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JC Denton May 3rd, 2002 03:15 PM

Best fps
Best first person shooter?

what would be yours?this is overall not just gameplay because even with mad killing you need a storyline.
mine would either be max payne or deus ex. unreal torn was good but the storyline wasnt attractive enough for me, its was more of an excuse serious sam was similar to that.

What is your favourite?

Miki May 3rd, 2002 05:57 PM

I choose Deus Ex as well. I usually don't like fps, but that game was a good one and I enjoyed playing it.

Uchiha Sasuke May 3rd, 2002 06:15 PM

Timesplitters is the best FPS

Mercury Shadow May 3rd, 2002 09:20 PM

I really don't see what everyone saw in Deus Ex. I played it for PS2 and I didn't see anything special

I hated Timesplitters because of the bad single player mode (yet i'm eagerly awaiting TS2).

My favorites are Red Faction and Goldeneye 007.

Rei May 4th, 2002 09:05 AM

People liked Deus Ex because of the originality of the gameplay. That's why I pick Deus Ex too.

Sleazy P Martini May 4th, 2002 11:48 AM

I love the MOH series.

JC Denton May 4th, 2002 02:34 PM


Originally posted by Sleazy P Martini
I love the MOH series.
ive played the psx no. 1 but im thinking of getting "alied assault"for pc, ive heard its really good, is it really that good?,

And deus ex graphics were toned down alot on the ps2, but the only problem on the pc version was that the badies didn't die well enough for me.

kupoartist May 4th, 2002 02:46 PM

Oooohhhh shooting... :happy:
anyways... FPS always used to be occupying my whole time. then It was RPGs. Currently i'm doing absolutely nothing gaming wise but what the hey...

So many too name, but I have trouble naming the best one, because there are so many sub-genre thingys... So I'll try to name them instead.

Best Single Player "Vanilla" FPS:
I'm gonna say Half-Life. It kept me from being strange for a week or so, and I was simply amazed at every aspect. True the "wow" factor has gone now, but I still look fondly upon my encounter with the Gonarch. Not everyday you get to fire rockets at a very large scrotum.... :laugh:
(Of course as i dont play so much of these nowadays i've missed out on MOH : Allied Assault. but hey i'll live!)

Best Multiplayer FPS:
A hard one this. Theres only two ways to go IMO so i'll go both:
In terms of Team work and interacting with people you know Unreal Tournament Wins.
Quake 3 come a distant second, but is highly notable for its far better deathmatch options. Because lets face it; the majority of people who play Q3 reguarly are all SO anyoying that you want to kill not work with them ^_^

Best use of FPS view:
Otherwise known as the catagory in which I get an excuse to say "System Shock 2 was always better than Deus Ex you stoopid people.". It was far more interative, meaning there were thousands of things for you to do, also it was a clever "freedom on rails" type structure, in that you could return to places several hours on the game and open up new areas, if you so desired (the lack of interactivity marks deus ex way down. DE ends up being about a bunch of people all talking in you head about stuff that you start to lose interest in.).
It had a cool villan (SHODAN - One of only 2 Computers I can think of that seems to have a sex change - though i think that was a storyline error :laugh: ) and a great storyline.
It also had the best atmosphere I've ever seen In a game. The shocking tales you hear of what happned before your arrival are recorded in audio-logs, that somehow scare the poop out of you. The Hybrid Anelid-Human thingys make awful groanings and beg you to kill them. The Cyborg Midwives make a sound like nails scratching a blackboard when you kill them. And the Maintanance Bots mince around, advise you on your shopping in a camp voice, then explode in your face. The general darkness and sparse use of sound are excellent. I played it in the dark and nearly suffered a seizure (well... nearly ^_^)

uhm... sorry what were we talking about again...

(I love Shock2 BTW :happy: )

Edit: The next big things will be Unreal 2 and Unreal Tournament 2003 by the way :)

JC Denton May 4th, 2002 03:00 PM

half-life was good but the objective was aleays the same...... to get out. cool for a while but far to repetative.

as for system shock 2, ive only played once so i dont know much about it, this game though did consist of many of the ideas used to create dues ex, ie training in weapons. As far as i know this was the first to do this. You could say it was deus ex's father.
i must say that de was interactive it had 5 different endings...thats if you include dieing and the secret one and many things which affect the story line, there are people to talk to and the way to complete objectives can be done differently.
Argument over.....
the fps with the least interaction though would be serious sam, no one to talk to, cant change the storyline ect., but on the plus side it did have the biggest bad guy i have ever seen, the only problem is he doesnt appear in the storyline, ie. you just fight him to win the game, you dont actually find out much about him, unlike most good fps that make you hate the baddy first.

your right about unreal tourn i would say it had the best multiplayer player. it gives you a frantic must kill feeling , which is nice, unfortunatly they forgot about the storyline. But you do need one of these games once in a while.

kupoartist May 4th, 2002 03:12 PM

Actually Serious Sam is great for one thing:
I played a 5 player co-op game and we completed it in an hour and a half (or about that) which was just really hillarious. Plus we got on each others nerves : One was getting all the stick as they kept running off to get the objectives which someone claimed meant that they got all the points (in truth the rest of us were just crap, but what the hey ^_^) and the two worst people got stick for being... the worst there...

Oh and I got abuse hurled at me for singing "I'm gonna find my baby" and other assorted Moby songs really loudly and on total impulse.

Oh and other good FPS' to mention include: Tribes 2. (another great team-game) the Thief series (the other game Deus Ex blatantly stole from... but it was another Warren Spector title anyway.) and the Original System Shock, which is actually atmospheric and scary, despite the 320x240 resolution ^_^ (was the first FPS game to ever have crawling, crouching, standing, jumping and leaning as well - I Think at least (1994))

JC Denton May 4th, 2002 03:19 PM

oh, :laugh: serious sam is great for kill crazy people, not my style though. Who were you playing with? do i know them?.
turok was like that aswell, it was quite good a bit like doom though, but the bosses i thought were great, they were quite original aswell.

yeah goldeneye was great,

that would get my vote for second best multiplayer, much easyer to set up though.

kupoartist May 4th, 2002 03:35 PM

I'll give you the lowdown on the "geekathon" then - it was me, "bob!" (Ross A that is. he's the best of us all. and he'll let you know that as well ^_^) "d@r1us" (Miles - The one most annoyed with my Moby :laugh: ) "Blo0!" (James L - was his birthday but we weren't exactly letting him win.) and "Species 8472" (Nick E - who was doing quite well at shouting "incoming Harpies" (or Herpies depending on the mood :/... ) and blowing himself up...)

FPS' are often great without the need for storylines. Its having fun that counts. (cos they're an ickle bit dumb anyway ^_^)

JC Denton May 4th, 2002 03:46 PM

fun party:laugh:

and how did you fit james l, miles and nick e, all in the same room, that deserves a reward,

just don't tell them i said that.

fps's dont need storylines but the all the better with them, it would be nice if somone could combine the two, but im not sure that will happen, because i like storylines that could happen such as max payne and deus ex because it equals realism and total killing with bio blaster or whatever does not equal that,

have you seen the film enemy at the gates?
lots of head shots, anyway that would make a great fps, its about the battle at stalingrad. pro soviet.

kupoartist May 4th, 2002 03:57 PM

can't say I have... I have a strange habit of seeing only bad films ^_^

Oh and the other things about FPS' - the modders and mappers. Its so cool how much cool, free stuff is available out there. Half-Life would have never survived for the 48 centuries It has if it wasn't for it's Counter-Strikes, its Team-Fortress Classics' or even its ickle ones like Science & Industry. And the tools are fairly easy to use (I nearly completed a fully CTF map for UT once ^_^)

oh and it was a very big room :laugh:

Game_Developer May 7th, 2002 01:01 AM

Counter Strike & Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Two sweet, kick ass games. My clan in CS is unstopable....

Capoeira May 9th, 2002 12:38 PM

Hmm, I suppose I have to choose Duke-Nukem, a classic. One of the pioneers of the fps games, next to Doom.

trunks69420 May 9th, 2002 12:58 PM

Solider of Fortune Gold edition. That game was really graphic, and the tons of difficulties that were available made it really challenging.
Unreal Tournament, Quake, Red Faction, and Time-splitters were good too.

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