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Hylas Apr 7th, 2002 09:14 AM

Little critics on Final Fantasy games
I say: I love FF games to death, but I have a little critic to make.

Don't you think it's time to change something in FF games? The formula, or at least the basic plot, always focused on the group of heroes who have to save the planet?
They made 10 games so far and they're very similar.
I don't know if it's a good thing that they always use the same elements in every FF game and there aren't many novelties.
Ok, Cids, moogles anc chocobos are trademarks, but what about the other things they use in every single FF game?

We still like them, but is there a sense in keeping on making other games like this again and again? :confused:

kupoartist Apr 7th, 2002 10:18 AM

I agree... the series is getting a little tired, in certain areas more than others. And the storylines and characters are getting awfully same-y

This brings me onto FFXI. It suprises me just how people are so sure, not that it will Flop, but that it must flop. FFXI has great potential to be somthing different that will take the series off the well troden and ageing path that FFI-X have been down. The basis for a storyline is still there, and it will develop over-time, but the whole FFXI world will benefit from the fact that hundreds of real people will be able to make some sort of impact on the game-world... The main characters will effectivly be US. that just sounds "too cool for school" :laugh:

nanjij Apr 7th, 2002 01:25 PM

i have noticed that squaresoft main male characters all have sort of the same hair cut
sion (bouncer)
zidane & tidus (not as bad but roughly the same)

is there a cid in ff10?

Macceh^ Apr 7th, 2002 01:30 PM

hmm if you got to "what a boring year" topic in general chat hylas youll see i posted something very similar.

Sleazy P Martini Apr 7th, 2002 01:41 PM

People! If it's not broken...don't fix it. I like my FF the way it is. ;)

Mana Apr 7th, 2002 02:38 PM


Originally posted by nanjij

is there a cid in ff10?

Yes, Rikku's father is called Cid.

I think FF games are always great, but they should introduce some cool new elements or it'll be very boring for the next games.

kupoartist Apr 7th, 2002 02:44 PM

stuff like Cid, the Moogles, Chocobos, Cactuars, Tonberrys and the Prelude are ok to stay. "In this great future, you can't forget your past" as the Fugees said (ok they rapped... ^_^) Its just the core gameplay that needs to move on....

Sword 4 Hire Apr 7th, 2002 05:18 PM

Hey I like how they are and I don't want them to change too drastically, like Sleazy said, don't change somethin if it's doing great!

Soul Angel Apr 8th, 2002 02:26 PM

I've got to agree with Sleazy and Sword, I like the FF games as they are right now and there still doing well.

If they did a small change which would help make that game alittle better then its okay, but I wouldn't like a huge drastic change.
But also saying this, hasn't FFX made a few changes from the previous games like voice acting and that Sphere grid thing where you decide how your characters develop? (I think it works something like that, but I'm not sure?)

Hadoken Apr 8th, 2002 04:49 PM

dont change my FF! I like it the way it is!
They make changes with every one nowadays, but there are similarities, but I dont find those very tiring.
So keep FF the way it is! :happy:

The Boondock Saint Apr 8th, 2002 06:17 PM

all the characters have the same hair lately because squall, tidus, sion, and zidane were all conceived by the same guy... who's also working on the awesome-looking KINGDOM HEARTS... and AMANO's only doing final designs now, not the prelims...

is anyone excited for FFXII? i am more so than FFXI because Matsuno (Vagrant Story) is taking the producer chair from sakaguchi... mmmmm..mmm..mmm. good stuff.

kupoartist Apr 9th, 2002 01:25 PM

too little is known about FFXII to make any judgement. Though It'd make sense that it'll be darker than previous fantasies, due to the guy heading it, they only actually started on the project In December, so very little is known....

Also from what I can tell FFX hasn't changed very much. Character Customisation has been in more or less throughout (3, 5 and Tactics have a job system, 7 had Materia and 8 had Junctioning.) The turn-based nature goes back to FF 1 - 3, leaving the only recognisably new thing as the Voice Acting, which is apparently very badly done :shock:

Don't fear the change!!! :happy:

Sword 4 Hire Apr 9th, 2002 05:17 PM

Im sorry but voices like Auron and Seymour...were very well done in my opinion.

Hmmm... a darker FF...this intrigues me, cause I've been gettin sick of all of these rpg's that's all about..."If we work together as a team and have faith in our hearts, then we'll destroy any evil!" type motto...I know it's uplifting but it gets soo old

jenova_jeb Apr 10th, 2002 02:08 PM


Originally posted by Sleazy P Martini
People! If it's not broken...don't fix it. I like my FF the way it is. ;)

The Boondock Saint Apr 10th, 2002 03:26 PM

I think all of you have some great opinions about the series, but one thing I want to address are the changes in FFX. the voice acting for the characters is all very well done with the exception of YUNA... and TIDUS was at times a bit on the whiney side, but overall, it was fine.

I like the ability to level up all your characters at the same time. i used to find it almost a hassle to go back and level up the characters i didn't use all the time and then be forced to use them in a storyline development battle. the ATB meter is gone, and i somewhat like the idea of what actions you perform in battle being used to determine when you go.

also, the environments were all done polygonal, and that allows the camera to be much more interactive with the game. i feel that these aspects of the games make FFX as much a leap ahead in the series as FFVII was when it came out.

sadly, i've heard that FFXI will revert back to the ATB meter. pity, really, when you think about it.

Rei Apr 27th, 2002 07:41 PM

The series is a trademark, so it won't be changed very easily...
I'd say to put less cut-scenes in the next games, because I don't find amusing watching cut-scenes for the greatest part of the game. Some FF games, especially 9 and 10 use them way too much! You can't even play for the first 15 hours :laugh:

Macceh^ Apr 28th, 2002 03:35 AM

9 was made extremely short due to cut scenes the first disc was only 9 hours, this is becasue there was acut scene every 5 minutes. Allthough i like them i agrea should be used alot less like in ff7 and ff8 they had a ncie ammount.

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