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merylsilverburg Apr 15th, 2002 07:46 PM

Some Help on Onimusha, Please?
Aaaahhhhhhhhhh.......I'm tearing my hair out here! I'm probably the only person who hasn't finished playing Onimusha, but now, I'm stuck. I'm at the part where you battle the "Dark Realm" monsters, from that weird caterpillar guy. That's where I'm stuck. I always seem to get to 9 levels, then I die and I don't have any medicine to help me out, except once. I'm so frustrated, so does anyone have any tips on how to beat it? Thanks in advance. :)

Hadoken Apr 15th, 2002 09:39 PM

no, dont do that. if you tear out your hair, you wont be pretty anymore!:love:
but neways, about that demon realm. I got down quite a bit and didnt know how much further I could go, so I think I just left.
You dont have to go through that place to finish the game.
Only reason thats there is to unlock a few things like a minigame and to get the bishimon(sp?) sword.
and btw, you should save up on medicine`s. you`ll probably need em later.

merylsilverburg Apr 16th, 2002 12:38 PM

Oh, I don't need to go through that to finish the game?! WHEW! :phew:I'm so glad! It's really hard to find herbs and convert them to medicine and it's really hard to find medicine (I hope that made sense). Well, thank you very much for telling me, Hadoken, otherwise I'd still be there battling my days away. :laugh:

Hadoken Apr 16th, 2002 04:08 PM

lol, np.
I barely had any medicine left after I went a few levels into the dark realm. It was like hell to get through the "evil" realm after that.
But I think i picked up some med's before fighting the last boss. So it was all ok.
I think all you have to do now is go to the evil realm and shoot something down or somethin like that to proceed to the end. And that should be it.
Quick advice for the last boss: stock up on magic for all your swords, and when one sword runs out, just switch to the next one. If you run out on all of em, just switch to the gun. Or take your chances and continue slashing him with any sword.
It shouldnt be too hard.

Sword 4 Hire Apr 16th, 2002 05:33 PM

yes it is true you don't need to fight in the demon realm, but getting that sword makes the end boss ten times easier, that sword is so kicka$$...i just fought a lot of battles by leaving and reentering a room, allowing me to upgrade everything and buy more medicines, so I was prepared for the demon realm. Just use the special attacks on the really hard monsters and use your quickest sword on the rest. And never stop slashing with it!!

merylsilverburg Apr 16th, 2002 08:01 PM

Okay, thanks Hadoken and Sword 4 Hire! Yeah, I think I read somewhere that getting that special sword from the Dark Realm, made fighting the last boss really easy. Unfortunately, I tried what you did, Sword....going in and out of rooms and fighting....but for some reason I can't seem to get any medicines! Is there some kind of way? I thought you were only able to enhance herbs to medicines.....:confused: :weep:

merylsilverburg Apr 17th, 2002 05:04 PM

Sorry for double posting, but never mind.....I already beat the last boss. It took me a couple of tries, but it wasn't too bad. Thanks for all your help guys! :)

Hadoken Apr 17th, 2002 05:32 PM

too bad we couldnt play as crazy sam at the end, huh?
but neyways, what game are you gonna play next?

Sword 4 Hire Apr 17th, 2002 05:47 PM

Good job, hey could you just tell me what they talked about at the end, cause i just kept the japanese on so I never understood the ending lol

merylsilverburg Apr 17th, 2002 06:09 PM

Hadoken: Umm.....crazy sam? What's that? :right: I got the special trailer at the end, but what's this about Samanosuke's costume?? :peoples: What game am I going to play next? Hmm......haven't got much new games, except Virtua Fighter 4, but I can't play that. :(

Sword 4 Hire: Didn't you turn the subtitles on? I kept with the Japanese also, but I left the subtitles in English. What happened was the Saito clan disappeared because the emperor died and his irresponsible son took over. Princess Yuki stayed with a friend, but she soon left because she wanted to see the world. Yumemaru traveled with her, like what Samanosuke advised him to. Kaede spent the next few years searching for Samanosuke, but couldn't find him. She then was hired by ???? Akechi (I think....uh...Samanosuke's bro?) and died 14 years later in a war. As for the hero.....he disappeared without a trace. But, at the end of the credits, you see him looking at the castle, then he walks into the camera, and that officially ends the game. Ahh.....good thing I finished in time! Onimusha 2 might be coming out soon, so the events and the castle are still fresh in my mind! :laugh:

Hadoken Apr 19th, 2002 07:39 PM

crazy sam is what people call samonosuke when he turns into that thingy at the end.
the costume is a panda costume that sam can wear. you have to start a new game.
and why arent you playin VF4? i got bored of it recently. so not playin many games. except for TXRZ. thats a good game.:D

merylsilverburg Apr 19th, 2002 07:51 PM

Oh, crazy sam.....gotcha. ;) If I could play VF4, I would!! :( Unforunately, my PS2 is busted, because I am unable to play the blue discs, like VF4, ICO, Tekken Tag Tournament, and SSX. I am only able to play the silver discs, like Onimusha, GTA3, FFX, etc. :weep: So, I am the only person in the entire world who is unable to play VF4 at this time. BTW, what is TXRZ? :confused:

Hadoken Apr 19th, 2002 08:04 PM

damn, that sucks. are you gonna get your ps2 replaced or something?
and TXRZ= Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero

merylsilverburg Apr 19th, 2002 08:44 PM

You know.....I have no idea what to do with my PS2. I'm not sure if I should get it fixed, which might take a while, or just go out and buy a new one. :P It's really tough on the $$$ though. :right: Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero.....I played the original Tokyo Xtreme Racer on DC, but I didn't know there was a game out for the PS2! :shock: How is it, by the way?

Sword 4 Hire Apr 19th, 2002 08:56 PM

Oh thank you. Yeah i kept the subtitles on but they never showed up for the end movie when he turned into "Crazy Sam" so I didn't know what they were sayin to eachother.

I had to get my ps2 fixed a lil while ago. Cost $ took around 3 weeks but I don't know if my ps2's problems are anything like it could cost more

Hadoken Apr 19th, 2002 09:58 PM

I can get my ps2 replaced easily.
just bring the warranty back to the store and get a new one right away.
and i can pick up a 2yr warranty for the new ps2 too. but it`ll cost me about $50. not too bad though, considering it covers 2 yrs.
i`d rather do that rather then sending it to the sony repair factory and having to wait over a month.

and TXRZ is great. i started a new game since i had already finished it a long while back. i just beat the speed king guy and got $3 mil..
now i have to get rid of the zodiacs.
TXRZ came out around june of last year. right before GT3. might be why you havent heard of the ps2 version. genki is supposedly making a sort of remake of TXRZ called wangun midnight. it looks almost identical to TXRZ, except with better graphics, and characters.

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