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Opalex Nov 17th, 2002 09:36 PM

Raiden and the next MGS
Do you think there will be any possibility to see Raiden in MGS3? I'm not talking of Raiden as a playable character, but Raiden in the cast. Could he be involved in the next game?

MakgSnake Nov 17th, 2002 09:58 PM

When I first played the game, I didn't like the new kid, I wanted to be Solid Snake, as I waited for more then 3 years to be "SNAKE". So thats why I didn't like Raiden, but later I realized that without Raiden, Sons of Liberty is pointless. I have mentioned before too, in my opinion, if Snake was the body of the game, Raiden was the heart. He was actually a great character, someone new to the series, someone who could be the next "Grey Fox" in the next couple of years, we dont know.

As I like this charcter now, I would want him back. But I am not too sure if Kojima or (whoever is directing the game) would bring him back or not, as I know they didn't get the warmest of letters from the fans of the series.

But I think he just might end up being in the game, as in for a side character, with a very small role (I would love that too). I wouldn't mind him being playable as well (As long as hes playable for a 20 minute stage, thats it).

He would be mentioned in the next chapter, and would be remembered for sure, and even though he is not liked by many people, just might end up in the final cast for MGS3, I hope so.

Ruby Moon Nov 17th, 2002 10:05 PM

*maybe spoilers*
To me, having Raiden in MGS3 would be pointless, at least as a playable character. In MGS2 he was there because there was Solidus as well. Knowing Solidus can't be in MGS3 (but who knows? Many people thought the same for Liquid....), I doubt there will be Raiden too. He could be back only as a secondary character, as Otacon maybe, but not playable IMO.

MakgSnake Nov 17th, 2002 10:09 PM

Re: *maybe spoilers*

Originally posted by Ruby Moon
He could be back only as a secondary character, as Otacon maybe, but not playable IMO.
Yeah, most probably he wouldn't be a playable character even if he does end up coming in the game. I am sure Kojima (or whoever) doesn't want the players to say "Oh NO, Not again"....while playing the game.

Still, if there are some "SWORD" fighting scenes, we know its hard to be or play as "Ninja"...... they could just bring "Raiden", as he is the only person other then "Grey Fox" who deals with Blades.

But something tells me that the REAL GREY FOX would be in the next chapter, not as the NINJA, but as a totally new identity. Trust me.

Ruby Moon Nov 17th, 2002 10:13 PM

This could be: that if there's some sword fighting Raiden will be there. But I suppose it will end being like the duel between Fortune and Solid Snake. In MGS2 there was this duel, but since it was secondary for the plot, because the attention was focused on Raiden and Solidus, you couldn't play as Snake. I bet if there's a duel involving Raiden in MGS3, it will be kinda secondary for the main story, and this means you probably won't have the chance to play as Raiden. Again, this is only my idea regarding this matter.

MakgSnake Nov 17th, 2002 10:18 PM

True, I know what you are saying, that even if there is a sword fight, we would see Raiden doing the shot and the scene (Not controlling the character), which like I said is super cool with me. I just want to see Raiden in the next episode, and I know he would be more mature in it. But yeah, making him the playable character is next to impossible, there is 5% chance that he'd end up as a playable character.

Ruby Moon Nov 17th, 2002 10:27 PM

BTW, I'd like to have Raiden in the next game too. I don't mind if he appears for a little role or for as one of the main characters. Whatever it'll be, it's fine for me. But I'd like to see him coming back.

merylsilverburg Nov 17th, 2002 10:38 PM

I think there might be a slim chance that Raiden will return for MGS3. First off, like Ruby said, there would be no point and he's already "settled" with Rose and the taking care of the baby and all. If he appeared for a brief part, then that would be nice since he does know about the Patriots and the whole story in MGS2. But, like what I said above, I don't think he might appear in the next game and he is also not well-liked by many people. What might happen is that a new character will appear, but in order not to repeat the same mistake as MGS2, that new character will probably be playable for a few levels and then you play as Snake for most of the time. I dunno, that's just what I think. :P

Rei Nov 17th, 2002 10:52 PM

As the others said, I doubt Raiden will be playable in MGS3. All the people that said they didn't like his role in MGS2 and that they wanted Snake, didn't understand anything about the game. They didn't get the reason for Raiden to be there and they didn't even get why it had to be Raiden and not Snake. Poor Kojima.... That's why, and not because the staff will avoid putting Raiden in MGS3 simply because people didn't like him, there won't be a playable role for him: because his "mission" is finished with MGS2, and all the reasons for the presence of Raiden in the game no longer exist. Since Solidus and Raiden are tied together, what's the point in making Raiden come back if Solidus is gone? It wouldn't be useful. I'm not saying he can't be in MGS3, but I wouldn't expect to play as Raiden in the next game.

MakgSnake Nov 17th, 2002 11:31 PM

Yeah, thats right, Raiden is tied with Solidus, who has died, and will not return. But Liquid died too......... but then again, its Metal Gear Solid, not Metal Gear Raiden.

Still, we dont know if Vamp is really dead or not, like I mentioned in the other thread, another sighting of Vamp was in the game in the end "Watching" Rose and Raiden meet in the middle of the road, who is someone who went up against Raiden not only once, twice but thrice in a way. So if he returns....I dont know anything is possible.

Still, it would be cool to see Raiden in MGS3 (Non-Playable, or Playable) doesn't really matter to me.

Black Heart Nov 17th, 2002 11:37 PM

Unlike all the people who said they didn't like Raiden, I liked him, but I'm not sure I would like to have him in MGS3. That would sound more like a "MGS2 part II".

MakgSnake Nov 17th, 2002 11:53 PM


Originally posted by Black Heart
That would sound more like a "MGS2 part II".
That will happen only if he becomes playable in most of the game, which I dont think will happen. :)

But for some reason I think, later later in the series, Raiden will return, for a Solo mission game. It would be called "Metal Gear Something".

I mean, Metal Gear series is something that doesn't stay in one place, it goes forward and forward in time, and Snake gets older and older, and who else could replace Solid Snake then the person who actually almost did in Sons of Liberty.

Raiden playable in Metal Gear Solid 3, not quite possible. Raiden getting a solo Metal Gear game in the future, just might happen. I actually would like that.

Beretta55 Nov 17th, 2002 11:56 PM

i would like it if raiden return i think he is a pretty cool character. but i would like to see more of snake in MGS3 though and let raiden return to have a small role or something or maybe raiden might die in MGS3. doing something brave and noble to save snake....who know's.

MakgSnake Nov 17th, 2002 11:58 PM


Originally posted by beretta55
or maybe raiden might die in MGS3. doing something brave and noble to save snake....who know's.
That would be so sweet and kind of him, and would be a good scene, but hes tooo young to die in the series, :( not to forget, he just might be the person who'd continue the Metal Gear Saga. Who knows.

dan da man Nov 18th, 2002 11:06 AM

i think raiden will be in the stroy half way through to help u who knows, but its is stupid at the end of mgs1 snake says to meryl or octacon im going to lve a quiet life but hes in mgs2 maybe he diceded to join hte anti metalgear rex club what ever:laugh: but dies anyone think merly will be in it?

MakgSnake Nov 18th, 2002 11:29 AM

I am 100% sure that Meryl would be, she has to be there. She will be there.......if not, Kojima would have to deal with me then. :laugh:

Opalex Nov 18th, 2002 08:25 PM

I suppose you're right guys. If there will be a place for Raiden in the next game, he won't be a playable character. It's cool anyways.

ssjtrunks13 Nov 22nd, 2002 11:15 AM

I must admit that at first I didn't like Raiden, but when I saw he got a sword I liked him better. I just wish he could have had for a longer time. If he is a playable character in the next game, he should have a sword for as long as he is in it.

Bogart Nov 23rd, 2002 04:03 PM

I don't care if Raiden will be playable or not. He's a cool character, so I don't care. It's fine both ways for me.

merylsilverburg Nov 23rd, 2002 06:32 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

I am 100% sure that Meryl would be, she has to be there. She will be there.......if not, Kojima would have to deal with me then. :laugh:
Off topic but: oddly enough, I don't think Meryl will be in the next game. I don't know why I think that....maybe because if the next MGS game is linked with the previous game, there would be no point in her being there since the storyline has nothing to do with her at all. I mean, it'd be great if she's gonna be in MGS3, but I don't know if it'll happen.
But then again, who knows? Maybe many questioned Kojima about it, that he just might put her in. :)

Back on the topic: I admit that I didn't like Raiden at first either (I don't know many who did :laugh: ), but later on he became an essential part of the game and plot. So, it would be nice to see him in again.....ah, I'm just repeating myself. Nevermind. :laugh:

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