you like it or you dont but everybody i know pretty much likes gta3.

macario Jun 3rd, 2002 02:37 PM

Re: I don't like GTA3.

Originally posted by AsylumEscapee
I can't understand why everyones in love with this game. To me, all the missions are just ways to exploit the game's flaws to make the game challenging. Cars drive right in front of my speeding car. People JUMP in front of my speeding car.

Let me give you an example.
The "Uzi runner" mission.
In this mission you have to drive someplace and kill a bunch of diablos with your uzi. If you stay out of the car for 5 seconds, the mission ends.
Some guy threw me out of the car. Theres no way to get around them and get back in. I couldnt kill them because the auto lock feature and the camera angle (when on foot) both suck. And if I stay out for 5 seconds the mission ends.
It makes no sense. The game's flaws make it hard and frustraiting.

Fighting with weapons on foot sucks.
The driving physics are ok. But the other cars are just so stupid.

I think your just saying you dont like it because you keep looseing on it and you suck at it. but I know deep down inside you like this ps2 master piece.dont blame the game because the camera angle sucks because it dosent gta3 has a good camera angle ok I think you need to practice more and stop trash talking this master piece.

happy_doughnut Jun 3rd, 2002 06:27 PM

I think the game is... okay. It's not because I find it hard; I don't think it's hard at all. I think it's fun to play when there's nothing else or you just are in need of your daily cuss word of the day. The game is fun... but I don't "love" it... To be honest... I kinda regret buying it. Man! I should've rented it first!

AsylumEscapee Jun 3rd, 2002 08:14 PM

Relax people. I'm just posting my opinion, just to see if anyone felt the way I did.

Mena and I, we have a similar situation.
The game tends to make no sense. Like time limits on missions that dont need one just to make it some kind of a chalendge.

I dont know.. to me, it just feels like a driving game, not the action adventure driving hybrid i imagined.

Oh and it rewards you for loading the game every time you loose. I dont do it, but it bothers me.

OH! and no matter how many times you run someone over they dont die.. You HAVE to hit them HARD, it doesnt matter if your tire is on his head.

Sword 4 Hire Jun 3rd, 2002 09:29 PM

Well everyone has their opinions but its not fare to judge this game because it gives you time limits or people won't die as easily as you want them to...

In my opinion this game transcends every other game...the sense of realism is phenominal and in my opinion GTAIII shouldn't even be put in the same category as a video game...its in its own different league!

RufusFF7 Jun 3rd, 2002 09:46 PM

man your way too critical... you remind me of my one friend, if he finds a few things wrong with a game then it sucks...

merylsilverburg Jun 3rd, 2002 11:49 PM

Everyone can express their own opinions, so if you don't like the game that much, I understand. It's almost like me and VF4...*runs away* Anyway, I love GTA3. It's hilarious, fun, and just a totally different and a cool game. There's so many things you can do just kicks ass, that's all I gotta say. :cool:

AsylumEscapee Jun 4th, 2002 12:17 AM

I think I am too critical.
It's a good game, I can tell. Just a few things I find really frustraiting.

Andi Jun 4th, 2002 09:10 AM

Just play the game!
You all know that every one Love's it!:laugh:

Just Whoop some Ass

RufusFF7 Jun 4th, 2002 03:13 PM

EXACTLY, ya just gotta go on a rampage and woop some ass!!

Killuminati Jun 4th, 2002 06:22 PM

i did love this game....but it got old fast...i mean once ur done most of the missions driving arround just killin loses its appeal...theres nothin to keep ya goin...and i didnt find one mission hard in that entire was actually pretty ****ty....i'd prefer a more linear game anyday. thats not to say that i love linear games...i love open-ended games but GTA3 just was overhyped IMO. i like open games like Deus Ex, it has open-endedness as well as keeping u in mind of your ultimate mission.

BlackThornn Jun 4th, 2002 08:38 PM

You're definitely entitled to your opinion, AsylumEscapee.. But I think you are not giving the game a chance. Either that or you just do not like the theme behind it.

What Grand Theft Auto III is is a "Mafioso" story. The story is for people who watch The Sopranos. ..I also think that you might have a bad impression of it because you just are not very good at it. I'm not saying you suck, but maybe that you just jumped into it too quickly, didn't pay attention during Luigi's missions, possibly.

People swerve in front of you because the AI is programmed so that drivers are the same kind of aware-only-of-themselves idiots that populate the roads in real life. They swerve in front of you when you are going 150 MPH and honking because the AI is not perfect.. can you program a better one? :laugh: People jump in front of your car for the same reason.

GTA III is by no means perfect, but it's versatility and the overall quality of the game is pretty much unparalelled. Many of the FLAWS from the first game (such as stupid cops running over 200 pedestrians to get to you, or ONLY ever arresting you.. or the eventual boredom that sets in from just killing mindlessly after the main story is done) are probably going to be fixed in Vice City..

Try playing it again, don't take it so seriously.. cruise around casually in different cars to see which one suits you for each area. (My favorites are for the Hummer for Portland, and the Banshee for Staunton and Shoreside) Take the missions more easily, and pay more attention to your surroundings. Don't always go full speed, actually drive. Pick up a hooker and watch the car rock. GTA III is an easy going, humorous (darkly so) game, it's not meant to be perfection.

Indrid Cold Jun 9th, 2002 08:24 PM

This games Awesome...

Who cares if you hate this game..

Andi Jun 10th, 2002 05:16 AM

Impossible :peoples:
How can you hate this Game?

kupoartist Jun 10th, 2002 12:40 PM

I played GTA3 for only a little while, so I can't really offer a concrete opinion, but personally its not a game i'm gonna rush out and buy.

I'd mostly place this on my experience of the original GTA. It bored me to death personnally. The whole open-ended nature of the game is just what the missions give you, without the minimal constraints of a given mission. Consequently, it gets very repetative real quick, especially given how skill doesn't seem to be somthing you need more than luck. YAWN

But hey, GTA3 may be better. I just got that same bored as hell feeling when I played it for 6hrs or so (and that feeling came along about 30 minutes into the game.) In the end it rather reminds me of Black & White, especially given how that game was universally praised for it's brilliant open-endedness. Though admitadly there are actually people who weren't promised large ammounts of money to actually love GTA3....

AsylumEscapee Jun 10th, 2002 07:13 PM


Originally posted by Solid Snake14
This games Awesome...

Who cares if you hate this game..

Shut up.
I dont HATE it. I just dont like it that much. When everyone else worships it.

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