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Hylas Apr 3rd, 2003 05:37 AM

Annoyed by anime
I post this thread just to ask: has ever happened to you to be annoyed by anime? Not by an anime series in particular, but by anime in general. Like: you've watched them so much that you think you need a break and you don't feel you want to watch them for a certain period of time.
It's happening to me during these days: I can't think of sitting and start watching anime. The idea of it really bothers me. But this also makes me a bit sad, because I used to enjoy anime a lot :(

Beretta55 Apr 3rd, 2003 05:46 AM

*sprinkle's dust on hylas*
you will like anime again!
but in my case i hardly see anime. I miss the anime on adult swim and cartoon network all the time. Im alway's busy doing something else.....that remind's me i missed some trigun episode's.
but i hope you start to like anime again soon.......

goodman Apr 3rd, 2003 06:34 AM

I would add a lot more to the anime forums, but years ago i burned out on them. Some are spectacular while some are below average, etc. But i used to rent them at Blockbuster years ago and tape them, so i was watching them a lot and pretty much got my fill. It happened to me, even now i have a hard time watching them, there is something about watching too many... you get burned out on em... :roll:

ssjtrunks13 Apr 3rd, 2003 10:04 AM

The only thing I'm tired of about anime is cn takes too long to finish a series at times and it makes it hadr to watch old episodes again. They've done it with DBZ, YuYuHakushou, and Inuyasha. Aside from that I'm not really annolyed by anime.

mark0™ Apr 3rd, 2003 10:08 AM

Well, not much anime here in the UK, i watch Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw star, however they come on like after 12, although CB is on at 9, i always forget it. So I need more anime lol.

And If you do get sick of Anime... turn off your TV!

Cannibal Clown Apr 3rd, 2003 07:12 PM

Blasphemy!!!! How dare do you speak of such a thing. The mere thought sends chills throughout my entire body. The idea of getting annoyed by anime?! How can it be possible? The greatest thing to ever come out of that useless contraption called a television, and you say that it can be irritating? NEVER!!!!! I will change your thought of this, the genre of Anime spreads so far. No matter how much you see, there is still far more for you to keep interested in, and always be begging for more. But these things you say, becomming even slightly peterbed is good enough reason for a trial. i sence witch craft, some evil spell has entered into your head to give you such thoughts. Please, clean your mind of these ideas, and come back into the light. Repent of your sins, and stray from the dark side. Anime is never dull, and should always be a sign of light in your day, even during the hardest of times.

Rei Apr 3rd, 2003 08:02 PM

Wow CC, such a great speech!
But Hylas, I can see that for not obsessed people like CC sometimes doing always the same things can be annoying, including watching too much anime! Do as mark0 said: take a rest, turn off the TV for some time, and then you'll be back to your normal status :laugh:

Good luck!

goodman Apr 3rd, 2003 08:03 PM

Myself, ive never watched the shows on tv much, but have seen a fair amount of videotape anime. Im a fan of the Vampire Hunter D anime's and loved Riding Bean, in particular. There were some other very well done anime's and i certainly appreciate the skill and ability the creators possess to make these movies. But its not easy just sitting and watching anime all day. Hey guys, there is a wonderful anime that Disney brought over that is in theaters, its been brought back to a local theater here just recently. Its called Spirited Away. Its won several foreign film awards and i loved it. Here is a link for your perusal..

Preventer Wind Apr 3rd, 2003 09:31 PM

Well I get sick of video games all the time. Mainly when Madden comes out and I just play it all the time. It’s the same with school. But that's more of why am I here and why do I have to get up so early?

The only time I watch anime is on Adult Swim or when I download it on my computer. So I wouldn't say I have watched tons of it. I do know that I can't watch a series over again unless I watched it subbed then I watch it dubbed or vice versa. But I find it easy to get into a new series and get attached right away. The only ones I have had problems getting into are Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star (Strange, eh?)

But I do know that I never get tired of sports. Watching it, reading about it, or talking about it. It is my true passion so I can see where Cannibal Clown is coming from. I think the only way I could tire of Anime is if I have seen it all... which is impossible because I don't plan on it.

And are so right. They delayed the end of DBZ for what? Like 5 good episodes. They should have just ended it when they ended the last episodes. They are showing the new YuYu Hakusho ones I think and the new Inuyasha ones. I had a real big problem when they took out Inuyasha and put in Reign. I had just gotten into it and was looking forward to watch it then they take it off. But Reign is a great series. It is in my top 5...

ssjtrunks13 Apr 3rd, 2003 09:38 PM

Everyone has made some nice points. Oh, I thought I had a thread about spirited away up? I'm not complaining, just thought I made one. Also, the only way I'd get tired of watching anime is kinda hard to tell since I am no where near being bored of it.

merylsilverburg Apr 4th, 2003 06:24 AM


Originally posted by goodman

Myself, ive never watched the shows on tv much, but have seen a fair amount of videotape anime. Im a fan of the Vampire Hunter D anime's and loved Riding Bean, in particular.
goodman, shocking to see you here! :shock: But yeah, "Riding Bean" is a great movie! I saw that when I was pretty young and thought it was wonderful. :happy:

Anyway, this is a very interesting question, Hylas. I'm pretty sure that many would expect me to agree with CC and start screaming out "Blasphemy!!!" too...

...however, that is not going to be the case. Hylas, don't feel sad about not enjoying anime as much as you used to. You probably had a minor passion for it once, but interests do change in people after a few years and I'm sure that you just don't feel the same about anime as you once did. Or, like you said, you probably just seen too much of it and need a break. It's understandable. :)

For me, I admit: I do get tired of it once in a while too. My reasons are: many series are becoming too alike, my passion has died down a lot, and because certain people are bugging me.

What I meant by my last reason: I've encountered people who are considering me "ignorant" and "new" to this hobby. I know not everyone is like this, but when I meet these kind of people, it drops my interest a little farther down. Some people at my school would be explaining to me what Cowboy Bebop is or what Ranma is, when I explain that I've seen those series already. Yet, they act as if I don't really "understand" the meaning of these series. Like this one time, this girl talking to me when her friend comes along and shows her a Cardcaptor Sakura picture. They started getting all excited about it and I said "Oh, Cardcaptor Sakura! Sakura's so cute isn't she?" and they both look at me like "Do you even know what Cardcaptor Sakura is?" And I'm the one who's drawing anime pictures for them! -_-;;; This is one thing that makes my passion for anime go away a bit. I hope I'm making sense. :right:

What I meant by anime becoming too much alike are basically stories, characters, etc. Sometimes, it's very predictable about what's going to happen and what the characters are going to be like...sometimes, it's easy to even predict the end of the series when watching the first episode. I really shouldn't even put this reason down, however, because it only plays a very minor part in my "uninterest in anime". I'm happy to watch it even if it is predictable.

My passion has died down a lot since I've started watching anime. It's partly due to the above reason, but nowadays, I just don't feel "so crazy" about anime as I once used to. That's why it's not so bad for Hylas to be going through this.

I'm sorry if I sound "too arrogant" or "too b*tchy" in my post, but I'm not trying to be. I just wanted to explain that it is possible to lose interest in anime. It is a hobby after all...and the love for that certain hobby doesn't always stick around forever.

Sorry for my long post. -_-;;;

Rei Apr 4th, 2003 07:12 AM


Originally posted by merylsilverburg

What I meant by my last reason: I've encountered people who are considering me "ignorant" and "new" to this hobby. I know not everyone is like this, but when I meet these kind of people, it drops my interest a little farther down. Some people at my school would be explaining to me what Cowboy Bebop is or what Ranma is, when I explain that I've seen those series already. Yet, they act as if I don't really "understand" the meaning of these series. Like this one time, this girl talking to me when her friend comes along and shows her a Cardcaptor Sakura picture. They started getting all excited about it and I said "Oh, Cardcaptor Sakura! Sakura's so cute isn't she?" and they both look at me like "Do you even know what Cardcaptor Sakura is?" And I'm the one who's drawing anime pictures for them! -_-;;; This is one thing that makes my passion for anime go away a bit. I hope I'm making sense. :right:

That is in fact one of the most annoying things about anime fandoms: wannabe-otakus who think to understand anything starting to bug others with their stupid theories, telling you don't understand what anime is, what the meaning of a sries is, talling you you're too new to this hobby to really get what anime is. Most of the times they just don't like anime so much, but they like to think they're great fans, just to make other feel they're not like them. The greates part of them have seen no more than 5 or 6 series. Don't let your interest be weakened by those people: it's the worst thing to do.

Reid Apr 4th, 2003 09:53 AM

The things that usually kill my interest in anime are repetition and certain people.

Sometimes I get really annoyed by the same old tired character and genre stereotypes and those really make me not want to watch any anime when I keep running into that.

On the other hand though, shows like Wolf's Rain and the new Ghost in the Shell : Stand Alone Complex series let me keep faith that there is really good and original work coming out.

The second thing would be people. Like a casual friend of mine is always trying to get me to watch absolutely everything new that he gets and usually 75% of it is trash, because he just likes anime for being anime (if that makes sense to people).

That's not to say that I don't like anime anymore though, there're just certain factors that try my patience with it.


goodman Apr 4th, 2003 10:08 AM

Thats like the arguments or whatever people get into about videogames or other subjects. Somebody always knows more than someone else and they have to let you know it. Which, depending on the situation, i will just let them "think" they know. Anyways i had bought an extra VCR with the idea of taping a lot of anime's and other movies. I must have taped at least twenty or more about nine years ago and was watching them left and right, that is why i dont even know a whole lot of names. I do recall Bubble Gum Crisis (these were the early versions), Dominion Tank Police (great movie), The Professional, Golgo 13, Ghost in the Shell, Dirty Pair, Akira, Street Fighter, Castle Cagliostro and Devil Hunter Yohko. They start melding together after a while...

merylsilverburg Apr 5th, 2003 05:00 AM


Originally posted by Rei

That is in fact one of the most annoying things about anime fandoms: wannabe-otakus who think to understand anything starting to bug others with their stupid theories, telling you don't understand what anime is, what the meaning of a sries is, talling you you're too new to this hobby to really get what anime is. Most of the times they just don't like anime so much, but they like to think they're great fans, just to make other feel they're not like them. The greates part of them have seen no more than 5 or 6 series. Don't let your interest be weakened by those people: it's the worst thing to do.
Yes! It's very annoying...I've talked to a group of girls 2 years ago who's only seen: Ranma, Sailormoon, Fushigi Yuugi, and a couple of others. However, all they talk about is Takahashi-sensei's works, like Ranma (they never stop talking about it!), Inuyasha, and the manga, Maison Ikkoku. I tried introducing them to other animes, like Cowboy Bebop and Trigun, but they weren't interested.


Originally posted by Reid

The things that usually kill my interest in anime are repetition and certain people.

Sometimes I get really annoyed by the same old tired character and genre stereotypes and those really make me not want to watch any anime when I keep running into that.
Yeah, that's what I mean too. :phew:


On the other hand though, shows like Wolf's Rain and the new Ghost in the Shell : Stand Alone Complex series let me keep faith that there is really good and original work coming out.

The second thing would be people. Like a casual friend of mine is always trying to get me to watch absolutely everything new that he gets and usually 75% of it is trash, because he just likes anime for being anime (if that makes sense to people).
I agree, when some animes are released with fresh new plots that keeps you guessing, it's very nice and relieving. :) I kinda could guess what your friend is...watching anime for being's a good thing that there are people who watch anything, but of course, there are some that are just look so terrible by looking at the cover that you can't possibly just watch it and enjoy it. :P

ssjtrunks13 Apr 5th, 2003 07:24 AM

I'd quote Meryl's long post here, but I'm sure some of you don't want to see it again, no offence, though I don't mind how long it is. I have never been able to predict anything from watching the first episode because I don't have the brain power to think hard, and it is hard for me to do that. I know there are things that are getting repetitive, but I still like to watch it to see exactly how it ends or something because there may be people who can predict the end to a series from watching episode. But do you think there's someone who could tell you exactly what happens and who does it? If there is I have yet to find them.

Rei Apr 5th, 2003 07:47 AM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13
But do you think there's someone who could tell you exactly what happens and who does it? If there is I have yet to find them.
I suppose when you watch tons of anime, who in a series does a certain stereotypical thing doesn't really count anymore. You can guess for example "These two characters will fall in love" or "This bad guy will be killed by the hero" or "This female character will find herself in big troubles". It's not that difficult most of the times. Watching the repetition of the same stuff (the same plots, the same actions, the same characters only with different haircuts and names) for some people is boring. For some others it isn't. In fact some anime series are so unoriginal because people actually love to watch that stuff.

merylsilverburg Apr 5th, 2003 08:06 AM


Originally posted by Rei

I suppose when you watch tons of anime, who in a series does a certain stereotypical thing doesn't really count anymore. You can guess for example "These two characters will fall in love" or "This bad guy will be killed by the hero" or "This female character will find herself in big troubles". It's not that difficult most of the times. Watching the repetition of the same stuff (the same plots, the same actions, the same characters only with different haircuts and names) for some people is boring. For some others it isn't. In fact some anime series are so unoriginal because people actually love to watch that stuff.
You stated it so well, Rei, that I have nothing else to add. :D I mean, it's true...if one has seen a lot of different animes, they can usually tell those basic events (like who's going to be the hero, who's going to be the main female lead, etc.).

What I meant, however, by "predicting the end" is: there are some animes which you can tell, just by seeing how the characters are in the first episode, how things will turn out. For example: Cowboy Bebop...after watching the first episode, I knew that the main character, Spike, is one of "those guys"...a guy with a past and in the end, a major event is going to occur and Spike..well...either may live or die. Maybe it's the setting or the attitude of the characters that gave it away...all in all, I knew that this series wasn't going to turn out "pleasant".

That's not to say that all animes don't shock me. There are plently of series which have surprised Trigun and Sennen Joyu and Evangelion. It probably all depends on the individual though.

Pu the Owl Apr 7th, 2003 07:11 PM

I sometimes feel the same about anime, but that is probably because I'm easily bored by any single thing on Earth *yawwwn*

goodman Apr 7th, 2003 09:25 PM

I just got back from seeing Spirited Away for the second time in the theater and came away again feeling its easily one of the best animation movies ive seen. Its a full two hour movie and there is never a second that you arent enjoying it. The story just keeps you there the whole time, i cant recommend it more for quality viewing...

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